; Zeus eventmsg.txt s ;REASON PHRASES FOR AUTOMATICALLY TRIGGERED EVENTS ;Provocation (HIGH BENEVOLENCE/HOSTILITY) PHRASE_really_benevolent "because [leader_name] is really pleased with you" PHRASE_benevolent "because [leader_name] is pleased with you" PHRASE_hostile "because [leader_name] is upset with you" PHRASE_really_hostile "because [leader_name] is really angry" ;Opportunity PHRASE_weakness "because [leader_name] thinks you are weak" PHRASE_out_of_money "" ;Response PHRASE_request_response "" ;Combat results/results of player actions PHRASE_player_attacked "" ;&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& *********** TEXT FOR EVENTS ******* &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ;***************************************************REQUESTS ; TONES INDICATED ARE: ; _S = Standard ; _D = Demand ; _P = Plea ; _R = Requisition ;**************************************FOOD, GOODS & MONEY REQUESTS********************************** ;******Famine Relief********************************************************* PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_title_S "[city_name] suffers famine" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_oracle_prediction_S "Greetings, [player_name]. The gods have spoken to me through the oracle, and I foresee the following scene: a famine will strike your ally, [city_name], and its people will wail with hunger in the streets. Their leader, [leader_name], heart heavy with sorrow, will turn to you for help. If you send them [amount] food before this happens, you will avert this catastrophe, and [leader_name] will sing your praises to your other allies." PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_initial_announcement_S "My most honorable friend [player_name], I, [leader_name] of [city_name], desperately need your help. A famine has struck my city, and my people are miserable. I can't produce the food to feed them myself, and I fear what will happen if my followers go too much longer without eating. Send [amount] food to me in [time_allotted] months before this tragedy worsens!" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_reminder_S "Please, [player_name], I, [leader_name] of [city_name] am asking you as a peer to help me. My people desperately need the [amount] food that I asked you for, and time is running short. Only the gods know what will happen if you don't send the food within six months." PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_overdue_S "I can't believe you ignored my request, [player_name]! I managed to get through the famine without your help, and it is only through the blessings of Tyche that I managed to avoid being ostracized by my own people. All the residents here at [city_name] are outraged, too. Maybe if you send [amount] food soon to help us replenish our stocks, I might be able to overlook this slight . . . this time." PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_warning_S "[player_name]! If you don't send my city, [city_name], the [amount] food within six months, then don't even bother. And you call yourself my ally!" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_early_reason_S "because you helped me to avert a famine by sending [amount] food early," PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_comply_reason_S "because you sent my people the food that they needed," PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_too_late_reason_S "because you sent the [amount] food my people needed too late," PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_refuse_reason_S "because you did not send [amount] food to my people," PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_no_reason_S "" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_title_D "[city_name] suffers famine" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_oracle_prediction_D "Most honorable [player_name], I, the wise priestess from the oracle, have seen what the Fates have in store for your rival, [city_name] and its leader, [leader_name]. A famine will strike them, leaving the people withered like old grapevines in the street. If you send [amount] food within a year, you can avert this disaster and perhaps earn the respect of [leader_name]." PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_initial_announcement_D "Listen, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have a problem, and you are going to help me out. My city is suffering from a famine, and I demand that you send [amount] food within [time_allotted] months so that I can feed my people. You'd better do what I say, runt!" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_reminder_D "What's the matter, [player_name], didn't you hear me the first time? Where's that [amount] food that I, [leader_name] of [city_name], asked you to send? If you know what's good for you, you'll send the [amount] food in the next six months. My hungry people are waiting!" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_overdue_D "Bad move, [player_name]. You should know better than to ignore me. Even though the famine at my city of [city_name] is over and my people are eating again, I'm not going to let you get off the hook that easily. Send me the [amount] food I requested soon, and I might overlook your insolence." PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_warning_D "All right, [player_name]. You seem determined to anger me, the leader of [city_name]. I'll give you six more months. If you don't send the [amount] food by then, I just might do something that you'll regret." PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_early_reason_D "because you anticipated my need for [amount] food," PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_comply_reason_D "because you, like an obedient dog, sent [amount] food," PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_too_late_reason_D "because you were too slow in sending the [amount] food," PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_refuse_reason_D "because you refused to send [amount] food," PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_no_reason_D "" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_title_P "[city_name] suffers famine" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_oracle_prediction_P "Greetings, [player_name]. I, the sage priestess of the oracle, have foreseen difficult times for your subject, [city_name] and its leader, [leader_name]. They will suffer a great famine, the likes of which hasn't been seen around Greece for some time. If you send [amount] food within a year, [leader_name] and [city_name] might be saved from this horrible fate." PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_initial_announcement_P "Most revered [player_name], I, [leader_name] of [city_name], your humble subject, desperately need your help. A great famine has struck the city, and my people are starving. Please, most noble master, send us [amount] food within [time_allotted] months. We can turn to no one else!" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_reminder_P "Please help me, [player_name]! With every wail of hunger I hear, my heart breaks a little more! I, [leader_name] of [city_name] am begging you to send [amount] food within the next six months!" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_overdue_P "Why have you turned your back on us, [player_name]? Many of my people died, and my city, [city_name], will never be the same! We could still use some more food, so if you could find it in your heart - if you have one - to send [amount] food soon, I might be able to give you the benefit of the doubt." PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_warning_P "What have we done to deserve your cruelty, [player_name]? I, [leader_name], have always served you well, and now you mistreat me and my city, [city_name]. If you send [amount] food in the next six months, I might try to be understanding of the great pressures you are under." PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_early_reason_P "because you somehow anticipated my need for [amount] food and sent it early," PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_comply_reason_P "because you benevolently sent the [amount] food my people needed," PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_too_late_reason_P "because you sent me the [amount] food I needed late," PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_refuse_reason_P "because you heartlessly refused my plea for [amount] food," PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_no_reason_P "" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_title_R "[city_name] suffers famine" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_oracle_prediction_R "Greetings, [player_name]. I am the all-seeing priestess from the oracle. I have conjured up a horrible vision of your parent city in the throes of a famine. This tragedy will happen within one year unless you send [amount] food to the city." PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_initial_announcement_R "Most cherished leader, [player_name], trouble abounds. While you are away establishing a new colony, our home city finds itself suffering from a famine. Please send us [amount] food within [time_allotted] months from the colony to help us through this difficult time." PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_reminder_R "You must be busy, [player_name], for we know you wouldn't just ignore your home city of [city_name]. The famine is getting worse here, and the consequences could be dire if you don't send us [amount] food within the next six months." PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_overdue_R "Have you completely forgotten us, [player_name]? How else are we to explain the fact that you neglected to send [amount] food to your own city of [city_name]? Send the food soon, for we still need it desperately." PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_warning_R "Perhaps you intend to never return here, [player_name]! Send us the [amount] food we need in the next six months, or don't bother sending it at all. Some leader you turned out to be." PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_early_reason_R "because you sent me [amount] food early," PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_comply_reason_R "because you sent me [amount] food," PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_too_late_reason_R "because you were tardy in sending me [amount] food," PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_refuse_reason_R "because you did not send me [amount] food," PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_no_reason_R "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_title_S "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_oracle_prediction_S "Seers predict famine at [city_name]. Send [amount] food." PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_initial_announcement_S "[city_name] suffers famine. Send [amount] food in [time_allotted] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_reminder_S "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] food." PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_overdue_S "Deadline missed! Sending [amount] food late better than never." PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_warning_S "Six months left to send famine relief to [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_early_reason_S "because you sent relief to [city_name] early," PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_comply_reason_S "because you have sent famine relief to [city_name]," PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_too_late_reason_S "because you sent famine relief to [city_name] late," PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_refuse_reason_S "because you refused to send famine relief to [city_name]," PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_no_reason_S "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_title_D "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_oracle_prediction_D "Seers predict that famine will strike [city_name]. Send [amount] food." PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_initial_announcement_D "[city_name] demands famine relief of [amount] food be sent in [time_allotted] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_reminder_D "[city_name] awaits famine relief. You have 6 months left." PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_overdue_D "Deadline missed! Send famine relief within 2 years to avoid the ire of [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_warning_D "Six months left to send famine relief to [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_early_reason_D "because you anticipated the need of [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_comply_reason_D "because you fulfilled the famine relief demand of [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_too_late_reason_D "because you sent famine relief to [city_name] late" PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_refuse_reason_D "because you did not send famine relief to [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_no_reason_D "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_title_P "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_oracle_prediction_P "Seers predict a famine will strike [city_name]. Send [amount] food." PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_initial_announcement_P "[city_name] begs for [amount] food in [time_allotted] months for famine relief." PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_reminder_P "[city_name] still hopes for famine relief. Send food within 6 months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_overdue_P "Deadline missed! Send relief to [city_name] quickly to avoid problems." PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_warning_P "Six months left to send famine relief to [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_early_reason_P "because you sent famine relief to [city_name] early," PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_comply_reason_P "because you sent famine relief to [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_too_late_reason_P "because you sent famine relief to [city_name] late" PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_refuse_reason_P "because you did not send famine relief to [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_no_reason_P "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_title_R "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_oracle_prediction_R "Seers predict a famine at [city_name]. Send [amount] food." PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_initial_announcement_R "[city_name] suffers from famine. Send [amount] food in [time_allotted] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_reminder_R "[city_name] still expects famine relief. Six months left to comply." PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_overdue_R "Deadline missed! Send famine relief to parent city [city_name] to avoid wrath." PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_warning_R "Six months left to send famine relief to [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_early_reason_R "because you sent famine relief to [city_name] early," PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_comply_reason_R "because you sent famine relief to [city_name]," PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_too_late_reason_R "because you sent famine relief to [city_name] late," PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_refuse_reason_R "because you did not send famine relief to [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_famine_relief_relief_no_reason_R "" ;*****General Request********************************** PHRASE_general_request_title_S "[city_name] needs [itemshort]" PHRASE_general_request_oracle_prediction_S "I am the priestess from the oracle, and I have this to say: [leader_name], ruler of your ally, [city_name], will test your relationship, within a year, by asking you for [amount] [item]. If you send the items now, [leader_name] will be amazed at your mind-reading capabilities!" PHRASE_general_request_initial_announcement_S "Hello, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], need you to send [amount] [item] in [time_allotted] months. You don't need to know why we need it; just trust us as your ally and send us the supplies." PHRASE_general_request_reminder_S "I thought that I would gently remind you, [player_name], that I am still expecting you to send [amount] [item] to me at [city_name]. Please send the items within six months." PHRASE_general_request_overdue_S "Hmmm, [player_name]. I don't seem to see the [amount] [item] that I had asked you, as an ally, to send to me at [city_name]. Perhaps they got lost on the way here. If you send me the items I requested now, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt." PHRASE_general_request_warning_S "I'm beginning to question your value as an ally, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name] am still awaiting the arrival of the [amount] [item] that I had asked you to send. Certainly, my other allies wouldn't treat me this way. Send the items within six months, or I just might give up on you entirely." PHRASE_general_request_early_reason_S "because you somehow anticipated my need for [amount] [item]," PHRASE_general_request_comply_reason_S "because you agreeably sent my city [amount] [item]," PHRASE_general_request_too_late_reason_S "because you did not send the [amount] [item] to my city in time," PHRASE_general_request_refuse_reason_S "because you refused to send my city [amount] [item]," PHRASE_general_request_no_reason_S "" PHRASE_general_request_title_D "[city_name] demands [itemshort]" PHRASE_general_request_oracle_prediction_D "Listen to me, [player_name], for the gods have shown me the future! Within one year's time, [leader_name], the ruler of your rival [city_name], will demand that you send him [amount] [item]. His own supply is much inferior to yours, and he feels disgraced that he has to ask you for them." PHRASE_general_request_initial_announcement_D "Hey, [player_name], you inferior lout, send [amount] [item] to me at [city_name] in [time_allotted] months. I am the all-powerful [leader_name], and I could just come into your city and take them if I wanted to, so you might as well send them." PHRASE_general_request_reminder_D "What's the matter with you, [player_name]? Maybe you didn't understand that I'm not giving you an option here. I'm telling you to send [amount] [item] to me at [city_name]. Send the goods within six months so I can put you out of mind." PHRASE_general_request_overdue_D "I curse you, [player_name]. You didn't send [amount] [item] to my city, [city_name], as I demanded. You could soon learn that it isn't wise to mess with me, the great leader [leader_name]. If you send me the items now, I'll think you're just slow, not dense." PHRASE_general_request_warning_D "[player_name], you pustule, you had better send the [amount] [item] soon! I won't wait much longer!." PHRASE_general_request_early_reason_D "because you sent the [amount] [item] to my city in advance," PHRASE_general_request_comply_reason_D "because you caved to my demand that you send [amount] [item]," PHRASE_general_request_too_late_reason_D "because you were horribly late in sending my city [amount] [item]," PHRASE_general_request_refuse_reason_D "because you foolishly refused to send my city [amount] [item]," PHRASE_general_request_no_reason_D "" PHRASE_general_request_title_P "[city_name] begs for [itemshort]" PHRASE_general_request_oracle_prediction_P "I, the seer from the oracle, have news for you, [player_name]. Within a year, your subject, [city_name], will find that it has an unexpected shortfall of [item] which will hinder the city's services. [leader_name] of [city_name] will turn to you for help. If you send [amount] [item] now, you can help them avoid this fate." PHRASE_general_request_initial_announcement_P "Oh great [player_name], please help me through this. Due to a recent fire in our city, I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am in need of [item], and turn to you for help. Our city will have a hard time managing without it, and I ask that you send [amount] [item] in [time_allotted] months to alleviate our shortage." PHRASE_general_request_reminder_P "You must be very busy, [player_name]. What else could be the reason that you have yet to send [amount] [item] to my city, [city_name]. I, [leader_name], depend on your benevolence. Please send the items in the next six months." PHRASE_general_request_overdue_P "Does our dependence on you annoy you, [player_name]? Are you trying to teach me some kind of lesson? Why haven't you sent the [amount] [item] that I, [leader_name], so humbly asked for? My city, [city_name], is suffering! Please send the items along anyway. We can still use them." PHRASE_general_request_warning_P "Wait until your other subjects hear about this, [player_name]. I can't believe you neglected my city, [city_name], in its time of need! I'm not sure I'll ever get over this insult. Maybe if you send [amount] [item] along anyway, I'll find it in my heart to forgive you." PHRASE_general_request_early_reason_P "because you somehow anticipated my need and sent [amount] [item] to my city," PHRASE_general_request_comply_reason_P "because you are a kind master and sent [amount] [item] to my city," PHRASE_general_request_too_late_reason_P "because you sent my city [amount] [item] too late," PHRASE_general_request_refuse_reason_P "because you cruelly refused to send [amount] [item] to me," PHRASE_general_request_no_reason_P "" PHRASE_general_request_title_R "[city_name] requisitions [itemshort]" PHRASE_general_request_oracle_prediction_R "The gods have spoken to me, [player_name], and had this to say: your parent city, [city_name], will find that it needs [amount] [item]. If you send the items now, [leader_name], who has assumed rule in your absence, will be astonished by how well you can predict the needs of your city." PHRASE_general_request_initial_announcement_R "Hello, [player_name]. I, [leader_name], your deputy in [city_name], need your help. We need [amount] [item] within [time_allotted] months. We've used more than we thought we would, and will soon run out if you don't send the item along." PHRASE_general_request_reminder_R "My most capable leader [player_name], we here at [city_name], your parent city, are still awaiting the arrival of [amount] [item]. Please send the items within the next six months." PHRASE_general_request_overdue_R "I am astounded, [player_name]. Your time has run out, and we still await the delivery of [amount] [item] here at your parent city, [city_name]. Though I, [leader_name], am your deputy, I am more loyal to my city than I am to you. Send the items now, and you reputation might be repaired in my eyes." PHRASE_general_request_warning_R "You still haven't sent us the [amount] [item], [player_name]! I, [leader_name], could arrange to make life very difficult for you. Send the items within six months." PHRASE_general_request_early_reason_R "because you sent [amount] [item] to us ahead of time," PHRASE_general_request_comply_reason_R "because you sent us the [amount] [item] we needed," PHRASE_general_request_too_late_reason_R "because you were tardy in fulfilling my request for [amount] [item]," PHRASE_general_request_refuse_reason_R "because you turned your back on your own parent city and did not send us the [amount] [item]," PHRASE_general_request_no_reason_R "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_title_S "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_oracle_prediction_S "Seers predict [city_name] will need [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_initial_announcement_S "[city_name] needs [amount] [item] in [time_allotted] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_reminder_S "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_overdue_S "Deadline missed! Sending [city_name] items late is better than never." PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_warning_S "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_early_reason_S "since you sent [amount] [item] early" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_comply_reason_S "since you sent [amount] [item]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_too_late_reason_S "since you sent [amount] [item] late" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_refuse_reason_S "since you did not send [amount] [item]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_no_reason_S "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_title_D "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_oracle_prediction_D "Seers predict [city_name] will demand [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_initial_announcement_D "[city_name] demands [amount] [item] be sent in [time_allotted] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_reminder_D "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_overdue_D "Deadline missed! Sending [city_name] items late is better than never." PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_warning_D "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_early_reason_D "since you sent [amount] [item] early" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_comply_reason_D "since you sent [amount] [item]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_too_late_reason_D "since you sent [amount] [item] late]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_refuse_reason_D "since you did not send [amount] [item]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_no_reason_D "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_title_P "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_oracle_prediction_P "Seers predict [city_name] will need [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_initial_announcement_P "[city_name] begs for [amount] [item] in [time_allotted] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_reminder_P "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_overdue_P "Deadline missed! Sending [city_name] [item] late better than never." PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_warning_P "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_early_reason_P "since you sent [amount] [item] early" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_comply_reason_P "since you sent [amount] [item]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_too_late_reason_P "since you sent [amount] [item] late" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_refuse_reason_P "since you did not send [amount] [item]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_no_reason_P "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_title_R "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_oracle_prediction_R "Seers predict [city_name] will need [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_initial_announcement_R "[city_name] requires [amount] [item] in [time_allotted] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_reminder_R "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_overdue_R "Deadline missed! Sending [city_name] [item] late better than never." PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_warning_R "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_early_reason_R "since you sent [amount] [item] early" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_comply_reason_R "since you sent [amount] [item]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_too_late_reason_R "since you sent [amount] [item] late" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_refuse_reason_R "since you did not send [amount] [item]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_general_request_no_reason_R "" ;******Building Project********************************************************* PHRASE_building_project_title_S "[city_name] needs [itemshort]" PHRASE_building_project_oracle_prediction_S "I, the priestess from the oracle, have seen the future, [player_name]! I see [leader_name], ruler of [city_name], looking at his city in despair. A Sanctuary, which once stood as a testament to the gods, will crumble to the earth. [leader_name] will need [amount] [item] from you to repair the building. If you send the items now, your ally will marvel at your prescience." PHRASE_building_project_initial_announcement_S "Dearest [player_name], I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have a favor to ask of you. One of my Sanctuaries has collapsed into a heap, and I need [amount] [item] to rebuild it. Please send me the [itemshort] within [time_allotted] months so that the gods do not take offense. " PHRASE_building_project_reminder_S "My friend [player_name], a once grand Sanctuary is now an eyesore in [city_name] and will continue to offend mortals and gods alike unless you send the [amount] [item] I need. Please send it within the next six months." PHRASE_building_project_overdue_S "I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am distraught, [player_name]. The Sanctuary is still in shambles, all because you haven't sent me the [amount] [item] I need. If you send the items now, we can resume construction and finish our project late." PHRASE_building_project_warning_S "I, [leader_name], am the laughing stock of my own city, [city_name], and I hold you solely responsible! You have failed to send the [amount] [item] that I needed to repair the Sanctuary, and now it remains in ruins, mocking me. The construction crew is about to go home. If you send the [amount] [item] now, maybe I can convince them to stay and finish the project." PHRASE_building_project_early_reason_S "because you sent me the [amount] [item] I needed early," PHRASE_building_project_comply_reason_S "because you sent me the [amount] [item] I needed," PHRASE_building_project_too_late_reason_S "because you delayed in sending me the [amount] [item] I needed," PHRASE_building_project_refuse_reason_S "because you ignored my request for [amount] [item]," PHRASE_building_project_no_reason_S "" PHRASE_building_project_title_D "[city_name] demands [itemshort]" PHRASE_building_project_oracle_prediction_D "I am the seer from the oracle, and I have seen what is in store for your rival, [city_name]. [leader_name], the city's leader, will undertake a huge building project and will need [amount] [item] from you to complete it. Send the items within a year if you want to curry your rival's favor." PHRASE_building_project_initial_announcement_D "Look lively, [player_name]. Even though you're just an insignificant gnat, you can still help me. I need [amount] [item] for a building project in my city of [city_name]. Send me the items within [time_allotted] months, and I might just think you are a slightly more significant fly." PHRASE_building_project_reminder_D "Is there anything in that cranium of yours, [player_name]? Where's my [amount] [item] for my building project at [city_name]? Did you forget, knucklehead? Send it within six months, or else!" PHRASE_building_project_overdue_D "I am astounded, [player_name]. You do know who I am, right? [leader_name], ruler of [city_name]? How dare you ignore my demand for [amount] [item]! My building project at [city_name] is incomplete because you didn't have the sense to send me the things I need! Send the [item] now so I can at least finish the project, you numbskull." PHRASE_building_project_warning_D "Well, I never! Listen, [player_name], I need the [amount] [item] for my building project at [city_name]. I need it now. Send it. Are we clear?" PHRASE_building_project_early_reason_D "because you knew my mind and sent me the [amount] [item] I needed for my building project," PHRASE_building_project_comply_reason_D "because you docilely complied with my demand for [amount] [item] for my building project," PHRASE_building_project_too_late_reason_D "because you delayed in sending me the [amount] [item] I needed for my building project," PHRASE_building_project_refuse_reason_D "because you stalled my building project by refusing my demand for [amount] [item]," PHRASE_building_project_no_reason_D "" PHRASE_building_project_title_P "[city_name] wants [itemshort]" PHRASE_building_project_oracle_prediction_P "I am the seer from the oracle, and I have seen the future: [leader_name] of [city_name], your subject, will undertake a great building project. The project, however, will be poorly planned, and [leader_name] will need [amount] [item] to finish it. If you send the item within a year, you'll save [leader_name] some embarrassment." PHRASE_building_project_initial_announcement_P "Most wise and beneficent [player_name], I, [leader_name], shame-facedly come to you for help. I have begun a building project at [city_name], but failed to foresee that I would need an additional [amount] [item]. Now, I run the risk of not being able to finish the project. If you send the [amount] [item] within [time_allotted] months, I'll dedicate the building to you!" PHRASE_building_project_reminder_P "Oh great [player_name], I, [leader_name], am getting a little anxious. We are almost out of [item], and we desperately need [amount] [item] from you if I am to finish my building project at [city_name]. I fear how my followers will react if I leave a half-finished building blighting their city. Please send me the goods within six months." PHRASE_building_project_overdue_P "Woe is me, [player_name], woe is me! My people think that I, [leader_name], am foolish, and there is talk of removing me from [city_name]. All this is happening because you never sent me the [amount] [item] I needed to finish my building project. Maybe if you send the goods now, I can still finish the project and earn some respect from own followers!" PHRASE_building_project_warning_P "Do you harbor ill will towards me, [player_name]? My people at [city_name] have been doing unspeakable things to effigies of me! They speak of sending me, [leader_name], from the city! I'm begging you, please send the [amount] [item] so that I can complete my building project!" PHRASE_building_project_early_reason_P "because you sent me the [amount] [item] for my building project before I even realized I needed it," PHRASE_building_project_comply_reason_P "because you kindly sent me the [amount] [item] I needed for my building project," PHRASE_building_project_too_late_reason_P "because you delayed disbursing [amount] [item] to me for my building project," PHRASE_building_project_refuse_reason_P "because you ignored my plea for [amount] [item] to help finish my building project," PHRASE_building_project_no_reason_P "" PHRASE_building_project_title_R "[city_name] needs [itemshort]" PHRASE_building_project_oracle_prediction_R "I am the all-knowing priestess from the oracle, [player_name], and I see that within one year's time your parent city, [city_name], will require your aid. In your absence, your deputy, [leader_name], will begin a construction project and find that [item] is in woefully short supply. If you send the items within a year, [leader_name] will marvel at how well you know your parent city's heart." PHRASE_building_project_initial_announcement_R "Most excellent [player_name], I, [leader_name], your deputy at your parent city of [city_name], need your help. We have undertaken a construction project in your absence, and need [amount] [item] within [time_allotted] months to finish it on time. Even though you are busy establishing a new colony, don't forget the needs of your parent city!" PHRASE_building_project_reminder_R "I don't mean to be a nag, [player_name], but your parent city, [city_name], is still waiting for the [amount] [item] that I asked you to send. We need it within six months." PHRASE_building_project_overdue_R "I don't mean to make this sound like a threat, [player_name], but the people at [city_name] know that I, [leader_name], am not the one to blame for the incomplete building project. If you don't send the [amount] [item] now, I'm going to instruct our construction workers to tear the half-finished building down, rather than having it be an eyesore to our city." PHRASE_building_project_warning_R "Well, [player_name], if you don't send me the [amount] [item] for the construction project at [city_name] soon, a lot of time and effort will be wasted." PHRASE_building_project_early_reason_R "because you sent me the [amount] [item] needed for the building project early," PHRASE_building_project_comply_reason_R "because you sent me the [amount] [item] I needed for the building project," PHRASE_building_project_too_late_reason_R "because you were too slow in sending me the [amount] [item] for the building project," PHRASE_building_project_refuse_reason_R "because you failed to send me the [amount] [item] I needed for the building project," PHRASE_building_project_no_reason_R "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_title_S "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_oracle_prediction_S "Seers predict that [city_name] will need [amount] [item] for a building project." PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_initial_announcement_S "[city_name] needs [amount] [item] for a building project." PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_reminder_S "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] [item] for building project." PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_overdue_S "Deadline missed! Sending [city_name] [amount] [item] late better than never." PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_warning_S "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_early_reason_S "since you sent [amount] [item] early" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_comply_reason_S "since you sent [amount] [item]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_too_late_reason_S "since you sent [amount] [item] late" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_refuse_reason_S "since you did not send [amount] [item]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_no_reason_S "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_title_D "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_oracle_prediction_D "Seers predict that [city_name] will demand [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_initial_announcement_D "[city_name] demands [amount] [item] for building project." PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_reminder_D "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_overdue_D "Deadline missed! Sending [city_name] goods late better than never." PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_warning_D "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_early_reason_D "since you sent [amount] [item] early" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_comply_reason_D "since you sent [amount] [item]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_too_late_reason_D "since you sent [amount] [item] late" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_refuse_reason_D "since you did not send [amount] [item]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_no_reason_D "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_title_P "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_oracle_prediction_P "Seers predict that [city_name] will need goods for a building project." PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_initial_announcement_P "[city_name] hopes you send [amount] [item] for building project." PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_reminder_P "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_overdue_P "Deadline missed! Sending [city_name] goods late better than never." PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_warning_P "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_early_reason_P "since you sent [amount] [item] early" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_comply_reason_P "since you sent [amount] [item] on time" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_too_late_reason_P "since you sent [amount] [item] late" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_refuse_reason_P "since you did not send [amount] [item]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_no_reason_P "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_title_R "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_oracle_prediction_R "Seers predict [city_name] will require goods for a building project." PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_initial_announcement_R "[city_name] requires [amount] [item] for a building project." PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_reminder_R "Six months left to send [city_name] goods for a building project." PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_overdue_R "Deadline missed! Sending [city_name] goods late better than never." PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_warning_R "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_early_reason_R "since you sent [amount] [item] early" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_comply_reason_R "since you sent [amount] [item] on time" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_too_late_reason_R "since you sent [amount] [item] late" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_refuse_reason_R "since you did not send [amount] [item]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_building_project_no_reason_R "" ;******Great festival********************************************************* PHRASE_great_festival_title_S "Festival at [city_name]" PHRASE_great_festival_oracle_prediction_S "Greetings, [player_name]. I am the seer from the oracle, and the gods have whispered into my ear this news: within a year's time, [leader_name], ruler of your ally, [city_name], will plan a great festival for [god], who will help the city through some troubles. [leader_name] will request [amount] [item] from your city so that the festival can be the most lavish one ever witnessed. If you send the items within the next year, [leader_name] will sing your praises!" PHRASE_great_festival_initial_announcement_S "Dear friend [player_name], I am turning to you to ask your help. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am planning a festival for the great god [god], who has saved my city from disaster. I would like to show [god] just how thankful I am by throwing the biggest festival ever. With [amount] [item] from you, I am sure I can meet this goal. Please send the goods within [time_allotted] months." PHRASE_great_festival_reminder_S "Greetings, [player_name]. Preparations for my festival to [god] at [city_name] are well underway, but I'm still waiting for a delivery of [amount] [item] from your city. Please send the items within the next six months so that [god] will know how grateful I, [leader_name], am for the help the deity has given in the past." PHRASE_great_festival_overdue_S "I am so disappointed, [player_name]. I, [leader_name], managed to throw the festival for [god] in my city, [city_name], without your help. But now, my city is short the [amount] [item] that I had counted on you to send. Send the items now so that I can replenish my city's stock of the item, and maybe I won't be so disheartened." PHRASE_great_festival_warning_S "I thought we were friends, [player_name]. My festival to [god] is long since over, but I would still appreciate you sending [amount] [item] to my city, [city_name], as a gesture of good will. Send the items within the next six months, or don't bother sending them at all." PHRASE_great_festival_early_reason_S "because, by sending [amount] [item] early, my festival to [god] was a huge success," PHRASE_great_festival_comply_reason_S "because you sent [amount] [item] in time for the great festival for [god]," PHRASE_great_festival_too_late_reason_S "because you waited too long to send me the [amount] [item] needed for my great festival for [god]," PHRASE_great_festival_refuse_reason_S "because you refused to send me [amount] [item] for the festival for [god], I was put into a bad mood. Therefore," PHRASE_great_festival_no_reason_S "" PHRASE_great_festival_title_D "Festival at [city_name]" PHRASE_great_festival_oracle_prediction_D "Greetings, [player_name]. I, the priestess at the oracle, have seen the future! Within one year, your rival, [city_name], and its leader, [leader_name], will plan a festival for [god]. [leader_name] will insist that you send [amount] [item] to help them celebrate. If you send these items early, [leader_name] might be impressed with you." PHRASE_great_festival_initial_announcement_D "[player_name], you three-headed dog, give me [amount] [item] for my festival to [god] at [city_name] within [time_allotted] months. I, [leader_name], have spoken." PHRASE_great_festival_reminder_D "Listen, [player_name], you six-headed snake, I wasn't joking when I told you to send me [amount] [item] for my great festival to [god] at [city_name]. Give me these items within six months, or I just might find some way to make your life miserable." PHRASE_great_festival_overdue_D "Hey [player_name], you cheesehead! Where's my [amount] [item]? My festival to [god] at [city_name] has already started, and I haven't received the goods I demanded from you. If you know what's good for you, you'll send them now." PHRASE_great_festival_warning_D "Unfathomable! How can you, [player_name], a minor little flea in Greece, ignore me, the great [leader_name] of [city_name]? If you don't send the [amount] [item] that I needed for my great festival for [god], it just might be curtains for you!" PHRASE_great_festival_early_reason_D "because you anticipated my need for [amount] [item] for my great festival to [god]," PHRASE_great_festival_comply_reason_D "because you complied with my demand for [amount] [item] for my great festival to [god]," PHRASE_great_festival_too_late_reason_D "because you waited too long to send me the [amount] [item] I wanted for my great festival to [god]," PHRASE_great_festival_refuse_reason_D "because you refused my demand for [amount] [item] for my great festival to [god]," PHRASE_great_festival_no_reason_D "" PHRASE_great_festival_title_P "Festival at [city_name]" PHRASE_great_festival_oracle_prediction_P "I, the prescient priestess of the oracle, have this news for you: within a year's time, your subject, [city_name], will attempt to hold a great festival to [god]. [leader_name] will muddle the preparations and find that the city lacks [amount] [item]. If you send the item now, the festival can be held without a hitch, and [leader_name] will be extremely grateful." PHRASE_great_festival_initial_announcement_P "Most honorable [player_name], I need some help from you. I, [leader_name], your humble servant, am planning a great festival to [god] in my city of [city_name]. I don't have as much [item] as I thought I did, and I fear that the festival won't be a success unless I can obtain [amount] more of the item. I'm hoping that you'll agree to send the [amount] [item] within [time_allotted] months so that the festival can go off without a hitch." PHRASE_great_festival_reminder_P "I'm so nervous, I can barely sleep at night, [player_name]. I am counting on your generosity and hoping that you'll send [amount] [item] for my festival to [god] at [city_name]. Please send the item within six months so I can sleep again!" PHRASE_great_festival_overdue_P "I am nearly inconsolable, [player_name]! Because you did not send the [amount] [item] I needed for my festival to [god] at [city_name], the festival was a disaster. My citizens complained about the festival's poor quality, and [god] threatened to become my enemy! The only way you can offer me some succor is to send the [amount] [item] now." PHRASE_great_festival_warning_P "Perhaps my pain amuses you, [player_name]. I know I am just your subject, but I am still a leader and deserve some respect. Send the [amount] [item] that I needed for my festival to [god] at [city_name] within six months, or I might not forgive you." PHRASE_great_festival_early_reason_P "because I feel honored that you sent me [amount] [item] for my great festival to [god] early," PHRASE_great_festival_comply_reason_P "because you responded in time to my plea for [amount] [item] for my great festival to [god]," PHRASE_great_festival_too_late_reason_P "because you took too long to respond to my anxious petition for [amount] [item] for my great festival to [god]," PHRASE_great_festival_refuse_reason_P "because you turned your back on me and did not send [amount] [item] for my great festival for [god]," PHRASE_great_festival_no_reason_P "" PHRASE_great_festival_title_R "Festival at [city_name]" PHRASE_great_festival_oracle_prediction_R "I, the great priestess from the oracle, have peered into the future. Your parent city, [city_name], under the leadership of your deputy, [leader_name], will begin preparations for a great festival to [god]. The city will need [amount] [item] to celebrate properly. If you send it now, [leader_name] and the city will be most pleased." PHRASE_great_festival_initial_announcement_R "Greetings, [player_name]. Though you are far away from your people here in [city_name], we still need your help. To cheer the people in your absence, I, your deputy [leader_name], am planning a festival to [god]. To make the festival a great one, I need [amount] [item]. Please send the items within [time_allotted] months." PHRASE_great_festival_reminder_R "My dear leader [player_name], I hope you haven't forgotten us here in [city_name]. I need [amount] [item] for a great festival to [god]. If you don't send the goods within six months, the people might become disappointed." PHRASE_great_festival_overdue_R "Well, [player_name], I managed to hold the festival for [god] here in [city_name] without the [amount] [item] I needed from you. I'm beginning to think that I, [leader_name], would make a better ruler than you. Try to change my mind by sending [amount] [item] now." PHRASE_great_festival_warning_R "I mean no disrespect, [player_name], but I do not understand why you haven't sent the [amount] [item] that we, [city_name], your parent city, needed for our festival to [god]. Send the goods now, or we might start thinking you like your new colony better than us." PHRASE_great_festival_early_reason_R "because you sent us the [amount] [item] I needed for our great festival to [god] early," PHRASE_great_festival_comply_reason_R "because you sent [amount] [item] in time for our great festival for [god]," PHRASE_great_festival_too_late_reason_R "because you were late in sending the [amount] [item] we needed for our festival to [god]," PHRASE_great_festival_refuse_reason_R "because you refused to send the [amount] [item] we needed for the great festival to [god]," PHRASE_great_festival_no_reason_R "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_title_S "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_oracle_prediction_S "Seers predict that [city_name] will need goods for festival." PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_initial_announcement_S "[city_name] needs [amount] [item] for festival." PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_reminder_S "Six months to send [city_name] [amount] [item] for festival." PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_overdue_S "Deadline missed! Sending [city_name] goods late better than never." PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_warning_S "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_early_reason_S "since you sent [amount] [item] early" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_comply_reason_S "since you sent [amount] [item] on time" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_too_late_reason_S "since you sent [amount] [item] late" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_refuse_reason_S "since you did not send [amount] [item] to [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_no_reason_S "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_title_D "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_oracle_prediction_D "Seers predict that [city_name] will need goods for a festival." PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_initial_announcement_D "[city_name] demands [amount] [item] for a festival." PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_reminder_D "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_overdue_D "Deadline missed! Sending [city_name] goods late better than never." PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_warning_D "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_early_reason_D "since you sent [amount] [item] early" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_comply_reason_D "since you sent [amount] [item] on time" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_too_late_reason_D "since you sent [amount] [item] late" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_refuse_reason_D "since you did not send [amount] [item]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_no_reason_D "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_title_P "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_oracle_prediction_P "Seers predict [city_name] will need [amount] [item] for a festival." PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_initial_announcement_P "[city_name] asks for [amount] [item] for festival." PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_reminder_P "Six months to send [city_name] [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_overdue_P "Deadline missed! Sending [city_name] goods late better than never." PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_warning_P "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_early_reason_P "since you sent [amount] [item] early" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_comply_reason_P "since you sent [amount] [item] on time" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_too_late_reason_P "since you sent [amount] [item] late" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_refuse_reason_P "since you did not send [amount] [item]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_no_reason_P "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_title_R "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_oracle_prediction_R "Seers predict [city_name] will need goods for a great festival." PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_initial_announcement_R "[city_name] requires [amount] [item] for a festival." PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_reminder_R "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_overdue_R "Deadline missed! Sending [city_name] goods late better than never." PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_warning_R "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_early_reason_R "since you sent [amount] [item] early" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_comply_reason_R "since you sent [amount] [item] on time" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_too_late_reason_R "since you sent [amount] [item] late" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_refuse_reason_R "since you did not send [amount] [item]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_great_festival_no_reason_R "" ;******Financial Woes********************************************************* PHRASE_financial_woes_title_S "[city_name] has money woes" PHRASE_financial_woes_oracle_prediction_S "I, the seer from the oracle, see a bleak time ahead for our ally [city_name] and its leader, [leader_name]. Within one year's time, your ally will find itself in debt, and its workers will have to go unpaid. If you send [amount] drachmas now, you can help [leader_name] avoid this fate." PHRASE_financial_woes_initial_announcement_S "Most honored friend [player_name], I, [leader_name] of [city_name] need some help from you. My treasury is short [amount] drachmas, and I would like you to send me the money to make up the shortfall within [time_allotted] months. You know I hate to ask you this, but I know I can count on you." PHRASE_financial_woes_reminder_S "Please, [player_name], don't make me ask again! I, [leader_name] of [city_name], still need you to send [amount] drachmas to supplement my paltry coffers. My workers are going unpaid, and they are beginning to get antsy. Please send me the money within six months." PHRASE_financial_woes_overdue_S "As embarrassing as it was for me to ask for money, [player_name], you should be even more embarrassed for failing to comply with my request. I've managed to make ends meet by cutting back on services, but I could still use [amount] drachmas. I am asking you, as an equal, to send the money along to my city, [city_name]." PHRASE_financial_woes_warning_S "You should be ashamed, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], would not have asked you for [amount] drachmas if I did not need it. If you want to help me at all, send the money soon." PHRASE_financial_woes_early_reason_S "because you somehow knew that I would need [amount] drachmas to avert a financial crisis and sent me the funds before I actually needed them," PHRASE_financial_woes_comply_reason_S "because you helped me pay my workers by sending me [amount] drachmas," PHRASE_financial_woes_too_late_reason_S "because you took too long to send me the [amount] drachmas that I needed," PHRASE_financial_woes_refuse_reason_S "because you refused to send me [amount] drachmas to pay my workers," PHRASE_financial_woes_no_reason_S "" PHRASE_financial_woes_title_D "[city_name] has money woes" PHRASE_financial_woes_oracle_prediction_D "The future, [player_name], is not bright for your rival, [city_name]. I, the priestess of the oracle, foresee that [leader_name], the leader of [city_name], will squander his funds by holding too many symposiums. He'll demand [amount] drachmas from you. If you send the money along now, he might regard you as more than a mere toad." PHRASE_financial_woes_initial_announcement_D "Hey [player_name], you toad! I, [leader_name], lord over all of [city_name], insist that you send me [amount] drachmas within [time_allotted] months! If you send it, maybe I'll invite you to a symposium!" PHRASE_financial_woes_reminder_D "What part of 'send me [amount] drachmas' did you not understand, [player_name]. Send the money to me here at [city_name] within six months. I'm getting tired of waiting!" PHRASE_financial_woes_overdue_D "I, [leader_name], was planning to throw a symposium here at [city_name] with your [amount] drachmas, [player_name]. I think I'll throw a tantrum instead! Maybe you can soothe me by sending the money now, even though it's too late to hold the symposium." PHRASE_financial_woes_warning_D "I do not like to be ignored, [player_name]. Send the [amount] drachmas to my city, [city_name], and send it now." PHRASE_financial_woes_early_reason_D "It was as if you read my mind, [player_name]. I held the finest symposium with the [amount] drachmas that you sent to my city at [city_name] before I demanded them from you. As a result," PHRASE_financial_woes_comply_reason_D "because you buckled in to my demand for [amount] drachmas," PHRASE_financial_woes_too_late_reason_D "because you sent the [amount] drachmas I wanted late," PHRASE_financial_woes_refuse_reason_D "because you refused my demand for [amount] drachmas," PHRASE_financial_woes_no_reason_D "" PHRASE_financial_woes_title_P "[city_name] has money woes" PHRASE_financial_woes_oracle_prediction_P "Greetings, [player_name]. I, the mysterious priestess of the oracle, foresee a problem for your subject, [city_name]. Within one year, they will find themselves in dire financial straights, and [leader_name], ruler of [city_name], will turn to you for help. He'll beg you for [amount] drachmas to replenish his treasury. If you send the money now, [leader_name] is sure to sing your praises to anyone who will listen." PHRASE_financial_woes_initial_announcement_P "I didn't know where else to turn, [player_name]. One of my advisors here at [city_name] has made off with the city's treasury, so now I, [leader_name] call upon your generosity. Please send me [amount] drachmas within [time_allotted] months so I can fill my empty coffers and keep my city running. I know I can trust you to help me out of my trouble." PHRASE_financial_woes_reminder_P "Please, [player_name], I am begging you! I sorely need [amount] drachmas! Without it, my city, [city_name] won't be able to function, and my people are sure to take out their anger on me! Please send the funds within six months!" PHRASE_financial_woes_overdue_P "Why didn't you send me the [amount] drachmas that I needed to keep my city, [city_name], solvent? I've heard people cursing my name, shouting 'Down with [leader_name]!,' all because you refused to send me the money I needed. Even though you didn't send the money in time, I could still use it. If you send it now, I might not tell all your other subjects how cruel you are." PHRASE_financial_woes_warning_P "You aren't a very kind master, [player_name]. I'm just an innocent subject. Why don't you send the [amount] drachmas that I, [leader_name], so desperately need for my city, [city_name]?" PHRASE_financial_woes_early_reason_P "because you somehow new that I was about to have trouble and sent [amount] drachmas without having to be asked," PHRASE_financial_woes_comply_reason_P "because you responded to my humble plea and sent [amount] drachmas to me," PHRASE_financial_woes_too_late_reason_P "because you waited too long to send me the [amount] drachmas I needed," PHRASE_financial_woes_refuse_reason_P "because you coldly refused to send [amount] drachmas to me," PHRASE_financial_woes_no_reason_P "" PHRASE_financial_woes_title_R "Parent has money woes" PHRASE_financial_woes_oracle_prediction_R "The winds have whispered the future to me, the seer of the oracle. Most noble [player_name], your parent city, [city_name], under the leadership of your deputy, [leader_name], will suffer a financial setback within a year's time. If you send [amount] item now, you will save them much grief." PHRASE_financial_woes_initial_announcement_R "Most noble [player_name], I, your erstwhile deputy [leader_name], regret to inform you that not all is well here at your parent city, [city_name]. We've had some financial difficulties and find ourselves needing [amount] drachmas. Please remember how much we mean to you and send us the money in [time_allotted] months." PHRASE_financial_woes_reminder_R "Most beneficent [player_name], we at your parent city of [city_name] are patiently awaiting the arrival of [amount] drachmas. If the funds don't arrive in six months, only Zeus knows what will happen!" PHRASE_financial_woes_overdue_R "Oh [player_name], your time has run out! I, your deputy [leader_name], have managed to calm the populace here at your parent city of [city_name]. But, cash is still tight, and you might be able to do us some good if you sent the [amount] drachmas I asked you for now." PHRASE_financial_woes_warning_R "[player_name], if you are going to send the [amount] drachmas we need here at your parent city of [city_name], do so quickly, or it will be too late." PHRASE_financial_woes_early_reason_R "You know the inner workings of your parent city even when you're not here! Because you sent the [amount] drachmas before I actually needed it," PHRASE_financial_woes_comply_reason_R "because you sent [amount] drachmas to me," PHRASE_financial_woes_too_late_reason_R "because you waited too long to send me [amount] drachmas," PHRASE_financial_woes_refuse_reason_R "because you refused my request that you send [amount] drachmas to your own parent city," PHRASE_financial_woes_no_reason_R "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_title_S "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_oracle_prediction_S "Seers predict [city_name] will need [amount] drachmas." PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_initial_announcement_S "[city_name] needs [amount] [item] within [time_allotted] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_reminder_S "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] drachmas." PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_overdue_S "Deadline missed! Sending [city_name] [amount] drachmas late better than never." PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_warning_S "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] drachmas." PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_early_reason_S "since you sent [amount] drachmas early" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_comply_reason_S "since you sent [amount] drachmas on time" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_too_late_reason_S "since you sent [amount] drachmas late" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_refuse_reason_S "since you did not send [amount] drachmas" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_no_reason_S "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_title_D "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_oracle_prediction_D "Seers predict that [city_name] will demand [amount] drachmas." PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_initial_announcement_D "[city_name] demands you send [amount] drachmas in [time_allotted] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_reminder_D "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] drachmas." PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_overdue_D "Deadline missed! Sending drachmas late better than never." PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_warning_D "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] drachmas." PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_early_reason_D "since you sent [amount] drachmas early" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_comply_reason_D "since you sent [amount] drachmas on time" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_too_late_reason_D "since you sent [amount] drachmas late" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_refuse_reason_D "since you did not send [amount] drachmas" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_no_reason_D "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_title_P "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_oracle_prediction_P "Seers predict [city_name] will beg for [amount] drachmas." PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_initial_announcement_P "[city_name] begs that you send [amount] drachmas in [time_allotted] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_reminder_P "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] drachmas." PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_overdue_P "Deadline missed! Sending [city_name] drachmas late better than never." PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_warning_P "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] drachmas." PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_early_reason_P "since you sent [amount] drachmas early" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_comply_reason_P "since you sent [amount] drachmas on time" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_too_late_reason_P "since you sent [amount] drachmas late" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_refuse_reason_P "since you did not send [amount] drachmas" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_no_reason_P "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_title_R "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_oracle_prediction_R "Seers predict [city_name] will require [amount] drachmas." PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_initial_announcement_R "[city_name] requires [amount] drachmas in [time_allotted] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_reminder_R "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] drachmas." PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_overdue_R "Deadline missed! Sending [city_name] [amount] drachmas late better than never." PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_warning_R "Six months left to send [city_name] [amount] drachmas." PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_early_reason_R "since you sent [amount] drachmas early" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_comply_reason_R "since you sent [amount] drachmas on time" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_too_late_reason_R "since you sent [amount] drachmas late" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_refuse_reason_R "since you did not send [amount] drachmas]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_financial_woes_no_reason_R "" ;******Tribute Due (demand tone only)********************************************************* PHRASE_tribute_due_title_D "[city_name] demands Tribute" PHRASE_tribute_due_oracle_prediction_D "I am the priestess of the oracle, and the gods want me to remind you of your duty. Within a year's time, you will owe [leader_name] at [city_name] tribute in the amount of [amount] [item]. If you send the tribute now, [leader_name] might be impressed with you." PHRASE_tribute_due_initial_announcement_D "Attention, [player_name], you pathetic hanger-on. Since I, the imperious [leader_name] of [city_name], conquered you, I demand that you pay your annual tribute of [amount] [item]. See that I receive the [item] within [time_allotted] months." PHRASE_tribute_due_reminder_D "I vanquished you fair and square, [player_name]. Where's your tribute of [amount] [item]? You have six months left to send it to me here at [city_name]. Remember, you owe it to me since I conquered you. Why are you waiting?" PHRASE_tribute_due_overdue_D "Why haven't you paid me your tribute of [amount] [item], [player_name]? You owe it to me for conquering you, you weakling! You knew when it was due, and now your time has run out. Just to show you how reasonable I, [leader_name] of [city_name], can be, I'll give you one more year." PHRASE_tribute_due_warning_D "Six months is all the time you have left, [player_name]. I have been more than kind, allowing you to send in your tribute of [amount] [item] to me, [leader_name] of [city_name], late. I'm beginning to think you are abusing my naturally sunny disposition!" PHRASE_tribute_due_early_reason_D "because you sent me your tribute payment of [amount] [item] early," PHRASE_tribute_due_comply_reason_D "because you punctually sent me your tribute payment of [amount] [item]," PHRASE_tribute_due_too_late_reason_D "because you were late paying me tribute of [amount] [item]," PHRASE_tribute_due_refuse_reason_D "because you failed to send me your tribute payment of [amount] [item]," PHRASE_tribute_due_no_reason_D "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_due_title_D "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_due_oracle_prediction_D "Seers predict that you will owe [city_name] [amount] [item] in tribute." PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_due_initial_announcement_D "[city_name] expects [amount] [item] in tribute in [time_allotted] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_due_reminder_D "Six months to send [city_name] tribute of [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_due_overdue_D "Deadline missed! Sending [city_name] tribute of [amount] [item] late better than never." PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_due_warning_D "Six months to send [city_name] tribute of [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_due_early_reason_D "since you sent a tribute of [amount] [item] early" PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_due_comply_reason_D "since you sent a tribute of [amount] [item] on time" PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_due_too_late_reason_D "since you sent a tribute of [amount] [item] late" PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_due_refuse_reason_D "since you did not send a tribute of [amount] [item]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_due_no_reason_D "" ;******************************************TROOP REQUESTS****************************** ;*****Ally under attack (standard tone only)********************** PHRASE_ally_under_attack_title_S "[city_name] under attack!" PHRASE_ally_under_attack_oracle_prediction_S "I, the priestess of the oracle, have heard the clashing of swords, [player_name]! Within one year's time, your ally, [city_name], and its leader, [leader_name], will be attacked by one of our rivals! If you send troops to [city_name] now, you can help [leader_name] bolster the city's defenses in anticipation of the attack." PHRASE_ally_under_attack_initial_announcement_S "These are tumultuous times, [player_name]! Our most hated rival, [rival_city_name] is attacking me, your ally [leader_name], at the city of [city_name]. I need your help to turn back this foe! Please send troops within [travel_time] months to help us carry the day!" PHRASE_ally_under_attack_first_reminder_S "I could only spare a moment to dash off this message to you, [player_name]. The fighting is about to grow fierce here at [city_name], and we are still expecting you to send troops. We need them soon if they are to do us any good!" PHRASE_ally_under_attack_last_reminder_S "The army of [rival_city_name] is at my city's gates, [player_name]. As an ally, I, [leader_name], beseech you, send troops to my city of [city_name], and quickly!" PHRASE_ally_under_attack_early_reason_S "Your troops arrived well in advance of the forces invading my city, and we were able to fend of the attack!" PHRASE_ally_under_attack_comply_reason_S "The forces you sent to help defend my city arrived in time, and together we were able to fend of the attack!" PHRASE_ally_under_attack_too_late_reason_S "The forces you sent arrived too late to help defend my city, and my army suffered heavy losses." PHRASE_ally_under_attack_refuse_reason_S "Why didn't you send troops? My city suffered from many casualties!" PHRASE_ally_under_attack_lost_battle_reason_S "The troops you sent to help defend my city were too weak to be of any use!" PHRASE_ally_under_attack_no_reason_S "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_under_attack_title_S "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_under_attack_oracle_prediction_S "Seers predict that [rival_city_name] will attack [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_under_attack_initial_announcement_S "[city_name] is under attack and requests reinforcements from you within [travel_time] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_under_attack_first_reminder_S "Send troops soon to help defend [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_under_attack_last_reminder_S "Send troops to [city_name] now or it will be too late." PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_under_attack_early_reason_S "Your forces defended them, so" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_under_attack_comply_reason_S "Your forces defended them, so" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_under_attack_too_late_reason_S "Your forces were too late to defend them" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_under_attack_refuse_reason_S "You did not send troops to defend them" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_under_attack_lost_battle_reason_S "The troops you sent were too weak" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_under_attack_no_reason_S "" ;*****Vassal under attack (plea tone only)********************** PHRASE_vassal_under_attack_title_P "[city_name] under attack!" PHRASE_vassal_under_attack_oracle_prediction_P "I, the great seer, have looked into the future, [player_name]! Within a year's time, your vassal, [city_name], will be attacked by [rival_city_name]. [leader_name], leader of [city_name], will need your help to turn back the foe. If you send troops now, you can help build up the city's defenses before the enemy arrives." PHRASE_vassal_under_attack_initial_announcement_P "Please, [player_name], I, [leader_name], your loyal and humble vassal need your help! I've somehow managed to provoke the anger of [rival_city_name], and its army is marching toward my city of [city_name] to attack us! I humble myself before you and beseech you to send me some troops within [travel_time] months to help me defend my city." PHRASE_vassal_under_attack_first_reminder_P "Oh great [player_name], I wouldn't ask you if I didn't need the help! I, [leader_name] of [city_name], desperately need you to send forces soon so that I can defend my city from the attack of [rival_city_name]!" PHRASE_vassal_under_attack_last_reminder_P "We are panicking here at [city_name], [player_name]. My people keep asking me, 'Why, [leader_name], why hasn't our friend [player_name] sent us the soldiers we need? The army of [rival_city_name] is on the outskirts of our city now!' Regrettably, I cannot answer their question and can only hope that you send the troops now, before it is too late!' " PHRASE_vassal_under_attack_early_reason_P "Your forces arrived well in advance of the enemy, and we were able to defend [city_name] from invasion!" PHRASE_vassal_under_attack_comply_reason_P "Lord, your forces arrived in time, and our combined armies were able to defend my city!" PHRASE_vassal_under_attack_too_late_reason_P "Lord, the forces you sent arrived too late to help defend my city, and my army suffered heavy losses." PHRASE_vassal_under_attack_refuse_reason_P "Your outright refusal to send me soldiers caused great pain for me and my people. As a result," PHRASE_vassal_under_attack_lost_battle_reason_P "The troops you sent to help protect my city were weak and paltry, and we could not defeat the enemy!" PHRASE_vassal_under_attack_no_reason_P "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_under_attack_title_P "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_under_attack_oracle_prediction_P "Seers predict that [city_name] will beg for military aid." PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_under_attack_initial_announcement_P "[city_name] begs for troops within [travel_time] months. [rival_city_name] is attacking." PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_under_attack_first_reminder_P "Send troops to [city_name] soon." PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_under_attack_last_reminder_P "Send troops to [city_name] now, or it will be too late." PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_under_attack_early_reason_P "Your forces defended them, so" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_under_attack_comply_reason_P "Your forces defended them, so" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_under_attack_too_late_reason_P "Your forces were too late to defend them" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_under_attack_refuse_reason_P "You did not send troops to defend them" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_under_attack_lost_battle_reason_P "The troops you sent were too weak" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_under_attack_no_reason_P "" ;*****Colony under attack (plea tone only)********************** PHRASE_colony_under_attack_title_P "[city_name] under attack!" PHRASE_colony_under_attack_oracle_prediction_P "The future holds pain, [player_name]. I, the priestess of the oracle, have foreseen that your colony, [city_name], will be the subject of a ferocious attack! If you send troops to the city within a year, you can help them prepare for the fight." PHRASE_colony_under_attack_initial_announcement_P "Most honored [player_name], I, [leader_name], humble governor of your colony, [city_name], am at my wits end! The army of our rival, [rival_city_name], is on its way here to attack us, and I don't have enough troops of my own to defeat them! You are my only hope! I am begging you to send me some troops within [travel_time] months to help turn back the foe." PHRASE_colony_under_attack_first_reminder_P "My scouts tell me, [player_name], that we don't have much time before [rival_city_name] attacks us here at your colony of [city_name]. Please send us some troops. Otherwise, our rival could tear down our fine city that you worked so hard to build." PHRASE_colony_under_attack_last_reminder_P "Help! The army of [rival_city_name] has been spotted, [player_name], and they will be here in our city of [city_name] shortly! Look upon me, [leader_name], your humble servant, with pity and send me reinforcements now!" PHRASE_colony_under_attack_early_reason_P "The miraculously early arrival of your troops here gave us time to build up our defenses! As a result," PHRASE_colony_under_attack_comply_reason_P "The troops you sent to us helped us to defeat our enemy!" PHRASE_colony_under_attack_too_late_reason_P "You waited too long to send us troops, and our army suffered severe casualties as a result." PHRASE_colony_under_attack_refuse_reason_P "You left us orphaned! We incurred heavy losses because you failed to send us troops." PHRASE_colony_under_attack_lost_battle_reason_P "The troops you sent were not enough to strike down our enemy!" PHRASE_colony_under_attack_no_reason_P "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_under_attack_title_P "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_under_attack_oracle_prediction_P "Seers predict that [city_name] will be attacked." PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_under_attack_initial_announcement_P "[city_name] begs for troops within [travel_time] months. [rival_city_name] is attacking." PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_under_attack_first_reminder_P "Send troops to [city_name] soon." PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_under_attack_last_reminder_P "Send troops soon, or it will be too late." PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_under_attack_early_reason_P "since your troops arrived at [city_name] early" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_under_attack_comply_reason_P "since your troops defeated the enemy at [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_under_attack_too_late_reason_P "since you sent troops too late to help [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_under_attack_refuse_reason_P "since you failed to send troops to [city_name]," PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_under_attack_lost_battle_reason_P "since the troops you sent to [city_name] did not win" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_under_attack_no_reason_P "" ;*****Parent city under attack (requisition tone only)********************** PHRASE_parentcity_under_attack_title_R "[city_name] under attack!" PHRASE_parentcity_under_attack_oracle_prediction_R "I, the great priestess of the oracle, foresee a great battle, [player_name]. Within a year's time, your parent city, [city_name], will become the target of a ferocious attack by [rival_city_name]. [leader_name], your deputy, will need your help to defeat the enemy. If you send forces now, you can bolster the city's defenses before the enemy arrives." PHRASE_parentcity_under_attack_initial_announcement_R "Oh great [player_name], I, your deputy [leader_name], have heard that trouble could soon visit us here at your parent city of [city_name]. [rival_city_name] is planning to attack us, and we need some additional forces to make sure that our city will be safe. Please send us the help that we need within [travel_time] months." PHRASE_parentcity_under_attack_first_reminder_R "Please, [player_name], we at your parent city of [city_name] are counting on you. The army of [rival_city_name] will be here soon, and we have little hope of defeating them without some soldiers from you." PHRASE_parentcity_under_attack_last_reminder_R "Have you forgotten us, [player_name]? I, [leader_name], as your deputy, tell you that we need troops here at [city_name], and we need them soon. Send them now, or it could be too late." PHRASE_parentcity_under_attack_early_reason_R "Because the troops you sent arrived here early, we were able to prepare an impenetrable defense around the city! Because of this," PHRASE_parentcity_under_attack_comply_reason_R "You remembered your home city and sent the troops we needed to defend it, just as I knew you would." PHRASE_parentcity_under_attack_too_late_reason_R "The troops you sent to us arrived too late, and many of your loyal followers were slain! Therefore," PHRASE_parentcity_under_attack_refuse_reason_R "You turned your back on us, your own parent city, when we most needed you. Many of our citizens died! Therefore," PHRASE_parentcity_under_attack_lost_battle_reason_R "The troops you sent to us were very weak and completely ineffective! We lost the battle to our rival, and now," PHRASE_parentcity_under_attack_no_reason_R "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_under_attack_title_R "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_under_attack_oracle_prediction_R "Seers predict that [city_name], will be attacked." PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_under_attack_initial_announcement_R "[city_name] requires troops within [travel_time] months to fend off [rival_city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_under_attack_first_reminder_R "Send troops to [city_name] soon." PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_under_attack_last_reminder_R "Send troops to [city_name] now or it will be too late." PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_under_attack_early_reason_R "since your troops arrived at [city_name] early," PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_under_attack_comply_reason_R "since your troops helped win the battle at [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_under_attack_too_late_reason_R "since you sent troops to [city_name] too late" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_under_attack_refuse_reason_R "since you did not send troops to [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_under_attack_lost_battle_reason_R "since the troops you sent [city_name] did not win" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_under_attack_no_reason_R "" ;*****Ally attacks rival (standard tone only)********************* PHRASE_ally_attacks_rival_title "[city_name] attacks [rival_city_name]" PHRASE_ally_attacks_rival_oracle_prediction_S "NOT PREDICTABLE" PHRASE_ally_attacks_rival_initial_announcement "Keep this quiet, [player_name], because we don't want word of our plans to spread. I, [leader_name], leader of your ally [city_name], have received reports that [rival_city_name], our common enemy, has developed a weakness in its defenses. Now is the perfect time to strike them. If I can borrow some of your troops, we can be sure to beat them! Send me the troops within [travel_time] months, and you can share in my glory." PHRASE_ally_attacks_rival_first_reminder "My friend [player_name], my preparations are almost complete. All I need is some forces from you, and we will be able to conquer [rival_city_name]. Please send them soon." PHRASE_ally_attacks_rival_last_reminder "Greetings, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], can't believe you'd let an opportunity like this pass! I am doing you a favor by giving you the opportunity to participate in what is sure to be a great military victory at [rival_city_name]. I need your troops now if you want to participate." PHRASE_ally_attacks_rival_early_reason "Your troops arrived at [rival_city_name] early, and our foe was defeated. As a result," PHRASE_ally_attacks_rival_comply_reason "The troops that you sent to defeat [rival_city_name] were invaluable, and we quickly dispatched our foe. My people are singing your praises, and" PHRASE_ally_attacks_rival_too_late_reason "You waited much too long to send me the troops that I needed to attack [rival_city_name]!" PHRASE_ally_attacks_rival_refuse_reason "You refused to send me the forces I needed to defeat [rival_city_name]!" PHRASE_ally_attacks_rival_lost_battle_reason "The soldiers you sent to help me attack [rival_city_name] were feeble, and the battle was lost!" PHRASE_ally_attacks_rival_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_attacks_rival_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_attacks_rival_oracle_prediction_S "NOT PREDICTABLE" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_attacks_rival_initial_announcement "[city_name] attacks rival and requests military aid within [travel_time] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_attacks_rival_first_reminder "Send [city_name] the requested soldiers soon." PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_attacks_rival_last_reminder "Send soldiers now if you want to help [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_attacks_rival_early_reason "since your soldiers arrived at [rival_city_name] early," PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_attacks_rival_comply_reason "since your soldiers helped [city_name] win the battle" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_attacks_rival_too_late_reason "since your troops were too late to help [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_attacks_rival_refuse_reason "since you did not send troops to help [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_attacks_rival_lost_battle_reason "since your troops did not help [city_name] win its battle" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_attacks_rival_no_reason "" ;*****Vassal attacks rival (plea tone only)********************* PHRASE_vassal_attacks_rival_title_P "[city_name] attacks [rival_city_name]" PHRASE_vassal_attacks_rival_oracle_prediction_P "NOT PREDICTABLE" PHRASE_vassal_attacks_rival_initial_announcement_P "I have exciting news, most honored [player_name]. I have learned that [rival_city_name], our rival, is ripe for attack. Imagine how ashamed they will be when I, [leader_name] of the humble city of [city_name], your vassal, defeat them, with the help of yor forces, of course. Please send them within [travel_time] months." PHRASE_vassal_attacks_rival_first_reminder_P "If we don't act soon, [player_name], [rival_city_name] will slip from our grasp. Send soldiers to attack this rival soon, and we'll soon find ourselves with one less rival! " PHRASE_vassal_attacks_rival_last_reminder_P "Now is the time for action, [player_name]. If you send forces now, I, [leader_name] of [city_name], we still might be able to defeat [rival_city_name]. If you dally any longer, all will be lost." PHRASE_vassal_attacks_rival_early_reason_P "Thank you! Thank you for sending soldiers to attack [rival_city_name]. They arrived early and trounced our foe." PHRASE_vassal_attacks_rival_comply_reason_P "With the help of your soldiers, I defeated [rival_city_name]. As a result," PHRASE_vassal_attacks_rival_too_late_reason_P "Your soldiers arrived too late to help me at the battle of [rival_city_name]." PHRASE_vassal_attacks_rival_refuse_reason_P "Because you refused to send forces to [rival_city_name]," PHRASE_vassal_attacks_rival_lost_battle_reason_P "The soldiers you sent to defeat [rival_city_name] were too weak! As a result," PHRASE_vassal_attacks_rival_no_reason_P "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_attacks_rival_title_P "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_attacks_rival_oracle_prediction_P "NOT PREDICTABLE" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_attacks_rival_initial_announcement_P "[city_name] begs for troops within [travel_time] months to attack [rival_city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_attacks_rival_first_reminder_P "Send [city_name] the requested troops soon." PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_attacks_rival_last_reminder_P "Send [city_name] troops now if you want to help." PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_attacks_rival_early_reason_P "since your troops arrived early to help [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_attacks_rival_comply_reason_P "since your troops helped [city_name] win" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_attacks_rival_too_late_reason_P "since your troops were too late to help [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_attacks_rival_refuse_reason_P "since you did not send troops to help [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_attacks_rival_lost_battle_reason_P "since the troops you sent to help [city_name] did not win" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_attacks_rival_no_reason_P "" ;*******************************************AWARDS********************************************* ;********************Gift************************** PHRASE_gift_title "Gift of [itemshort] from [city_name]" PHRASE_gift_granted "Greetings, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], wish to give you a present of [amount] [item]. Please accept it with my compliments." PHRASE_gift_cash_granted "Hello, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], wish to offer you a gift of [amount] drachmas. Please accept it with my compliments." PHRASE_gift_partial_space "Hello, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], wish to grant you a gift of [amount] [item]. I've noticed that you don't have quite enough storage space to hold the entire gift. I could give you as much as you can accommodate now, or you can clear some room and I can return next month." PHRASE_gift_insufficient_space "Greetings, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], wish to give you a gift of [amount] [item]. But, I see that your storage facilities can't accept the items now. I will return in a month's time to offer you the gift again. Clear some space in your storage facilities if you would like to accept it." PHRASE_gift_last_chance "Hello, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have been trying to give you a gift of [amount] [item]. You still do not have enough room to store all of it. If you don't accept as much of the gift as you can now, then I will withdraw it." PHRASE_gift_forfeited "Hello, [player_name]. I guess you don't want my gift of [amount] [item] that my people at [city_name] so lovingly prepared for you. You never made room for it in your storage facilities. Perhaps I can find someone who is more deserving of the gift than you are." PHRASE_gift_accepted "I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have dropped off as much of the [item] as your storage facilities could hold, [player_name]." PHRASE_gift_cash_accepted "[player_name], your treasury glistens with the [amount_granted] drachmas that I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have given you." PHRASE_gift_postponed "I, [leader_name] of [city_name], will return in one month and proffer the [amount] [item] again." PHRASE_gift_refused "You are refusing my gift, [player_name]? I suppose there is nothing left for me to do but to return home to [city_name] with the [item] that could have been yours." PHRASE_gift_accepted_reason "because you accepted my gift of a [amount] [item] from me and my people," PHRASE_gift_forfeited_reason "because you did not accept my gift of [amount] [item] from my people," PHRASE_gift_refused_reason "because you refused my gift of [amount] [item]," PHRASE_gift_no_reason "na" PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_granted "[city_name] wishes to grant you a gift of [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_cash_granted "[city_name] wishes to grant you a gift of [amount] drachmas." PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_partial_space "Accept partial gift now or make room to store it." PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_insufficient_space "Make room to accept gift from [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_last_chance "Accept partial gift now or forfeit it." PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_forfeited "Still not enough space for gift from [city_name]. Gift is forfeit." PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_accepted "As much as possible of gift from [city_name] has been accepted." PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_cash_accepted "Treasury filled with [amount_granted] drachmas from [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_postponed "Gift from [city_name] will be offered again next month." PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_refused "Gift from [city_name] refused." PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_accepted_reason "because you accepted a gift of [amount] [item] from [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_forfeited_reason "because you did not accept the gift of [amount] [item] from [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_refused_reason "because you refused a gift of [amount] [item] from [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_no_reason "" ;********************Request granted************************** PHRASE_request_granted_title "[city_name] grants [itemshort]" PHRASE_request_granted_granted "Hello, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have heard your request and have decided to comply with your wishes. Here is the [amount] [item] that you wanted." PHRASE_request_granted_cash_granted "Greetings, [player_name]. Your request for [amount] drachmas seemed reasonable, so I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have decided to grant it." PHRASE_request_granted_partial_space "Greetings, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am ready to grant your request for [amount] [item]. You do not, however, have enough storage space to accept the entire amount. You do have the room to accept at least half of it, though. I can either grant you as much as your storage facilities can accommodate, or return next month in the hopes that you have cleared enough room for it." PHRASE_request_granted_insufficient_space "Hello, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have decided to respond favorably to your request for [item]. I have [amount] of the item ready for you, but you do not have the storage space to accept all of it. I'll return in one month with the [amount] [item]. In the meantime, I would suggest that you make some room for the items in your storage facilities." PHRASE_request_granted_last_chance "[player_name], I am trying very hard to comply with your request for [item], but you are making it difficult on me. You still have not made enough room for all of the [amount] of the item, and I am in no mood to come back here again. Take what you can of the [item] now, or I will take all of it back to [city_name] with me." PHRASE_request_granted_forfeited "I am a little confused, [player_name]. You are the one who asked me, [leader_name] of [city_name], for the [amount] [item]. Yet, you never cleared enough room for it in your storage facilities. I will gladly take the items back to my city. I'm sure we have the room to store it." PHRASE_request_granted_accepted "I have delivered as much of the [amount] [item] you requested as your city can store." PHRASE_request_granted_cash_accepted "Your treasury is now swollen with the [amount_granted] drachmas that I, [leader_name] of [city_name] have granted you in response to your request." PHRASE_request_granted_postponed "I will return in one month with the [item] that you requested." PHRASE_request_granted_refused "What? [player_name], did you actually refuse to accept the [item] that you requested of me? Have it your way!" PHRASE_request_granted_accepted_reason "because you accepted the [amount] [item] that I granted you in response to your request," PHRASE_request_granted_forfeited_reason "because you never made enough room to accept the [amount] [item] that I granted in response to your request," PHRASE_request_granted_refused_reason "because you refused to accept my bequest of [amount] [item] that I offered you in response to your request," PHRASE_request_granted_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_request_granted_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_request_granted_granted "[city_name] has responded to your request for [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_request_granted_cash_granted "[city_name] has responded to your request for drachmas." PHRASE_CONDENSED_request_granted_partial_space "Accept some of the [item] now or wait for next month." PHRASE_CONDENSED_request_granted_insufficient_space "Clear enough space for [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_request_granted_last_chance "Accept partial shipment of [item] now or forfeit it." PHRASE_CONDENSED_request_granted_forfeited "Shipment of [item] from [city_name] cancelled." PHRASE_CONDENSED_request_granted_accepted "As much of the [item] as possible have been accepted." PHRASE_CONDENSED_request_granted_cash_accepted "Shipment from [city_name] accepted." PHRASE_CONDENSED_request_granted_postponed "Shipment of goods from [city_name] will be offered again next month." PHRASE_CONDENSED_request_granted_refused "Shipment of [item] from [city_name] refused." PHRASE_CONDENSED_request_granted_accepted_reason "because you accepted [item] from [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_request_granted_forfeited_reason "because you did not accept [item] from [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_request_granted_refused_reason "because you refused [item] from [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_request_granted_no_reason "" ;********************Tribute Paid************************** PHRASE_tribute_paid_title "Tribute paid by [city_name]" PHRASE_tribute_paid_granted "Most feared [player_name], I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am honored to offer you my tribute of [amount] [item]. I salute you." PHRASE_tribute_paid_cash_granted "Dread lord [player_name], I, [leader_name] of [city_name], willingly and gladly offer you my yearly tribute of [amount] drachmas. May you find a great and noble use for it in the coming year." PHRASE_tribute_paid_partial_space "Most noble [player_name], I, [leader_name] of [city_name], wish to make my annual tribute of [amount] [item]. Regrettably, you do not have enough room in your storage facilities to store all of the tribute, but I will be happy to give you as much of it as you can accept." PHRASE_tribute_paid_insufficient_space "Magnificent [player_name], I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am doing my best to do my duty to you. I have brought my tribute of [amount] [item], but you do not have the space to store it!" PHRASE_tribute_paid_last_chance "Magnificent [player_name], I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am doing my best to do my duty to you. I have brought my tribute of [amount] [item], but you still do not have the space to store it. I must return to my city, so please accept as much of it as you can now, or agree to forfeit the tribute for the year." PHRASE_tribute_paid_forfeited "Wise [player_name], you were unable to accept my tribute of [amount] [item]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], must return home now, and I will be taking the [amount] [item] with me." PHRASE_tribute_paid_accepted "I have filled your storage facilities with as much of my tribute of [amount] [item] as they can hold." PHRASE_tribute_paid_cash_accepted "My tribute of [amount] drachmas has been accepted into your coffers. I am pleased to give it." PHRASE_tribute_paid_postponed "I will return in one month's time with my tribute payment of [amount] [item]. Hopefully, you will have enough room to accept it." PHRASE_tribute_paid_refused "I will take my tribute payment of [amount] [item] back home, since you have declined to accept it. Please give me credit for trying to pay it." PHRASE_tribute_paid_accepted_reason "because you accepted my tribute payment of [amount] [item]," PHRASE_tribute_paid_forfeited_reason "because you forfeited my tribute payment of [amount] [item]," PHRASE_tribute_paid_refused_reason "because you refused my tribute payment of [amount] [item]," PHRASE_tribute_paid_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_paid_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_paid_granted "[city_name] sends tribute of [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_paid_cash_granted "[city_name] sends tribute of [amount] drachmas." PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_paid_partial_space "[city_name] sends tribute of [amount] [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_paid_insufficient_space "no space for tribute of [amount] [item] from [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_paid_last_chance "Accept partial tribute payment now or forfeit it." PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_paid_forfeited "Tribute from [city_name] forfeited due to lack of space." PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_paid_accepted "Tribute of [amount] [item] from [city_name] accepted" PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_paid_cash_accepted "Tribute of [amount_granted] drachmas from [city_name] accepted." PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_paid_postponed "Tribute payment from [city_name] postponed." PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_paid_refused "Tribute payment from [city_name] declined." PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_paid_accepted_reason "because you accepted tribute from [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_paid_forfeited_reason "because you forfeited tribute from [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_paid_refused_reason "because you refused tribute from [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_paid_no_reason "" ;********************Rescue cash************************** PHRASE_rescue_cash_title "A helping hand from [city_name]" PHRASE_rescue_cash_granted "Hello, [player_name]. You are one of my favorite people in all of Greece, and I have received word that you are having some financial difficulties. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], would be honored to offer you [amount] drachmas to help you through these difficult times." PHRASE_rescue_cash_cash_granted "Hello, [player_name]. I've noticed that you could use some money. Because I think so highly of you, I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have decided to grant you [amount] drachmas. I am pleased to be able to help." PHRASE_rescue_cash_partial_space "" PHRASE_rescue_cash_insufficient_space "" PHRASE_rescue_cash_last_chance "" PHRASE_rescue_cash_forfeited "" PHRASE_rescue_cash_accepted "I have deposited the [amount] drachmas into your treasury. Hopefully, the future will be more profitable than the past has been." PHRASE_rescue_cash_cash_accepted "The drachmas I promised you are now safely stored in your treasury." PHRASE_rescue_cash_postponed "You have postponed acceptance of financial help from [city_name]." PHRASE_rescue_cash_refused "I thought you might appreciate a little financial help, but I guess you don't need it. I will take my gift of [amount] drachmas back home, since you refuse to accept it." PHRASE_rescue_cash_accepted_reason "because you accepted financial aid from [city_name]," PHRASE_rescue_cash_forfeited_reason "because you forfeited financial aid from [city_name]," PHRASE_rescue_cash_refused_reason "because you refused to accept financial aid from [city_name]," PHRASE_rescue_cash_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rescue_cash_title "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rescue_cash_granted "[city_name] grants [amount] drachmas in debt relief." PHRASE_CONDENSED_rescue_cash_cash_granted "[city_name] grants [amount] drachmas in debt relief." PHRASE_CONDENSED_rescue_cash_partial_space "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rescue_cash_insufficient_space "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rescue_cash_last_chance "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rescue_cash_forfeited "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rescue_cash_accepted "[amount] drachmas have been added to your treasury." PHRASE_CONDENSED_rescue_cash_cash_accepted "[amount] drachmas have been added to your treasury." PHRASE_CONDENSED_rescue_cash_postponed "Financial aid from [city_name] posponed for one month." PHRASE_CONDENSED_rescue_cash_refused "Financial aid from [city_name] has been refused." PHRASE_CONDENSED_rescue_cash_accepted_reason "since you accepted financial aid from [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rescue_cash_forfeited_reason "because you forfeited financial aid from [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rescue_cash_refused_reason "since you refused financial aid from [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rescue_cash_no_reason "" ;*******************************************INVASIONS**************************************** ;********Invasion**************************************** PHRASE_invasion_title "[city_name] launches invasion!" PHRASE_invasion_oracle_prediction "[greeting] [player_name], seers have looked into the black hearts of [a_foreign_army] from [city_name] and have seen nothing but malevolence there. They will mount an attack against your city and begin their approach to your borders within one year." PHRASE_invasion_initial_announcement "Horrors, [player_name], [reason_phrase] [a_foreign_army] of [leader_name], leader of [city_name] is approaching and will try to invade the city in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_invasion_2year_reminder "Beware, [player_name], [a_foreign_army] from [city_name] approaches ever closer to our city. They will arrive in two years' time." PHRASE_invasion_1year_reminder "[greeting] [player_name], [a_foreign_army] from [city_name] is on the move and will reach your city in one year." PHRASE_invasion_6month_warning "[greeting] [player_name], in just six months, [a_foreign_army] from [city_name] will arrive to attack your city. Make sure you are prepared for their arrival." PHRASE_invasion_1month_Warning "[greeting] [player_name], the time to prepare has passed. In one month, [reason_phrase] [a_foreign_army] from [city_name] will arrive here, bent on conquest." PHRASE_invasion_city_attacked_alert "[greeting] [player_name], [a_foreign_army] from [city_name] is upon us, determined to destroy the city!" PHRASE_invasion_reason "because your city was attacked by [a_foreign_army] from [city_name]" PHRASE_invasion_no_reason "because they want more land to call their own," PHRASE_invasion_disembarked_alert "[greeting] [player_name], [a_foreign_army] from [city_name] has landed on our shores and has begun its attack. May your soldiers be filled with the spirit of Ares to fend off the attack." PHRASE_invasion_1month_Warning_AC "[greeting] [player_name], the time to prepare has passed. In one month, [a_foreign_army] from [city_name] will arrive here to conquer you. Your well-trained commanders are ready and will handle all the tactical decisions for you." PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that [a_foreign_army] will move towards your city within one year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_initial_announcement "[a_foreign_army] will invade your city in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_2year_reminder "[a_foreign_army] will invade your city in two years." PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_1year_reminder "[a_foreign_army] will invade your city in one year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_6month_warning "[a_foreign_army] will invade your city in six months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_1month_Warning "[a_foreign_army] will invade your city in one month." PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_city_attacked_alert "[a_foreign_army] is on our soil now!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_reason "because [a_foreign_army] attacked you" PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_disembarked_alert "[a_foreign_army] has landed and is attacking the city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_1month_Warning_AC "Your generals await the arrival of [a_foreign_army] in one month." ;********************************CITY AND WORLD STATUS CHANGES************************************ ; 'trade suspended' and 'trade resumed' are only triggered by provocation. Reason phrase may be embedded directly in text. ;*****Trade suspended********************************** PHRASE_trade_suspended_title "Trade with [city_name] suspended" PHRASE_trade_suspended_initial_announcement "You've disgusted me, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], no longer wish to trade with you." PHRASE_trade_suspended_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_trade_suspended_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_trade_suspended_initial_announcement "Trade with [city_name] has stopped." PHRASE_CONDENSED_trade_suspended_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Trade resumed********************************** PHRASE_trade_resumed_title "Trade with [city_name] resumed" PHRASE_trade_resumed_initial_announcement "Well, [player_name], even though I'm not thrilled with some of your past actions, I, [leader_name] of [city_name], will reopen trade with you." PHRASE_trade_resumed_no_reason "N/A"s PHRASE_CONDENSED_trade_resumed_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_trade_resumed_initial_announcement "Trade with [city_name] resumes." PHRASE_CONDENSED_trade_resumed_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Trade Shuts Down********************************** PHRASE_trade_shuts_down_title "Trade with [city_name] shuts down" PHRASE_trade_shuts_down_oracle_prediction "I, the prescient priestess from the oracle, have this to say to you, [player_name]: trade with [city_name] will cease within a year's time. " PHRASE_trade_shuts_down_initial_announcement "Hello, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], regret to inform you that I will no longer be able to trade with you. I assure you it is not the result of your actions." PHRASE_trade_shuts_down_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_trade_shuts_down_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_trade_shuts_down_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that trade with [city_name] will shut down." PHRASE_CONDENSED_trade_shuts_down_initial_announcement "Trade with [city_name] has shut down." PHRASE_CONDENSED_trade_shuts_down_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Trade opens up********************************** PHRASE_trade_opens_up_title "Trade with [city_name] opens up" PHRASE_trade_opens_up_oracle_prediction "I, the sage seer from the oracle, foresee that [leader_name] of [city_name] will seek to open trade relations with you within one year." PHRASE_trade_opens_up_initial_announcement "Greetings, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], propose that we begin trading with each other. It could be beneficial for both of us." PHRASE_trade_opens_up_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_trade_opens_up_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_trade_opens_up_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that [city_name] will trade with you." PHRASE_CONDENSED_trade_opens_up_initial_announcement "[city_name] can now trade with you." PHRASE_CONDENSED_trade_opens_up_no_reason "N/A" ;for the following increase/decrease events, ; _I = Increase ; _D = Decrease ;*****Demand Changes************************** PHRASE_demand_change_title_I "[city_name] buys more [itemshort]" PHRASE_demand_change_oracle_prediction_I "I am the priestess from the oracle, and I have seen the future! [leader_name] of [city_name] will be willing to trade even more [item]!" PHRASE_demand_change_initial_announcement_I "Hello, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am willing to buy more [item] from your city. It's amazing just how quickly my city goes through its supply!" PHRASE_demand_change_no_reason_I "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demand_change_title_I "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demand_change_oracle_prediction_I "Seers predict that [city_name] will trade even more [itemshort]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_demand_change_initial_announcement_I "[city_name] is now willing to trade even more [itemshort]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_demand_change_no_reason_I "" PHRASE_demand_change_title_D "[city_name] buys less [itemshort]" PHRASE_demand_change_oracle_prediction_D "I, the seer from the oracle, reveal to you that the city of [city_name] will require less [item] and will decrease the amount that they will buy from you." PHRASE_demand_change_initial_announcement_D "Things change, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have decided to reduce the amount of [item] that I buy from you. My city just doesn't use as much as it once did." PHRASE_demand_change_no_reason_D "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demand_change_title_D "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demand_change_oracle_prediction_D "Seers predict that [city_name] will trade less [itemshort]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_demand_change_initial_announcement_D "[city_name] has reduced the amount of [itemshort] that it trades." PHRASE_CONDENSED_demand_change_no_reason_D "" PHRASE_supply_change_title_I "[city_name] sells more [itemshort]" PHRASE_supply_change_oracle_prediction_I "I, the priestess from the oracle, have heard from the gods themselves that [city_name] will soon be willing to sell you more [item]." PHRASE_supply_change_initial_announcement_I "Greetings, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], I am pleased to announce that we can sell you more [item] than we could before!" PHRASE_supply_change_no_reason_I "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_supply_change_title_I "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_supply_change_oracle_prediction_I "Seers predict that [city_name] will sell even more [itemshort]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_supply_change_initial_announcement_I "[city_name] will now sell more [itemshort]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_supply_change_no_reason_I "" PHRASE_supply_change_title_D "[city_name] sells less [itemshort]" PHRASE_supply_change_oracle_prediction_D "I, the priestess from the oracle, foresee that within one year, [leader_name] of [city_name] will reduce the amount of [item] sold to your city!" PHRASE_supply_change_initial_announcement_D "Hello, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], must reduce the amount of [item] that I sell to you every year. My own city is using more of the supply than it did before." PHRASE_supply_change_no_reason_D "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_supply_change_title_D "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_supply_change_oracle_prediction_D "Seers predict that [city_name] will sell you less [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_supply_change_initial_announcement_D "[city_name] will now sell you less [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_supply_change_no_reason_D "" ;******Price Changes************************************** PHRASE_price_change_title_I "Price increase for [itemshort]" PHRASE_price_change_oracle_prediction_I "I, the great priestess from the oracle, predict that the price of [itemshort] will rise within one year. Importing this good will cost more, [player_name], but higher profits will be made from exporting it." PHRASE_price_change_initial_announcement_I "Oh great [player_name], because of reduced supplies throughout the world, the price of [itemshort] has risen by the amount shown above. Importing this good is now costlier, but higher profits can be made from exporting it." PHRASE_price_change_no_reason_I "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_price_change_title_I "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_price_change_oracle_prediction_I "Seers predict that [itemshort] will be costlier." PHRASE_CONDENSED_price_change_initial_announcement_I "The price of [itemshort] has risen." PHRASE_CONDENSED_price_change_no_reason_I "" PHRASE_price_change_title_D "Price decrease for [itemshort]" PHRASE_price_change_oracle_prediction_D "Greetings, [player_name]. I, the priestess from the oracle, foresee a shift in the trade winds. Within one year, there will be a surplus of [itemshort], so the price of this item will fall. This will reduce the profits to be made by selling it, but it will become less expensive to buy." PHRASE_price_change_initial_announcement_D "Most noble [player_name], because of an overabundance across Greece, the price of [itemshort] has fallen by the amount shown above. This reduces profits from selling it, but makes it cheaper to buy." PHRASE_price_change_no_reason_D "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_price_change_title_D "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_price_change_oracle_prediction_D "Seers predict that the price of [itemshort] will fall." PHRASE_CONDENSED_price_change_initial_announcement_D "The price of [itemshort] fallen." PHRASE_CONDENSED_price_change_no_reason_D "" ;*****Wage change************************************** PHRASE_wage_change_title_I "Wage expectations change" PHRASE_wage_change_oracle_prediction_I "I, the all-knowing priestess from the oracle, predict that people's expectations will change, [player_name]. They will expect to be paid more than they currently are." PHRASE_wage_change_initial_announcement_I "Most noble [player_name], the cost of living in your city has risen, and people now expect to be paid more so they can make ends meet." PHRASE_wage_change_no_reason_I_C "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_wage_change_title_I "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_wage_change_oracle_prediction_I "Seers predict that people will expect to be paid more." PHRASE_CONDENSED_wage_change_initial_announcement_I "People expect to be paid more." PHRASE_CONDENSED_wage_change_no_reason_I_C "N/A" PHRASE_wage_change_title_D "People expect less" PHRASE_wage_change_oracle_prediction_D "The gods have spoken to me, the priestess of the oracle. They have revealed that within a year, people will suddenly be willing to work for less, [player_name]." PHRASE_wage_change_initial_announcement_D "Greetings, my leader [player_name], for some inexplicable reason, people suddenly do not expect to be paid as much. The wage scale has decreased across the board." PHRASE_wage_change_no_reason_D_C "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_wage_change_title_D "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_wage_change_oracle_prediction_D "Seers predict that wages will fall throughout Greece." PHRASE_CONDENSED_wage_change_initial_announcement_D "Wages have fallen in Greece." PHRASE_CONDENSED_wage_change_no_reason_D_C "N/A" ; 'tribute suspended' and 'tribute resumed' are only triggered by provocation. Reason may be embedded directly in text. ;*****Tribute suspended********************************** PHRASE_tribute_suspended_title "[city_name] withholds tribute" PHRASE_tribute_suspended_initial_announcement "I may be your subject, [player_name], but I refuse to be treated like a mangy dog! I, [leader_name] of [city_name], refuse to pay you tribute until you change your behavior!" PHRASE_tribute_suspended_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_suspended_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_suspended_initial_announcement "[city_name] has stopped paying tribute." PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_suspended_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Tribute resumed********************************** PHRASE_tribute_resumed_title "[city_name] resumes paying tribute" PHRASE_tribute_resumed_initial_announcement "Hello, [player_name]. Though your behavior towards me has been positively reproachful in the past, I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have decided to do my duty and pay you tribute again." PHRASE_tribute_resumed_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_resumed_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_resumed_initial_announcement "[city_name] has resumed payment of tribute." PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_resumed_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Rebellion********************************** PHRASE_rebellion_tribute_suspended_title "[city_name] rebels!" PHRASE_rebellion_tribute_suspended_initial_announcement "I've had just about all I can take of you, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am revolting against you! You can forget about my tribute payment, and I'm not going to trade with you, either!" PHRASE_rebellion_tribute_suspended_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rebellion_tribute_suspended_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rebellion_tribute_suspended_initial_announcement "[city_name] has rebelled and has ceased paying tribute." PHRASE_CONDENSED_rebellion_tribute_suspended_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Rebellion Quelled********************************** PHRASE_rebellion_quelled_tribute_resumed_title "Rebellion at [city_name] quelled" PHRASE_rebellion_quelled_tribute_resumed_initial_announcement "Most understanding and forgiving [player_name], I, [leader_name] of [city_name], humble myself before you. Your military forces have shown me how wrong I was to rebel against you. I am your loyal subject again and will resume trading with you and paying you tribute." PHRASE_rebellion_quelled_tribute_resumed_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rebellion_quelled_tribute_resumed_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rebellion_quelled_tribute_resumed_initial_announcement "You have crushed the rebellion at [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_rebellion_quelled_tribute_resumed_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Rebellion Over********************************** PHRASE_rebellion_over_tribute_resumed_title "Rebellion at [city_name] over" PHRASE_rebellion_over_tribute_resumed_oracle_prediction "I, the far-seeing priestess from the oracle, foresee that your subject, [city_name], will stop behaving like a petulant child and cease its rebellion within a year's time. They will resume trading with you and paying you tribute." PHRASE_rebellion_over_tribute_resumed_initial_announcement "Please forgive me, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], realize now just how foolish I was being. Rebelling against you was a mistake, and I docilely return to the fold. I will gladly pay you tribute and eagerly look forward to resuming trade with you." PHRASE_rebellion_over_tribute_resumed_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rebellion_over_tribute_resumed_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rebellion_over_tribute_resumed_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that [city_name] will cease its rebellion within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_rebellion_over_tribute_resumed_initial_announcement "[city_name] has stopped rebelling." PHRASE_CONDENSED_rebellion_over_tribute_resumed_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Military Buildup********************************** PHRASE_military_change_title_I "Military buildup at [city_name]" PHRASE_military_change_oracle_prediction_I "I, the priestess from the oracle, have seen the future, [player_name]. Within a year's time, [city_name] will increase its military strength!" PHRASE_military_change_initial_announcement_I "Oh great [player_name], our spies have some intriguing news from abroad. [leader_name] of [city_name] has strengthened his military. No one knows what [leader_name] is intending, but we should remain vigilant." PHRASE_military_change_no_reason_I "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_military_change_title_I "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_military_change_oracle_prediction_I "Seers predict [city_name] will bolster its military." PHRASE_CONDENSED_military_change_initial_announcement_I "[city_name] has strengthened its military." PHRASE_CONDENSED_military_change_no_reason_I "N/A" ;*****Military Decline********************************** PHRASE_military_change_title_D "Military decline at [city_name]" PHRASE_military_change_oracle_prediction_D "Take heed, [player_name]. I, the seer from the oracle, foresee that within one year, the military at [city_name] will weaken significantly." PHRASE_military_change_initial_announcement_D "Most noble [player_name], our spies have uncovered an interesting tidbit. [leader_name] of [city_name] has dismissed much of his military, decreasing its overall strength." PHRASE_military_change_no_reason_D "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_military_change_title_D "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_military_change_oracle_prediction_D "Seers predict [city_name] will cut its military." PHRASE_CONDENSED_military_change_initial_announcement_D "[city_name] has cut its military capabilities." PHRASE_CONDENSED_military_change_no_reason_D "N/A" ;*****Economic Prosperity********************************** PHRASE_economic_change_title_I "Economic prosperity at [city_name]" PHRASE_economic_change_oracle_prediction_I "Noble [player_name], listen to me, the priestess from the oracle! Within a year, an economic renaissance will come to [city_name], and its affluence will increase." PHRASE_economic_change_initial_announcement_I "Most honored [leader_name], reports from abroad indicate that [city_name], under the leadership of [leader_name], is experiencing economic growth. Money is rolling in, and the city's industries are more productive than they had been before." PHRASE_economic_change_no_reason_I "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_economic_change_title_I "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_economic_change_oracle_prediction_I "Seers predict that the economy at [city_name] will improve within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_economic_change_initial_announcement_I "The economy at [city_name] has improved." PHRASE_CONDENSED_economic_change_no_reason_I "N/A" ;*****Economic Decline********************************** PHRASE_economic_change_title_D "Economic decline at [city_name]" PHRASE_economic_change_oracle_prediction_D "Greetings, [player_name]. I, the seer from the oracle, have seen that within one year's time, hard times will come to [city_name], and its economy will suffer a decline." PHRASE_economic_change_initial_announcement_D "Most honored [leader_name], word from [city_name] is that the city has fallen on hard times. Industries have shut down, and the city isn't as affluent as it once was." PHRASE_economic_change_no_reason_D "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_economic_change_title_D "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_economic_change_oracle_prediction_D "Seers predict that the economy at [city_name] will worsen." PHRASE_CONDENSED_economic_change_initial_announcement_D "The economy at [city_name] has worsened." PHRASE_CONDENSED_economic_change_no_reason_D "N/A" ;*******Increased Favor***************************** PHRASE_favor_change_title_I "[city_name] regards you more highly" PHRASE_favor_change_initial_announcement_I "[reason_phrase] I, [leader_name] of [city_name], think more highly of you than I did before." PHRASE_favor_change_no_reason_I "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_favor_change_title_I "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_favor_change_initial_announcement_I "[city_name] thinks more highly of you." PHRASE_CONDENSED_favor_change_no_reason_I "N/A" ;*******Decreased Favor***************************** PHRASE_favor_change_title_D "[city_name] thinks less of you" PHRASE_favor_change_initial_announcement_D "[reason_phrase] I, [leader_name] of [city_name], do not regard you as highly as I did before." PHRASE_favor_change_no_reason_D "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_favor_change_title_D "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_favor_change_initial_announcement_D "[city_name] thinks less of you [reason_phrase]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_favor_change_no_reason_D "N/A" ;********Attack Averted***************** PHRASE_attack_averted_title "Attack averted at [city_name]" PHRASE_attack_averted_initial_announcement "Triumph is ours, [player_name]! Because your forces arrived early to supplement my own soldiers and to build up our defenses, the enemy has been scared away! I, [leader_name], am extremely grateful, and I think more highly of you than I did before!" PHRASE_attack_averted_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_attack_averted_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_attack_averted_initial_announcement "[city_name] thinks more highly of you due to an averted attack." PHRASE_CONDENSED_attack_averted_no_reason "N/A" ;********Allies hate you************************ PHRASE_allies_hate_you_title "Allies hate you" PHRASE_allies_hate_you_initial_announcement "Greetings, [player_name]. because you attacked one of your allies, now none of your allies trust you." PHRASE_allies_hate_you_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_allies_hate_you_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_allies_hate_you_initial_announcement "You have betrayed your allies!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_allies_hate_you_no_reason "N/A" ;********Becomes ally**************************** PHRASE_becomes_ally_title "[city_name] becomes ally" PHRASE_becomes_ally_initial_announcement "Greetings, [player_name]! I, [leader_name] of [city_name], want to be in league with you. I have decided to become your ally. To mark the occasion, I have presented you with a Commemorative Monument that you can place in your city." PHRASE_becomes_ally_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_becomes_ally_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_becomes_ally_initial_announcement "[city_name] is now an ally. New Commemorative Monument available." PHRASE_CONDENSED_becomes_ally_no_reason "N/A" ;********Becomes rival**************************** PHRASE_becomes_rival_title "[city_name] becomes rival" PHRASE_becomes_rival_initial_announcement "I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am turning my back on you, [player_name]. You simply don't share enough of your supplies with me! If we meet again, I assure you it won't be pleasant!" PHRASE_becomes_rival_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_becomes_rival_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_becomes_rival_initial_announcement "[city_name] has become a rival!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_becomes_rival_no_reason "N/A" ;********Becomes vassal**************************** PHRASE_becomes_vassal_title "[city_name] becomes vassal" PHRASE_becomes_vassal_initial_announcement "Most valiant [player_name], I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am placing myself and all my followers under your rule. We will gladly do your bidding!" PHRASE_becomes_vassal_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_becomes_vassal_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_becomes_vassal_initial_announcement "[city_name] is now a vassal." PHRASE_CONDENSED_becomes_vassal_no_reason "N/A" ;********Swears Fealty**************************** PHRASE_swears_fealty_title "[city_name] swears fealty" PHRASE_swears_fealty_initial_announcement "Most honorable [player_name], I, [leader_name] of [city_name], humbly regret ever standing in your way. I swear fealty to you and will do your bidding." PHRASE_swears_fealty_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_swears_fealty_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_swears_fealty_initial_announcement "[city_name] has sworn fealty to you and is now a vassal." PHRASE_CONDENSED_swears_fealty_no_reason "N/A" ;********Player's City Conquered THIS IS NOT USED, ENEMY_VICTORIOUS REPLACES IT **************************** PHRASE_players_city_conquered_title "Player's city conquered" PHRASE_players_city_conquered_initial_announcement "[greeting] [player_name], woe be to you and your city! Your army has been defeated, and your city conquered! We are now subject to our enemies and will be forced to pay tribute! How will your city make it through these tumultuous times?" PHRASE_players_city_conquered_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_players_city_conquered_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_players_city_conquered_initial_announcement "Your city has been conquered." PHRASE_CONDENSED_players_city_conquered_no_reason "N/A" ;********City conquered by player**************************** PHRASE_city_conquered_by_player_title "You conquered [city_name]!" PHRASE_city_conquered_by_player_initial_announcement "Most martial [player_name], our army was victorious at [city_name], and their leader, [leader_name], is ashamed. [city_name] is now ours. To celebrate our achievement, you can build a Commemorative Monument!" PHRASE_city_conquered_by_player_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_city_conquered_by_player_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_city_conquered_by_player_initial_announcement "[city_name] has been conquered. A New Monument is available." PHRASE_CONDENSED_city_conquered_by_player_no_reason "N/A" ;********Ally conquers rival**************************** PHRASE_ally_conquers_rival_title "[city_name] conquers [rival_city_name]" PHRASE_ally_conquers_rival_initial_announcement "It is a happy day, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am pleased to announce that my army has defeated our [rival_nationality] rival, [rival_city_name]. As a result of their defeat, [rival_city_name] has become our ally!" PHRASE_ally_conquers_rival_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_conquers_rival_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_conquers_rival_initial_announcement "Our ally, [city_name] has conquered our rival, [rival_city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_conquers_rival_no_reason "N/A" ;********Vassal conquers rival**************************** PHRASE_vassal_conquers_rival_title "[city_name] conquers [rival_city_name]" PHRASE_vassal_conquers_rival_initial_announcement "Rejoice, rejoice, [player_name]! I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have conquered our rival, [rival_city_name]. [rival_city_name], stunned by its loss, has sworn fealty to you!" PHRASE_vassal_conquers_rival_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_conquers_rival_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_conquers_rival_initial_announcement "Our vassal, [city_name] has conquered our rival, [rival_city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_conquers_rival_no_reason "N/A" ;********Ally conquered by rival**************************** PHRASE_ally_conquered_by_rival_title "[rival_city_name] conquers [city_name]!" PHRASE_ally_conquered_by_rival_initial_announcement "What horrible news, [player_name]! Our [rival_nationality] rival [rival_city_name] has conquered [city_name], one of our cherished allies. [rival_city_name] has severed all normal contact between us and [city_name], and we will no longer be able to trade with them." PHRASE_ally_conquered_by_rival_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_conquered_by_rival_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_conquered_by_rival_initial_announcement "[rival_city_name] has conquered our ally, [city_name]!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_conquered_by_rival_no_reason "N/A" ;********Vassal conquered by rival**************************** PHRASE_vassal_conquered_by_rival_title "[rival_city_name] conquers [city_name]!" PHRASE_vassal_conquered_by_rival_initial_announcement "Hello, foolish [player_name]. I, the leader of [rival_city_name], have just conquered your vassal, [city_name]. I'm sure they'll be much happier with me, anyway!" PHRASE_vassal_conquered_by_rival_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_conquered_by_rival_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_conquered_by_rival_initial_announcement "[rival_city_name] has conquered our vassal, [city_name]!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_conquered_by_rival_no_reason "N/A" ;********Colony conquered by rival**************************** PHRASE_colony_conquered_by_rival_title "[rival_city_name] conquers [city_name]!" PHRASE_colony_conquered_by_rival_initial_announcement "What awful news, [player_name]! Our loyal colony, [city_name], has been conquered by our hated rival [rival_city_name]. By order of [rival_city_name], [city_name] can no longer trade with us!" PHRASE_colony_conquered_by_rival_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_conquered_by_rival_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_conquered_by_rival_initial_announcement "[rival_city_name] has conquered our colony, [city_name]!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_conquered_by_rival_no_reason "N/A" ;********Colony restored**************************** PHRASE_colony_restored_title "Colony at [city_name] restored" PHRASE_colony_restored_initial_announcement "This is a great day, [player_name]. Our colony, [city_name], that had been ripped away from us once again calls us leader! All will be as it was before." PHRASE_colony_restored_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_restored_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_restored_initial_announcement "Our colony at [city_name] has been restored." PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_restored_no_reason "N/A" ;********Parent city falls**************************** PHRASE_parent_city_falls_title "[city_name] falls!" PHRASE_parent_city_falls_initial_announcement "All is lost now, [player_name]. [leader_name], your deputy at your parent city of [city_name], just managed to send us this note before he was captured by our enemy: [city_name] completely destroyed; nothing is left. Without a parent city, we can't hope to survive. There's nothing left for us to do but find a new homeland and hope for better times in the future." PHRASE_parent_city_falls_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parent_city_falls_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parent_city_falls_initial_announcement "Our parent city of [city_name] has been conquered!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parent_city_falls_no_reason "N/A" ;***********************MISCELLANEOUS EVENTS******************************* ;*********Rebellion continues************* PHRASE_rebellion_continues_title "Rebellion continues at [city_name]" PHRASE_rebellion_continues_initial_announcement "Nice try, [player_name], but we're stronger than you expected! I, [leader_name] of your subject [city_name], have led my soldiers to victory over the forces you sent here. Our rebellion continues!" PHRASE_rebellion_continues_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rebellion_continues_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rebellion_continues_initial_announcement "Our army was defeated at [city_name]; the rebellion continues!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rebellion_continues_no_reason "N/A" ;**********Demand refused*********** PHRASE_demand_refused_title "[city_name] refuses your demand" PHRASE_demand_refused_initial_announcement "So, [player_name], you want [amount] [item]? And you think I, [leader_name] of [city_name], should give it to you? Think again! I have no intention of fulfilling your demand, you insolent oaf!" PHRASE_demand_refused_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demand_refused_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demand_refused_initial_announcement "[city_name] has refused your demand for [amount] [item]!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demand_refused_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Gift refused*********** PHRASE_gift_refused_title "[city_name] refuses your gift" PHRASE_gift_refused_initial_announcement "It's not that I don't appreciate the attention, [player_name], but enough is enough. I, [leader_name], must tell you that [city_name] simply doesn't need any more [item] right now! As time passes this will change, but don't bother giving any more [itemshort] for a while." PHRASE_gift_refused_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_refused_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_refused_initial_announcement "[city_name] has refused your gift of [amount] [item]!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_refused_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Ally has become resentful*********** PHRASE_ally_resentful_title "[city_name] becomes resentful!" PHRASE_ally_resentful_initial_announcement "I cannot bring myself to call you friend, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of your ally [city_name], can not countenance some of your recent actions. I am extremely resentful of you!" PHRASE_ally_resentful_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_resentful_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_resentful_initial_announcement "[city_name], your ally, has become resentful!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_resentful_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Rival has become hostile*********** PHRASE_rival_hostile_title "[city_name] becomes hostile!" PHRASE_rival_hostile_initial_announcement "I am loath to speak your name, [player_name], because it leaves a bad taste in my mouth! I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am extremely angry with you! There's no telling what I might do!" PHRASE_rival_hostile_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rival_hostile_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rival_hostile_initial_announcement "[city_name], your rival, has become hostile!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rival_hostile_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Vassal has become rebellious*********** PHRASE_vassal_rebellious_title "[city_name] becomes angry!" PHRASE_vassal_rebellious_initial_announcement "Most ignoble [player_name], I, [leader_name], and all my people at [city_name] despise you! We just might decide to make your life unpleasant!" PHRASE_vassal_rebellious_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_rebellious_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_rebellious_initial_announcement "[city_name], your vassal, is mad at you!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_rebellious_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Colony has become rebellious*********** PHRASE_colony_rebellious_title "[city_name] becomes angry!" PHRASE_colony_rebellious_initial_announcement "Hey [player_name]! I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have had enough of you! You think that just because you founded the city, you can do whatever you want to us. We might just have to teach you otherwise!" PHRASE_colony_rebellious_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_rebellious_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_rebellious_initial_announcement "The colony at [city_name] is mad at you!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_rebellious_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Parent city has become resentful*********** PHRASE_parent_resentful_title "[city_name] has become resentful" PHRASE_parent_resentful_initial_announcement "Some may have once regarded you as an exalted leader, [player_name], but not anymore. We here at your parent city of [city_name] think you are behaving in a most unbecoming manner. As your deputy, I, [leader_name], feel obliged to point out that you have earned our resentment!" PHRASE_parent_resentful_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parent_resentful_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parent_resentful_initial_announcement "The governor of [city_name] has become resentful!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parent_resentful_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Ally loves you*********** PHRASE_ally_loves_you_title "[city_name] loves you" PHRASE_ally_loves_you_initial_announcement "Most favored [player_name], I, [leader_name] of [city_name], count you among my favorite people in all of Greece. You are a fantastic leader, and everyone should aspire to be more like you!" PHRASE_ally_loves_you_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_loves_you_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_loves_you_initial_announcement "[city_name] loves you!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_loves_you_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Rival pleased with you*********** PHRASE_rival_pleased_title "[city_name] respects you" PHRASE_rival_pleased_initial_announcement "Greetings, [player_name]! I, [leader_name] of [city_name] consider you a worthy opponent, and you have earned my respect... for the time being at least." PHRASE_rival_pleased_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rival_pleased_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rival_pleased_initial_announcement "[city_name] respects you." PHRASE_CONDENSED_rival_pleased_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Vassal loves you*********** PHRASE_vassal_loves_you_title "[city_name] loves you" PHRASE_vassal_loves_you_initial_announcement "Exalted [player_name], I, [leader_name] of [city_name], and all my people simply adore you! If we can't live in your city, then being your subject is the next best thing!" PHRASE_vassal_loves_you_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_loves_you_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_loves_you_initial_announcement "[city_name] loves you!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_loves_you_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Colony loves you*********** PHRASE_colony_loves_you_title "[city_name] loves you" PHRASE_colony_loves_you_initial_announcement "Oh great [player_name], I, [leader_name] of your colony [city_name], praise your leadership skills, your sparkling intellect and your fantastically good looks! I thank the Fates everyday that the thread they have woven me includes service to such a great person!" PHRASE_colony_loves_you_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_loves_you_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_loves_you_initial_announcement "[city_name] loves you!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_loves_you_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Parent city loves you*********** PHRASE_parent_loves_you_title "[city_name] loves you" PHRASE_parent_loves_you_initial_announcement "Though you are far away from us, [player_name], everyone in your parent city of [city_name] agrees: we think the world of you! I, [leader_name], am proud to be your deputy!" PHRASE_parent_loves_you_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parent_loves_you_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parent_loves_you_initial_announcement "[city_name] loves you!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parent_loves_you_no_reason "N/A" ;*****************Rival army away from city*********** PHRASE_rival_away_title "[city_name] vulnerable" PHRASE_rival_away_oracle_prediction "Greetings, [player_name]. I am the all-knowing priestess of the oracle, and I have seen the future! Within one year's time, [leader_name], leader of your [rival_nationality] rival [city_name], will divert his own forces away from the city, leaving it vulnerable!" PHRASE_rival_away_initial_announcement "Most honorable [player_name], spies report that [leader_name], leader of our [rival_nationality] rival [city_name], has sent most of his military forces away from the city. [city_name] is virtually defenseless!" PHRASE_rival_away_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rival_away_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rival_away_oracle_prediction "Seers report that the army of [city_name] will be away from its city." PHRASE_CONDENSED_rival_away_initial_announcement "The army of our rival [city_name] is away from the city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_rival_away_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Player's city saved*********** PHRASE_players_city_saved_title "Invasion force defeated!" PHRASE_players_city_saved_initial_announcement "Great news, [player_name]! Crushed by our forces, the weakling soldiers of [city_name] are in full retreat, led by their yellow-bellied ruler, [leader_name]. Our city is safe!" PHRASE_players_city_saved_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_players_city_saved_init_announcment_comm_monument "It's time to celebrate, [player_name]! The [nationality] forces from [city_name] that its leader, [leader_name], sent to plague us have been thwarted by our brave soldiers! You can now build a Commemorative Monument so that we will always remember this great day!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_players_city_saved_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_players_city_saved_initial_announcement "The invasion force from [city_name] has been defeated!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_players_city_saved_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_players_city_saved_init_announcment_comm_monument "Our city is saved! Build a Commemorative Monument." ;**************Player's conquest fails*********** PHRASE_players_conquest_fails_title "Invasion of [city_name] crushed" PHRASE_players_conquest_fails_initial_announcement "Bad news, [player_name]. Our army has been defeated at the [nationality] city of [city_name]. Its ruler, [leader_name], has thwarted our goal of crushing them under our sandal." PHRASE_players_conquest_fails_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_players_conquest_fails_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_players_conquest_fails_initial_announcement "Our conquest of [city_name] has failed!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_players_conquest_fails_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Strike unsuccessful*********** PHRASE_strike_unsuccessful_title "Strike on [rival_city_name] unsuccessful" PHRASE_strike_unsuccessful_initial_announcement "Dear [player_name], we tried our best, but the strike you ordered on [rival_city_name] was unsuccessful. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have ordered what is left of my military to return home." PHRASE_strike_unsuccessful_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_strike_unsuccessful_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_strike_unsuccessful_initial_announcement "The strike on [rival_city_name] has failed!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_strike_unsuccessful_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Army returns*********** PHRASE_army_returns_title "Warriors return from [city_name]" PHRASE_army_returns_initial_announcement "Greetings, [player_name]. Your brave warriors have returned from [city_name], tired and sore." PHRASE_army_returns_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_army_returns_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_army_returns_initial_announcement "Your warriors have returned from [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_army_returns_no_reason "N/A" ;************* Strike ************* PHRASE_strike_force_sets_forth_title "Strike force heads for [rival_city_name]" PHRASE_strike_force_sets_forth_initial_announcement "Sound the trumpets, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have sent my troops to strike at the [rival_nationality] city of [rival_city_name], just as you ordered. We hope that we are successful so that we might bring glory to you!" PHRASE_strike_force_sets_forth_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_strike_force_sets_forth_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_strike_force_sets_forth_initial_announcement "Forces have set forth from [city_name] to attack [rival_city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_strike_force_sets_forth_no_reason "N/A" ;TROOPS ON LOAN EVENT TEXT ;**************Support Troops Arrive***************** PHRASE_support_troops_arrive_title "Forces arrive from [city_name]" PHRASE_support_troops_arrive_initial_announcement "Greetings, [player_name]. By now, the troops that I, [leader_name] of [city_name], sent to help you out should be in your city, reporting for duty." PHRASE_support_troops_arrive_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_support_troops_arrive_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_support_troops_arrive_initial_announcement "Support forces have arrived from [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_support_troops_arrive_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Support Troops Depart***************** PHRASE_support_troops_depart_title "Forces return to [city_name]" PHRASE_support_troops_depart_initial_announcement "Hello, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am calling my troops back home. Your city hasn't seen any military action for awhile, and I need them back in my city." PHRASE_support_troops_depart_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_support_troops_depart_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_support_troops_depart_initial_announcement "The forces from [city_name] have departed" PHRASE_CONDENSED_support_troops_depart_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Support Troops Defeated***************** PHRASE_support_troops_defeated_title "Mercenary forces defeated!" PHRASE_support_troops_defeated_initial_announcement "Horrible news, [player_name]. The mercenaries on loan to us from another city have been defeated!" PHRASE_support_troops_defeated_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_support_troops_defeated_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_support_troops_defeated_initial_announcement "Mercenary forces have been defeated." PHRASE_CONDENSED_support_troops_defeated_no_reason "N/A" ;PANHELLENIC GAMES EVENTS ;NEMEAN GAMES ;**************Nemean Games Begin***************** PHRASE_nemean_games_begin_title "Nemean Games begin" PHRASE_nemean_games_begin_initial_announcement_go "Greetings, [player_name]. The Nemean Games, in honor of our great father Zeus, are about to be held. Our strongest and fastest citizens will soon make their way to Argolis to vie for the cherished prize of a fresh celery wreath crown." PHRASE_nemean_games_begin_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_nemean_games_begin_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_nemean_games_begin_initial_announcement_go "The Nemean Games are about to begin." PHRASE_CONDENSED_nemean_games_begin_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Can't participate in Nemean Games***** PHRASE_nemean_games_cant_participate_title "Nemean Games" PHRASE_nemean_games_cant_participate_initial_announcement "Hello, [player_name]. Our city doesn't have any contestants to participate in the Nemean Games. Build Gymnasiums and a Stadium if you hope to participate in future Nemean Games" PHRASE_nemean_games_cant_participate_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_nemean_games_cant_participate_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_nemean_games_cant_participate_initial_announcement "Our city cannot participate in the Nemean Games." PHRASE_CONDENSED_nemean_games_cant_participate_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Nemean Games conclude*************** PHRASE_nemean_games_conclude_title "Nemean Games conclude" PHRASE_nemean_games_conclude_initial_announcement_won "Most exalted [player_name], great honor is visited upon our city today, for our contestants won the Nemean Games! Their heads are wreathed with crowns of fresh wild celery, and you can celebrate their prowess by building a Commemorative Monument. Furthermore, all other cities in Greece have noted our accomplishment, and their opinion of us has increased." PHRASE_nemean_games_conclude_initial_announcement_second "Greetings, [player_name]. Though they tried their hardest, our city's contestants came in second at the Nemean Games. Better luck next time." PHRASE_nemean_games_conclude_initial_announcement_lost "Bad news, [player_name]. our city's slow and weak contestants were defeated at the Nemean Games. Gymnasiums and a Stadium can help train better participants for next time." PHRASE_CONDENSED_nemean_games_conclude_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_nemean_games_conclude_initial_announcement_won "Our city's contestants won the Nemean Games." PHRASE_CONDENSED_nemean_games_conclude_initial_announcement_second "Our city's contestants placed second at the Nemean Games." PHRASE_CONDENSED_nemean_games_conclude_initial_announcement_lost "Our city's contestants lost the Nemean Games." ;ISTHMIAN GAMES ;**************Isthmian Games Begin***************** PHRASE_isthmian_games_begin_title "Isthmian Games begin" PHRASE_isthmian_games_begin_initial_announcement_go "O great [player_name], our city's wisest thinkers will soon leave for Corinth to participate in the Isthmian Games, held in honor of the great Poseidon. Honor, prestige, and a wreath of dried wild celery await the winner!" PHRASE_isthmian_games_begin_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_isthmian_games_begin_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_isthmian_games_begin_initial_announcement_go "The Isthmian Games are about to begin." PHRASE_CONDENSED_isthmian_games_begin_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Can't participate in Isthmian Games***** PHRASE_isthmian_games_cant_participate_title "Isthmian Games" PHRASE_isthmian_games_cant_participate_initial_announcement "Greetings, [player_name]. thinking apparently is not one of our city's strong suits. Because our city lacks philosophers, we cannot participate in this year's Isthmian Games." PHRASE_isthmian_games_cant_participate_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_isthmian_games_cant_participate_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_isthmian_games_cant_participate_initial_announcement "Our city cannot participate in the Isthmian Games." PHRASE_CONDENSED_isthmian_games_cant_participate_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Isthmian Games conclude*************** PHRASE_isthmian_games_conclude_title "Isthmian Games conclude" PHRASE_isthmian_games_conclude_initial_announcement_won "Joyous news, [player_name]! Our philosophers have won the Isthmian Games and are proudly wearing their wreaths of dry wild celery! You can mark their achievement by building a Commemorative Monument in their honor. Throughout Greece, word is spreading of our philosophers' wisdom, and our city's reputation has improved as a result." PHRASE_isthmian_games_conclude_initial_announcement_second "Greetings, [player_name]. Though very wise, our philosophers were not quite wise enough. They came in second at the Isthmian Games." PHRASE_isthmian_games_conclude_initial_announcement_lost "Most noble [player_name], our philosophers, completely befuddled by the other contestants, lost the Isthmian Games. If we were more devoted to philosophical pursuits, our contestants might have fared better. Try building more Colleges and Podiums before the next Isthmian Games." PHRASE_CONDENSED_isthmian_games_conclude_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_isthmian_games_conclude_initial_announcement_won "Our city's philosophers won the Isthmian Games." PHRASE_CONDENSED_isthmian_games_conclude_initial_announcement_second "Our city's philosophers placed second at the Isthmian Games." PHRASE_CONDENSED_isthmian_games_conclude_initial_announcement_lost "Our city's philosophers lost the Isthmian Games." ;PYTHIAN GAMES ;**************Pythian Games Begin***************** PHRASE_pythian_games_begin_title "Pythian Games begin" PHRASE_pythian_games_begin_initial_announcement_go "O great [player_name], our city's best actors are going to Delphi to participate in the Pythian Games. If they do well, a bay leaf crown and universal renown await them." PHRASE_pythian_games_begin_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_pythian_games_begin_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_pythian_games_begin_initial_announcement_go "The Pythian Games are about to begin." PHRASE_CONDENSED_pythian_games_begin_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Can't participate in Pythian Games***** PHRASE_pythian_games_cant_participate_title "Pythian Games" PHRASE_pythian_games_cant_participate_initial_announcement "Most noble [player_name], great tragedies and delightful comedies will be performed at the Pythian Games without anyone from our city. Because our city doesn't have any actors, it has not been invited to the Pythian Games." PHRASE_pythian_games_cant_participate_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_pythian_games_cant_participate_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_pythian_games_cant_participate_initial_announcement "Our city cannot participate in the Pythian Games." PHRASE_CONDENSED_pythian_games_cant_participate_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Pythian Games conclude*************** PHRASE_pythian_games_conclude_title "Pythian Games conclude" PHRASE_pythian_games_conclude_initial_announcement_won "Wonderful news, [player_name]! Our brilliant and versatile actors have won the Pythian Games, taking the crown of bay leaves! Honor their achievement by building a Commemorative Monument. And, because our city's actors so successfully entertained all of Greece, cities throughout the land now look upon us more favorably." PHRASE_pythian_games_conclude_initial_announcement_second "Greetings, [player_name]. Though our actors performed well, they lacked that certain something that judges look for in actors. Our city's actors came in second at the Pythian Games." PHRASE_pythian_games_conclude_initial_announcement_lost "Terrible news, [player_name]. Our city's actors managed to bring its audiences to tears. Unfortunately, they were performing a comedy. Our city's actors lost the Pythian Games. Build more Drama Schools and Theaters so our actors can bring audiences to tears on purpose at the next Pythian Games." PHRASE_CONDENSED_pythian_games_conclude_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_pythian_games_conclude_initial_announcement_won "Your city's actors won the Pythian Games!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_pythian_games_conclude_initial_announcement_second "Your city's actors placed second at the Pythian Games." PHRASE_CONDENSED_pythian_games_conclude_initial_announcement_lost "Your city's actors lost the Pythian Games." ;OLYMPIAN ;**************Olympian Games Begin***************** PHRASE_olympian_games_begin_title "Olympian Games begin" PHRASE_olympian_games_begin_initial_announcement_go "Greetings, [player_name]. The Olympian Games, celebrating Zeus, are about to begin. All of our best contestants from the disciplines of athletics, philosophy and drama are slated to compete for the wreath of olive branches." PHRASE_olympian_games_begin_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_olympian_games_begin_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_olympian_games_begin_initial_announcement_go "The Olympian Games are about to begin." PHRASE_CONDENSED_olympian_games_begin_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Can't participate in Olympian Games***** PHRASE_olympian_games_cant_participate_title "Olympian Games" PHRASE_olympian_games_cant_participate_initial_announcement "Most noble [player_name], you could have been a contender, but pan-Hellenic fame will not be ours this year. Our city does not have anyone suitable to compete in the Olympian Games." PHRASE_olympian_games_cant_participate_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_olympian_games_cant_participate_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_olympian_games_cant_participate_initial_announcement "Our city cannot participate in the Olympian Games." PHRASE_CONDENSED_olympian_games_cant_participate_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Olympian Games conclude*************** PHRASE_olympian_games_conclude_title "Olympian Games conclude" PHRASE_olympian_games_conclude_initial_announcement_won "Oh great [player_name], good news abounds! Our city's contestants won the Olympian Games and have been awarded the olive wreath crown! If our city has a working Stadium in four years, we can host our own Games! Furthermore, you can now build a Commemorative Monument to honor our fine contenders for their victory! And to top it off, other cities throughout Greece now think more highly of you!" PHRASE_olympian_games_conclude_initial_announcement_second "Greetings, [player_name]. The competition was close, but our city's contestants came in second at the Olympian Games. Perhaps they will perform better next time." PHRASE_olympian_games_conclude_initial_announcement_lost "Hello, [player_name]. Our city's contestants lost the Olympian Games. Building more cultural facilities will help our city fare better next time." PHRASE_CONDENSED_olympian_games_conclude_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_olympian_games_conclude_initial_announcement_won "Our city's contestants won the Olympian Games." PHRASE_CONDENSED_olympian_games_conclude_initial_announcement_second "Our city's contestants placed second at the Olympian Games." PHRASE_CONDENSED_olympian_games_conclude_initial_announcement_lost "Our city's contestants lost the Olympian Games." ;HOME GAMES ;*****************Home Games Begin***************** PHRASE_home_games_begin_title "[players_city_adjective] Games begin" PHRASE_home_games_begin_initial_announcement "Most exalted [player_name], because our city's contestants won the last Olympian Games, this year we will host the [players_city_adjective] Games! Soon, contestants from throughout Greece will come to our city." PHRASE_home_games_begin_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_home_games_begin_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_home_games_begin_initial_announcement "[players_city_adjective] Games begin." PHRASE_CONDENSED_home_games_begin_no_reason "N/A" ;******************Home Games Cancelled*************** PHRASE_home_games_cancelled_title "[players_city_adjective] Games cancelled" PHRASE_home_games_cancelled_initial_announcement "How unfortunate, [player_name]! Because our city's contestants won the last Olympian Games, this year we were slated to host our own Games. However, the [players_city_adjective] Games are not to be, for our city lacks a working Stadium! Another city has graciously stepped in to host the games, but our contenders are not invited. Better luck next time..." PHRASE_home_games_cancelled_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_home_games_cancelled_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_home_games_cancelled_initial_announcement "The [players_city_adjective] Games have been cancelled." PHRASE_CONDENSED_home_games_cancelled_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Home Games conclude*************** PHRASE_home_games_conclude_title "[players_city_adjective] Games End" PHRASE_home_games_conclude_initial_announcement_won "Oh great [player_name], our city's contestants won the [players_city_adjective] Games! You can now build a Commemorative Monument in their honor. Our citizens are thrilled that they were able to watch their hometown heroes compete against Greece's best, and your popularity has increased. Plus, since our city was so hospitable to the visiting participants, all the other cities in Greece now think more highly of you. And, because your contestants won, your city will again host the [players_city_adjective] Games in four years' time, as long as we still have a working Stadium!" PHRASE_home_games_conclude_initial_announcement_second "Greetings, [player_name]. Our contestants came in second at the [players_city_adjective] Games! Our citizens enjoyed watching the world-class competitions, so your popularity has increased. And, other cities throughout Greece think more highly of you because of the hospitality extended to all the contestants by your citizens." PHRASE_home_games_conclude_initial_announcement_lost "Though they tried their hardest, [player_name], our city's contestants lost the [players_city_adjective] Games! Still, our citizens appreciated seeing some of their favorite contestants from around Greece, so your popularity has increased. Plus, since our city proved to be a capable host, cities throughout Greece think more highly of you." PHRASE_home_games_conclude_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_home_games_conclude_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_home_games_conclude_initial_announcement_won "Our contestants have won the [players_city_adjective] Games!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_home_games_conclude_initial_announcement_second "Our contestants placed second at the [players_city_adjective] Games!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_home_games_conclude_initial_announcement_lost "Our contestants lost the [players_city_adjective] Games!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_home_games_conclude_no_reason "N/A" ;POPULATION MILESTONES ;******************Population 100*************** PHRASE_population_100_title "Population milestone: 100 people" PHRASE_population_100_initial_announcement "Our fledgling village now boasts a population of 100 people." PHRASE_population_100_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_100_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_100_initial_announcement "The city's population has reached 100." PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_100_no_reason "N/A" ;******************Population 500*************** PHRASE_population_500_title "Population milestone: 500 people" PHRASE_population_500_initial_announcement "Congratulations! Our city's population has reached 500 for the first time." PHRASE_population_500_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_500_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_500_initial_announcement "The city's population has reached 500." PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_500_no_reason "N/A" ;******************Population 1000*************** PHRASE_population_1000_title "Population milestone: 1,000 people" PHRASE_population_1000_initial_announcement "People continue to flock to our city, and its population has reached 1,000 for the first time. You can celebrate this achievement by building a Commemorative Monument." PHRASE_population_1000_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_1000_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_1000_initial_announcement "The city's population has reached 1,000." PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_1000_no_reason "N/A" ;******************Population 2000*************** PHRASE_population_2000_title "Population milestone: 2,000 people" PHRASE_population_2000_initial_announcement "This is a proud day indeed for the city. The population has reached 2,000 residents for the first time. You can mark the occasion by building a Commemorative Monument." PHRASE_population_2000_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_2000_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_2000_initial_announcement "The city's population has reached 2,000." PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_2000_no_reason "N/A" ;******************Population 3000*************** PHRASE_population_3000_title "Population milestone: 3,000 people" PHRASE_population_3000_initial_announcement "For the first time, our city has 3,000 residents. Well done!" PHRASE_population_3000_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_3000_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_3000_initial_announcement "The city's population has reached 3,000." PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_3000_no_reason "N/A" ;******************Population 5000*************** PHRASE_population_5000_title "Population milestone: 5,000 people" PHRASE_population_5000_initial_announcement "A full 5,000 people now call our city home. Growing stature in Hellene could very well come with our city's growing size. You can celebrate this achievement by building a Commemorative Monument." PHRASE_population_5000_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_5000_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_5000_initial_announcement "The city's population has reached 5,000." PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_5000_no_reason "N/A" ;******************Population 10000*************** PHRASE_population_10000_title "Population milestone: 10,000 people" PHRASE_population_10000_initial_announcement "More and more people are clamoring to call our city home! Our city now boasts a population of 10,000, a mark seen only by the most successful of cities. You can mark this momentous occasion by building a Commemorative Monument." PHRASE_population_10000_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_10000_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_10000_initial_announcement "The city's population has reached 10,000." PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_10000_no_reason "N/A" ;******************Population 15000*************** PHRASE_population_15000_title "Population milestone: 15,000 people" PHRASE_population_15000_initial_announcement "A whopping 15,000 residents now live in our city! You can celebrate this achievement by building a Commemorative Monument." PHRASE_population_15000_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_15000_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_15000_initial_announcement "The city's population has reached 15,000." PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_15000_no_reason "N/A" ;******************Population 20000*************** PHRASE_population_20000_title "Population milestone: 20,000 people" PHRASE_population_20000_initial_announcement "With 20,000 people, our city is one of the largest in all of Hellene. You can mark this feat by building a Commemorative Monument." PHRASE_population_20000_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_20000_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_20000_initial_announcement "The city's population has reached 20,000." PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_20000_no_reason "N/A" ;******************Population 25000*************** PHRASE_population_25000_title "Population milestone: 25,000 people" PHRASE_population_25000_initial_announcement "Our city is truly titanic. A full 25,000 people call it home, relying on you for jobs, food, protection and the other necessities of life. You can now build a Commemorative Monument as a testament to this achievement." PHRASE_population_25000_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_25000_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_25000_initial_announcement "The city's population has reached 25,000." PHRASE_CONDENSED_population_25000_no_reason "N/A" ;***********COMMEMORATIVE MONUMENT EVENT TEXT****************** ;***********Happiness monument available************** PHRASE_happiness_monument_title "Happiness monument available" PHRASE_happiness_monument_initial_announcement "It is truly a golden time in the city, and people are very happy! So that all will remember this special time, you can now build a Commemorative Monument." PHRASE_CONDENSED_happiness_monument_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_happiness_monument_initial_announcement "A city happiness commemorative monument is available." ;***********Colony monument available************** PHRASE_colony_monument_title "Colony monument available" PHRASE_colony_monument_initial_announcement "With the founding of a colony at [last_colony], our city's influence is spreading. You can now celebrate our city's successful expansion by building a Commemorative Monument!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_monument_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_monument_initial_announcement "Honor the new colony by building a commemorative monument." ;***********Victory monument available************** PHRASE_victory_monument_title "Victory monument available" PHRASE_victory_monument_initial_announcement "We have handily defeated the foes who dared to step foot on our soil! You can now trumpet our triumph by building a Commemorative Monument that celebrates our victory." PHRASE_CONDENSED_victory_monument_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_victory_monument_initial_announcement "Celebrate your army's recent victory with a Commemorative Monument!" ;***********Lava disaster triggered***************** PHRASE_lava_title "Lava!" PHRASE_lava_phrase_by_god "The great god [god], in a fearful display of power, has turned the world inside out! From deep within the ground, scorching waves of deadly lava have sprung forth, burning everything in their path!" PHRASE_lava_phrase_no_reason "Waves of deadly molten rock gush from deep underground, turning everything in their path to ashes!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_lava_title "Lava Flow!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_lava_phrase_by_god "[god] has caused deadly molten rock to cover the earth!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_lava_phrase_no_reason "Deadly molten rock covers the earth!" ;***********Flood disaster triggered**************** PHRASE_flood_title "Tidal Wave!" PHRASE_flood_phrase_by_god "The fearsome god [god] has called the sea forth to overtake the land! The great wave has claimed every structure in its path!" PHRASE_flood_phrase_no_reason "The waters have formed into a mountain, overflowing onto land in a great tidal wave! The rushing waters have knocked down every structure in their path!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_flood_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_flood_phrase_by_god "[god] has caused tidal waves to sweep over the earth." PHRASE_CONDENSED_flood_phrase_no_reason "A tidal wave sweeps the earth." ;***********Quake disaster triggered**************** PHRASE_quake_title "Earthquake!" PHRASE_quake_phrase_by_god "The awe-inspiring god [god] has opened the earth, leaving deep and dark chasms in its surface!" PHRASE_quake_phrase_no_reason "The earth is shaking in fury, tearing the land asunder!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_quake_title "Earthquake!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_quake_phrase_by_god "[god] has sent shock waves ripping through the ground." PHRASE_CONDENSED_quake_phrase_no_reason "Shock waves rip through the ground." ;*****************MYTHOLOGICAL EVENT MESSAGES************************************** ;************************WOOING AND JEALOUSY************************************* ;********Zeus******************* PHRASE_zeus_wooing0_title "Greetings from Zeus" PHRASE_zeus_wooing0_initial_announcement "Worship me, the great Zeus, and I will make you master of all you see! I will grant you an Oracle, and you'll be able to foresee troubles!" PHRASE_zeus_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Zeus" PHRASE_zeus_jealousy1_initial_announcement "Worship me and I will bring you more joy than any other god! Others throughout Greece will think more highly of you if you worship me. And, any blessing another god can grant you, I can grant you, too!" PHRASE_zeus_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Zeus" PHRASE_zeus_jealousy2_initial_announcement "I am the best of all the gods! No other god can offer you what I can! I will strike down any enemy armies or enemy gods that dare to try to harm you!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_wooing0_title "Greetings from Zeus" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_wooing0_initial_announcement "Worship me, the great Zeus, and I will make you master of all you see!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Zeus" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_jealousy1_initial_announcement "Worship me and I will bring you more joy than any other god!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Zeus" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_jealousy2_initial_announcement "I am the best of all the gods! No other god can offer you what I can!" ;********Poseidon******************* PHRASE_poseidon_wooing0_title "Greetings from Poseidon" PHRASE_poseidon_wooing0_initial_announcement "I am Poseidon! Worship me, and the sea will befriend you! Eager to please me, the fruits of the sea, the sea urchin and fish, will be more plentiful, and your fishermen and urchin gatherers will be able to harvest them more quickly than they could before." PHRASE_poseidon_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Poseidon" PHRASE_poseidon_jealousy1_initial_announcement "What other god can offer you a Kraken? With the Kraken patrolling your shores, you'll have little to fear if an invader attacks your city by water. " PHRASE_poseidon_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Poseidon" PHRASE_poseidon_jealousy2_initial_announcement "Isn't the lure of seafood enough for you to worship me? I can bless your Urchin Quays and Fisheries so that they produce more than the normal amount of food. And, I'll deliver seafood to your Granaries if you are running low on food! I can also provide you with more horses so that more of your elite citizens can become horsemen." PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_wooing0_title "Greetings from Poseidon" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_wooing0_initial_announcement "I am Poseidon! Worship me, and the sea will befriend you!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Poseidon" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_jealousy1_initial_announcement "What other god can offer you a Kraken?" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Poseidon" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_jealousy2_initial_announcement "Isn't the lure of seafood enough for you to worship me?" ;********Hades******************* PHRASE_hades_wooing0_title "Greetings from Hades" PHRASE_hades_wooing0_initial_announcement "Worship me, the feared Hades, and your city will glisten in the sun! Befriend the god of the Underworld, and your city's landscape will shine like silver! Deposits of silver ore will surround the Gates of Hades, and you can extract the ore and convert it into drachmas at a Mint!" PHRASE_hades_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Hades" PHRASE_hades_jealousy1_initial_announcement "If you worship me, my beloved hound will watch over your city! Cerberus will do his best to make sure no harm befalls you!" PHRASE_hades_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Hades" PHRASE_hades_jealousy2_initial_announcement "Worship me, and your coffers will fill to the brim! When you find yourself in need of money, I will deposit precious drachmas in your treasury! When I sanctify your Tax Offices, the homes in the area will pay even more in taxes. And, any Foundries will yield even more precious ore!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_wooing0_title "Greetings from Hades" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_wooing0_initial_announcement "Worship me, the feared Hades, and your city will glisten in the sun!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Hades" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_jealousy1_initial_announcement "If you worship me, my beloved hound will watch over your city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Hades" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_jealousy2_initial_announcement "Worship me, and your coffers will fill to the brim!" ;********Demeter******************* PHRASE_demeter_wooing0_title "Greetings from Demeter" PHRASE_demeter_wooing0_initial_announcement "I am Demeter. Worship me, and fertile fields will stretch out before you! Meadows will surround my Sanctuary, and farms, orchards and livestock can thrive on the land!" PHRASE_demeter_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Demeter" PHRASE_demeter_jealousy1_initial_announcement "What could be better than to have your people well-fed? Worship me, and the bounty of the land will increase! Hunger will become an infrequent visitor to your city!" PHRASE_demeter_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Demeter" PHRASE_demeter_jealousy2_initial_announcement "Certainly the gods you're worshiping can't hold a candle to me? The next time your people go hungry, remember me and all that I could have done for your city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_wooing0_title "Greetings from Demeter" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_wooing0_initial_announcement "I am Demeter. Worship me, and fertile fields will stretch out before you!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Demeter" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_jealousy1_initial_announcement "What could be better than to have your people well-fed?" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Demeter" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_jealousy2_initial_announcement "Certainly the gods you're worshiping can't hold a candle to me?" ;********Athena******************* PHRASE_athena_wooing0_title "Greetings from Athena" PHRASE_athena_wooing0_initial_announcement "I am Athena! Worship me, and a sacred grove will grace your city! From this grove, the most succulent olives will grow which can be harvested and made into the finest olive oil!" PHRASE_athena_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Athena" PHRASE_athena_jealousy1_initial_announcement "My dearest, worship me and your soldiers will find great strength! They will stand taller and firmer in the face of enemy attack!" PHRASE_athena_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Athena" PHRASE_athena_jealousy2_initial_announcement "Worship me! Coming forth from my father's head was no mean feat! I'll use my considerable skills to defend your city from danger!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_wooing0_title "Greetings from Athena" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_wooing0_initial_announcement "I am Athena! Worship me, and a sacred grove will grace your city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Athena" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_jealousy1_initial_announcement "My dearest, worship me and your soldiers will find great strength!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Athena" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_jealousy2_initial_announcement "Worship me! Coming forth from my father's head was no mean feat!" ;********Apollo******************* PHRASE_apollo_wooing0_title "Greetings from Apollo" PHRASE_apollo_wooing0_initial_announcement "Worship me, the famed Apollo, and the future will become as clear as day! With my Oracle, you'll be able to prepare for life's unpleasant little surprises!" PHRASE_apollo_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Apollo" PHRASE_apollo_jealousy1_initial_announcement "Worship me, and the contestants you send to the games will be blessed! They will perform better than their abilities suggest that they would, and they will have a better chance of winning the Games!" PHRASE_apollo_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Apollo" PHRASE_apollo_jealousy2_initial_announcement "Worship me, and I will protect your city and heal your sick. I'll also sanctify your Theaters, Podiums, Gymnasiums and the Stadium, and they will provide more benefit to the surrounding area!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_wooing0_title "Greetings from Apollo" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_wooing0_initial_announcement "Worship me, the famed Apollo, and the future will become as clear as day!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Apollo" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_jealousy1_initial_announcement "Worship me, and the contestants you send to the games will be blessed" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Apollo" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_jealousy2_initial_announcement "Worship me, and I will protect your city and heal your sick!" ;********Artemis******************* PHRASE_artemis_wooing0_title "Greetings from Artemis" PHRASE_artemis_wooing0_initial_announcement "Worship me, the chaste Artemis, and my huntresses will strike down your foes! No one is more skilled at fighting than my women warriors, and I will provide two companies of them to defend your city!" PHRASE_artemis_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Artemis" PHRASE_artemis_jealousy1_initial_announcement "Worship me, and I will prevent predators from besmirching your city! I will slay any wolves or renegade wild boar with my own two hands! " PHRASE_artemis_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Artemis" PHRASE_artemis_jealousy2_initial_announcement "What other god will join you in the hunt? Worship me, and I'll help your hunters find more success when hunting the wild boar! And, in times of hunger, I'll make sure your city's residents have a plentiful supply of pork!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_wooing0_title "Greetings from Artemis" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_wooing0_initial_announcement "Worship me, the chaste Artemis, and my huntresses will strike down your foes!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Artemis" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_jealousy1_initial_announcement "Worship me, and I will prevent predators from besmirching your city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Artemis" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_jealousy2_initial_announcement "What other god will join you in the hunt?" ;********Ares******************* PHRASE_ares_wooing0_title "Greetings from Ares" PHRASE_ares_wooing0_initial_announcement "I am the god of war! Worship me, and my soldiers will defend you! Two companies of my fierce Sparti will help you fight your battles, whether they be in your city or abroad!" PHRASE_ares_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Ares" PHRASE_ares_jealousy1_initial_announcement "Worship me, and I will command my Dragon to attack your enemies! Prepare for invader flambe!" PHRASE_ares_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Ares" PHRASE_ares_jealousy2_initial_announcement "Who wouldn't want the all-powerful Ares fighting for them? Worship me, and I'll accompany your soldiers into the heat of battle!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_wooing0_title "Greetings from Ares" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_wooing0_initial_announcement "I am the god of war! Worship me, and my soldiers will defend you!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Ares" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_jealousy1_initial_announcement "Worship me, and I will command my Dragon to attack your enemies!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Ares" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_jealousy2_initial_announcement "Who wouldn't want the all-powerful Ares fighting for them?" ;********Hephaestus******************* PHRASE_hephaestus_wooing0_title "Hephaestus greets you" PHRASE_hephaestus_wooing0_initial_announcement "Worship me, and the supplies of the forge shall be yours! The bronze ore you will harvest from my Forge's reserves will make fine armor and beautiful sculpture!" PHRASE_hephaestus_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Hephaestus" PHRASE_hephaestus_jealousy1_initial_announcement "Choose me, and you'll never have to fear fire! I'll control flames just as I do in my forge, and not a single tongue of fire will touch your buildings!" PHRASE_hephaestus_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Hephaestus" PHRASE_hephaestus_jealousy2_initial_announcement "Why won't you worship me? It's because of my legs, isn't it? First mom and dad cast me out of Olympus because of them, and now you won't worship me! Though my body may be damaged, Talos, my man of bronze, has a most capable body and will defend your city should you choose to worship me." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_wooing0_title "Greetings from Hephaestus" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_wooing0_initial_announcement "Worship me, and the supplies of the forge shall be yours!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Hephaestus" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_jealousy1_initial_announcement "Choose me, and you'll never have to fear fire!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Hephaestus" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_jealousy2_initial_announcement "Why won't you worship me? It's because of my legs, isn't it?" ;********Aphrodite******************* PHRASE_aphrodite_wooing0_title "Greetings from Aphrodite" PHRASE_aphrodite_wooing0_initial_announcement "Hello, darling! Worship me, and no one will leave the city's embrace! No one will emigrate from your city as long as I am worshiped here! And, if I find your houses are lacking some occupants, I'll create some for you, and your city's population will grow!" PHRASE_aphrodite_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Aphrodite" PHRASE_aphrodite_jealousy1_initial_announcement "I want to be loved by you! I'll make your city as attractive as I am! Your city's appeal will grow, which will help the city's housing grow more attractive." PHRASE_aphrodite_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Aphrodite" PHRASE_aphrodite_jealousy2_initial_announcement "If you choose me, the coarser gods won't be able to touch you! Ares, Hermes, Dionysus and Hephaestus will be powerless!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_wooing0_title "Greetings from Aphrodite" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_wooing0_initial_announcement "Hello, darling! Worship me, and no one will leave the city's embrace!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Aphrodite" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_jealousy1_initial_announcement "I want to be loved by you! I'll make your city as attractive as I am!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Aphrodite" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_jealousy2_initial_announcement "If you choose me, coarser gods won't be able to touch you!" ;********Hermes******************* PHRASE_hermes_wooing0_title "Greetings from Hermes" PHRASE_hermes_wooing0_initial_announcement "I'm Hermes! Worship me, and some of your citizens will taste my speed! Watch as your deliverymen move faster, shuttling goods to their destinations at break-neck speeds! And, if there is an outstanding request upon your city, I just might fulfill it for you!" PHRASE_hermes_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Hermes" PHRASE_hermes_jealousy1_initial_announcement "If you worship me, traders will find travel to this city easy. Winds will be more favorable to trade ships, and roads will smooth for trade caravans! They will move through your city quicker!" PHRASE_hermes_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Hermes" PHRASE_hermes_jealousy2_initial_announcement "Traders love cities where Hermes is in residence. When you worship me, your city will be visited by more traders! Your potential for profit from trade will grow because of the more frequent visits!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_wooing0_title "Greetings from Hermes" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_wooing0_initial_announcement "I'm Hermes! Worship me, and some of your citizens will taste my speed!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Hermes" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_jealousy1_initial_announcement "If you worship me, traders will find travel to this city easy!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Hermes" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_jealousy2_initial_announcement "Traders love cities where Hermes is in residence!" ;********Dionysus******************* PHRASE_dionysus_wooing0_title "Greetings from Dionysus" PHRASE_dionysus_wooing0_initial_announcement "I'm Dionysus. Worship me, and fruits of the vine will burst forth! You'll also be able to harvest grapes from my own Vineyard, and all the vines in your city will yield more grapes!" PHRASE_dionysus_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Dionysus" PHRASE_dionysus_jealousy1_initial_announcement "Life doesn't have to be unpleasant! Worship me and find out! Everyone in the city will be happy. No one will ever act out against you, no matter how poorly you treat them!" PHRASE_dionysus_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Dionysus" PHRASE_dionysus_jealousy2_initial_announcement "Worship me, and wine will flow freely when you most need it! I'll keep an eye on your supply of wine and provide some from my own private collection should you need more!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_wooing0_title "Greetings from Dionysus" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_wooing0_initial_announcement "I'm Dionysus. Worship me, and fruits of the vine will burst forth!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_jealousy1_title "Greetings from Dionysus" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_jealousy1_initial_announcement "Life doesn't have to be unpleasant! Worship me and find out!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_jealousy2_title "Greetings from Dionysus" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_jealousy2_initial_announcement "Worship me, and wine will flow freely when you most need it!" ;*******************************************GOD INVASIONS**************************************** ;********Zeus invades**************************************** PHRASE_zeus_invades_title "Zeus invades" PHRASE_zeus_invades_oracle_prediction "Most pitiable [player_name], I, the priestess from the oracle, tremble at the sight I have seen! The all-powerful Zeus will attack your city within one year's time! There's little you can do to prepare for the attack of the most powerful Olympian. Just hope for the best!" PHRASE_zeus_invades_city_attacked_alert "I am Zeus. You have offended me, and now you shall pay! Watch as I tear out the city's heart! No traders will dare step foot in this city for some time!" PHRASE_zeus_invades_reason "n/a" PHRASE_zeus_invades_no_reason "n/a" PHRASE_zeus_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Zeus will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_invades_city_attacked_alert "I am Zeus. You have offended me, and now you shall pay!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_invades_reason "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Poseidon invades**************************************** PHRASE_poseidon_invades_title "Poseidon invades" PHRASE_poseidon_invades_oracle_prediction "Most noble [player_name], I emerge from the oracle to tell you to beware! The now-calm sea will soon be foaming in anger, for Poseidon will attack within a year!" PHRASE_poseidon_invades_city_attacked_alert "You have made me your enemy, and I shall make the sea your enemy, too. It will be completely inhospitable to you and swallow up anything that depends upon it, whether it be the humble urchin collector, a fishing boat or a mighty war vessel. I'll also see to it that no one comes to the city by sea to trade with you!" PHRASE_poseidon_invades_reason "n/a" PHRASE_poseidon_invades_no_reason "n/a" PHRASE_poseidon_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Poseidon will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_invades_city_attacked_alert "You have made me your enemy, and I shall make the sea your enemy, too!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_invades_reason "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Hades invades**************************************** PHRASE_hades_invades_title "Hades invades" PHRASE_hades_invades_oracle_prediction "Greetings, [player_name]. I, the priestess from the oracle, have had the most unsettling vision: Hades, ruler of the Underworld, will attack your city within a year!" PHRASE_hades_invades_city_attacked_alert "You have raised my ire, you pernicious cur! At my command, everyone walking this city's streets will find themselves in the Underworld! And, all your Mints and Foundries will find the earth devoid of precious ore!" PHRASE_hades_invades_reason "n/a" PHRASE_hades_invades_no_reason "n/a" PHRASE_hades_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Hades will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_invades_city_attacked_alert "You have raised my ire, you pernicious cur!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_invades_reason "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Demeter invades**************************************** PHRASE_demeter_invades_title "Demeter invades" PHRASE_demeter_invades_oracle_prediction "I, the priestess from the oracle, have seen a horrible vision, [player_name]! Demeter will attack your city within a year's time, rendering your land infertile! Her fury will be difficult to endure!" PHRASE_demeter_invades_city_attacked_alert "How dare you cross me? I'll make your city cry from hunger! All that depends on the land will choke and sputter, and the weakest of your livestock will die!" PHRASE_demeter_invades_reason "n/a" PHRASE_demeter_invades_no_reason "n/a" PHRASE_demeter_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Demeter will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_invades_city_attacked_alert "How dare you cross me? I'll make your city cry from hunger!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_invades_reason "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Athena invades**************************************** PHRASE_athena_invades_title "Athena invades" PHRASE_athena_invades_oracle_prediction "Misfortune will befall you, [player_name]. I, the prescient priestess from the oracle, have foreseen that the goddess Athena will become displeased with you and will take out her wrath on your city! She'll vent her fury within one year!" PHRASE_athena_invades_city_attacked_alert "I'll teach you to interfere with my plans! Watch your city's defenses weaken and your olive trees wither!" PHRASE_athena_invades_reason "n/a" PHRASE_athena_invades_no_reason "n/a" PHRASE_athena_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Athena will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_invades_city_attacked_alert "I'll teach you to interfere with my plans!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_invades_reason "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Apollo invades**************************************** PHRASE_apollo_invades_title "Apollo invades" PHRASE_apollo_invades_oracle_prediction "I shudder at the thought of what will soon befall you, [player_name]. I, the priestess from the oracle, have seen that Apollo, in a fury, will attack your city! Expect to see his horrible visage within a year!" PHRASE_apollo_invades_city_attacked_alert "Festering bungler, you have angered me! Soon, that which provides salve to your minds and bodies will waste away! While under my curse, your culture and hygiene facilities will no longer provide benefit to your citizens!" PHRASE_apollo_invades_reason "n/a" PHRASE_apollo_invades_no_reason "n/a" PHRASE_apollo_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Apollo will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_invades_city_attacked_alert "Festering bungler, you have angered me!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_invades_reason "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Artemis invades**************************************** PHRASE_artemis_invades_title "Artemis invades" PHRASE_artemis_invades_oracle_prediction "I, the wise seer from the oracle, have seen much in my day, [player_name], but rarely have I had a vision this frightening! Artemis, the goddess of hunters, will take aim at your city within a year!" PHRASE_artemis_invades_city_attacked_alert "A world of hurt is ready for you, buffoon! You'll soon learn that my women are just as fierce as your men! They'll hunt you down, just as wolves hunt your sheep and goats! And, to make sure you feel hunted for some time, any wolves your shepherds and goatherds have killed will be given new life!" PHRASE_artemis_invades_reason "n/a" PHRASE_artemis_invades_no_reason "n/a" PHRASE_artemis_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Artemis will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_invades_city_attacked_alert "A world of hurt is ready for you, buffoon!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_invades_reason "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Ares invades**************************************** PHRASE_ares_invades_title "Ares invades" PHRASE_ares_invades_oracle_prediction "My news for you is not good, [player_name]. I, the far-seeing priestess from the oracle, predict that the god of war, Ares, will come to regard you as an enemy and launch an attack on your city within a year!" PHRASE_ares_invades_city_attacked_alert "You've provoked me, you sniveling lout! Prepare to cross swords with Ares! Your mortal soldiers are no match for me!" PHRASE_ares_invades_reason "n/a" PHRASE_ares_invades_no_reason "n/a" PHRASE_ares_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Ares will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_invades_city_attacked_alert "You've provoked me, you sniveling lout! Prepare to cross swords with Ares!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_invades_reason "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Hephaestus invades**************************************** PHRASE_hephaestus_invades_title "Hephaestus invades" PHRASE_hephaestus_invades_oracle_prediction "I, the priestess of the Oracle, foresee hard times ahead for you, [player_name]. The lame god Hephaestus, filled with rage, will attack your city within a year!" PHRASE_hephaestus_invades_city_attacked_alert "A lame immortal still has more power than you can imagine! My fiery wrath will set your city ablaze! I'll also see to it that your Armories and Sculpture Studios suddenly produce armor and sculpture made of air!" PHRASE_hephaestus_invades_reason "n/a" PHRASE_hephaestus_invades_no_reason "n/a" PHRASE_hephaestus_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Hephaestus will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_invades_city_attacked_alert "A lame immortal still has more power than you can imagine!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_invades_reason "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Aphrodite invades**************************************** PHRASE_aphrodite_invades_title "Aphrodite invades" PHRASE_aphrodite_invades_oracle_prediction "Most unlucky [player_name], I, the priestess of the oracle, have beheld a vision of Aphrodite. Her fair visage has turned foul, and her once soft heart has hardened. Her ire is directed entirely towards you and your city! She will attack within a year!" PHRASE_aphrodite_invades_city_attacked_alert "You have scorned me, and I will make you pay! I'll prove to you that the residents of your city are loyal to me! Watch as I lead your people away from the city!" PHRASE_aphrodite_invades_reason "because the city was attacked by Aphrodite ," PHRASE_aphrodite_invades_no_reason "in an effort to thwart our cause," PHRASE_aphrodite_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Aphrodite will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_invades_city_attacked_alert "You have scorned me, and I will make you pay!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_invades_reason "because your city was attacked by Aphrodite," PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Hermes invades**************************************** PHRASE_hermes_invades_title "Hermes invades" PHRASE_hermes_invades_oracle_prediction "I, the seer from the Oracle, have had a troublesome vision, [player_name]. Hermes, bent on causing you pain, will attack your city within a year!" PHRASE_hermes_invades_city_attacked_alert "Your punishment will be swift and painful, you troublesome gnat! Land trade will shut down, and you'll suddenly find less money in your coffers!" PHRASE_hermes_invades_reason "n/a" PHRASE_hermes_invades_no_reason "n/a" PHRASE_hermes_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Hermes will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_invades_city_attacked_alert "Your punishment will be swift and painful, you troublesome gnat!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_invades_reason "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Dionysus invades**************************************** PHRASE_dionysus_invades_title "Dionysus invades" PHRASE_dionysus_invades_oracle_prediction "I, the seer from the Oracle, have had a frightening vision, [player_name]. Dionysus, god of the vine, has grown surly, and he will attack your city within a year!" PHRASE_dionysus_invades_city_attacked_alert "Let's see if your city operates when its people are under my spell! All who provide services to your city will soon be providing services to me and me alone!" PHRASE_dionysus_invades_reason "because the city was attacked by Dionysus ," PHRASE_dionysus_invades_no_reason "in an effort to thwart our cause," PHRASE_dionysus_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Dionysus will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_invades_city_attacked_alert "Let's see if your city operates when its people are under my spell!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_invades_reason "because your city was attacked by Dionysus," PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_invades_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;*******************************************GOD UNLEASHES MONSTER**************************************** ;********Zeus unleashes monster**************************************** PHRASE_zeus_unleashes_monster_title "Cyclops unleashed by Zeus!" PHRASE_zeus_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "I, the priestess from the Oracle, foresee great pain for you, [player_name]. Zeus is angry with you, and [reason_phrase] he vows to send his Cyclops to wreak havoc in the city within a year!" PHRASE_zeus_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "You'll see the horror my Cyclops can bring! He'll lumber through your city, foolish mortal, and enjoy feasting upon your city's residents! I'll do anything [reason_phrase]." PHRASE_zeus_unleashes_monster_reason "in order to battle the Cyclops unleashed by Zeus," PHRASE_zeus_unleashes_monster_no_reason "to thwart your cause" PHRASE_zeus_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_unleashes_monster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Zeus' Cyclops will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "You'll see the horror my Cyclops can bring!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_unleashes_monster_reason "to battle Zeus' Cyclops," PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_unleashes_monster_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Poseidon unleashes monster**************************************** PHRASE_poseidon_unleashes_monster_title "A Kraken unleashed by Poseidon!" PHRASE_poseidon_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "You are horribly unfortunate, [player_name]! I, the seer from the Oracle, have seen that Poseidon is upset with you and, [reason_phrase] plans on sending his Kraken to your city within a year!" PHRASE_poseidon_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "Polly want a Kraken? You've got one now! I hope you enjoy watching him destroy some of your industries that depend on my ocean! My desire [reason_phrase] knows no bounds!" PHRASE_poseidon_unleashes_monster_reason "in order to battle the Kraken unleashed by Poseidon," PHRASE_poseidon_unleashes_monster_no_reason "to get in your way" PHRASE_poseidon_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_unleashes_monster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Poseidon's Kraken will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "Polly want a Kraken? You've got one now!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_unleashes_monster_reason "to battle the Kraken," PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_unleashes_monster_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Hades unleashes monster**************************************** PHRASE_hades_unleashes_monster_title "Cerberus unleashed by Hades!" PHRASE_hades_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "I, the priestess from the Oracle, am howling in fear, [player_name]! Hades is sending his hound, Cerberus, to your city [reason_phrase]! All three of his heads are sure to do damage!" PHRASE_hades_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "My beloved Cerberus will avenge me! Watch as he turns some of your valuable buildings into chew toys, you churl! I'll go to great lengths [reason_phrase]." PHRASE_hades_unleashes_monster_reason "in order to battle Cerberus," PHRASE_hades_unleashes_monster_no_reason "to punish you" PHRASE_hades_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_unleashes_monster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Cerberus will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "My beloved Cerberus will avenge me!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_unleashes_monster_reason "to battle Cerberus," PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_unleashes_monster_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Demeter unleashes monster**************************************** PHRASE_demeter_unleashes_monster_title "Medusa unleashed by Demeter!" PHRASE_demeter_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "I, the priestess from the oracle, have unfortunate news for you, unlucky [player_name]. You have done something to put Demeter in a foul mood! The angry goddess has turned to Medusa for comfort, [reason_phrase] and she plans to send this horrible creature to your city within a year!" PHRASE_demeter_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "Medusa will show you what happens when you fool with mother nature! My serpent-haired friend will make it harder for you to feed your citizens, you villainous mortal! It's about time someone came along [reason_phrase]." PHRASE_demeter_unleashes_monster_reason "in order to battle Medusa, unleashed by Demeter," PHRASE_demeter_unleashes_monster_no_reason "to teach you a lesson" PHRASE_demeter_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_unleashes_monster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Demeter's Medusa will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "Medusa will show you what happens when you fool with mother nature!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_unleashes_monster_reason "to battle Medusa," PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_unleashes_monster_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Athena unleashes monster**************************************** PHRASE_athena_unleashes_monster_title "Hydra unleashed by Athena!" PHRASE_athena_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "I, the priestess from the oracle, am not bullish on your future, [player_name]. The goddess Athena, for reasons not even I can discern, has decided to unleash Hydra on your city within a year!" PHRASE_athena_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "Let's see how you fare with Hydra in your city, unwise mortal! Watch as he leaves carnage in his wake! I'll do anything [reason_phrase]." PHRASE_athena_unleashes_monster_reason "in order to battle Hydra, unleashed by Athena," PHRASE_athena_unleashes_monster_no_reason "to make your life difficult." PHRASE_athena_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_unleashes_monster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Athena's Hydra will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "Let's see how you fare with Hydra in your city, unwise mortal!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_unleashes_monster_reason "to battle Hydra," PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_unleashes_monster_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Apollo unleashes monster**************************************** PHRASE_apollo_unleashes_monster_title "Scylla unleashed by Apollo!" PHRASE_apollo_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "I, the seer from the oracle, predict that you will endure some difficult times, [player_name]. Within a year, an enraged Apollo will send Scylla to strike your city!" PHRASE_apollo_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "Go forth, my slithering Scylla, and do your worst! Make my anger known to these scoundrel mortals!" PHRASE_apollo_unleashes_monster_reason "in order to battle the Scylla unleashed by Apollo," PHRASE_apollo_unleashes_monster_no_reason "in an effort to thwart our cause," PHRASE_apollo_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_unleashes_monster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Scylla will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "Go forth, my slithering Scylla, and do your worst!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_unleashes_monster_reason "to battle Scylla," PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_unleashes_monster_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Artemis unleashes monster**************************************** PHRASE_artemis_unleashes_monster_title "Artemis unleashes Calydonian Boar!" PHRASE_artemis_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "Oh great [player_name], a cruel fate awaits you. I, the all-knowing priestess from the Oracle, prophesy that [reason_phrase] Artemis will send the Calydonian Boar to attack your city within a year." PHRASE_artemis_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "You have offended me, you insufferable beast! Meet the Calydonian Boar! He will turn the tables on you, and you'll know how it feels to be hunted! I'll go to great lengths to [reason_phrase]." PHRASE_artemis_unleashes_monster_reason "in order to battle the Calydonian Boar unleashed by Artemis," PHRASE_artemis_unleashes_monster_no_reason "to avenge a slight" PHRASE_artemis_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_unleashes_monster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Artemis's Boar will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "You have offended me, you insufferable beast! Meet the Calydonian Boar!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_unleashes_monster_reason "to battle the Calydonian Boar," PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_unleashes_monster_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Ares unleashes monster**************************************** PHRASE_ares_unleashes_monster_title "Ares unleashes his Dragon!" PHRASE_ares_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "I, the priestess from the Oracle, have seen the future, and it holds unspeakable horror for you, [player_name]! The war-like Ares will unleash his Dragon on your city within a year [reason_phrase]!" PHRASE_ares_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "You annoy me. Meet my Dragon, and know the true meaning of terror! At my command, he will make war on some of your military buildings! I can't wait [reason_phrase]!" PHRASE_ares_unleashes_monster_reason "in order to battle the dragon unleashed by Ares," PHRASE_ares_unleashes_monster_no_reason "to teach you a lesson" PHRASE_ares_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_unleashes_monster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Ares's dragon will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "You annoy me. Meet my Dragon, and know the true meaning of terror!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_unleashes_monster_reason "to battle the dragon," PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_unleashes_monster_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Hephaestus unleashes monster**************************************** PHRASE_hephaestus_unleashes_monster_title "Talos unleashed by Hephaestus!" PHRASE_hephaestus_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "I, the seer from the Oracle, foretell that a fearsome sight will soon be seen in your city, [player_name]. Hephaestus is planning to send Talos, his brutish man of bronze, to attack your city within a year [reason_phrase]!" PHRASE_hephaestus_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "You have summoned forth my fiery anger! Talos will avenge me! The ferocious man of bronze, the greatest product of my forge, will teach you not to thwart me! I'll stop at nothing [reason_phrase]." PHRASE_hephaestus_unleashes_monster_reason "in order to battle Talos, unleashed by Hephaestus," PHRASE_hephaestus_unleashes_monster_no_reason "to prevent you from succeeding in your goals" PHRASE_hephaestus_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_unleashes_monster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Talos will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "You have summoned forth my fiery anger! Talos will make you pay!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_unleashes_monster_reason "to battle Talos," PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_unleashes_monster_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Aphrodite unleashes monster**************************************** PHRASE_aphrodite_unleashes_monster_title "Aphrodite unleashes Hector!" PHRASE_aphrodite_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "I, the seer from the Oracle, have a prophecy for you, [player_name]. Aphrodite is quite perturbed with you and will send Hector, her beloved Trojan, to your city within a year!" PHRASE_aphrodite_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "Hector, my beloved, do what you will to this city! I am most unpleased with them and bid you to leave them blemished! With your help, Hector, I'll show this city [reason_phrase]!" PHRASE_aphrodite_unleashes_monster_reason "in order to battle Hector, unleashed by Aphrodite," PHRASE_aphrodite_unleashes_monster_no_reason "to interfere with the gods" PHRASE_aphrodite_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_unleashes_monster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Hector will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "Hector, my beloved, do what you will to this city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_unleashes_monster_reason "to battle Hector," PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_unleashes_monster_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Hermes unleashes monster**************************************** PHRASE_hermes_unleashes_monster_title "Minotaur unleashed by Hermes!" PHRASE_hermes_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "I, the priestess from the Oracle, have a most alarming message for you, [player_name]. Hermes has grown resentful of you and intends on punishing your city by sending Minotaur. Expect the man-bull within a year!" PHRASE_hermes_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "You have angered me for the last time! Minotaur, go destroy some buildings! Let the pernicious mortal know that I am not to be regarded lightly, and that no one is [reason_phrase]!" PHRASE_hermes_unleashes_monster_reason "in order to battle Minotaur, unleashed by Hermes," PHRASE_hermes_unleashes_monster_no_reason "to interfere with my plans" PHRASE_hermes_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_unleashes_monster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Minotaur will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "You have angered me for the last time! Minotaur, go destroy some buildings!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_unleashes_monster_reason "to battle Minotaur," PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_unleashes_monster_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;********Dionysus unleashes monster**************************************** PHRASE_dionysus_unleashes_monster_title "Dionysus unleashes Maenad!" PHRASE_dionysus_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "Prepare for the worst, [player_name]! I, the priestess from the Oracle, have foreseen that the Maenad, the madwoman who follows Dionysus, will be in your city within a year. Dionysus is sending her with special orders to make your life miserable!" PHRASE_dionysus_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "My Maenad will teach you that life isn't always a party! She is whipped into a frenzy, ready to tear something apart! She'll show you [reason_phrase]!" PHRASE_dionysus_unleashes_monster_reason "in order to battle the Maenad unleashed by Dionysus," PHRASE_dionysus_unleashes_monster_no_reason "to interfere with me" PHRASE_dionysus_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_unleashes_monster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_unleashes_monster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Dionysus' Maenad will be here within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_unleashes_monster_city_attacked_alert "My maenads will teach you that life isn't always a party!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_unleashes_monster_reason "to battle the Maenad," PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_unleashes_monster_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_unleashes_monster_disembarked_alert "n/a" ;**********************ASSISTANCE & PRAYER ***************************** ;******************Help from Zeus*************************** PHRASE_zeus_help_title "Support from Zeus" PHRASE_zeus_help_initial_announcement "Because you are dear to me, I will help you vanquish this mighty army! Its soldiers will run away, frightened, when they see that you have the greatest of the Olympians on your side!" PHRASE_zeus_help_reason "because Zeus helped you," PHRASE_zeus_help_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_help_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_help_initial_announcement "Because you are dear to me, I will help you vanquish this mighty army!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_help_reason "because Zeus helped your city," PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_help_no_reason "" ;******************Help from Poseidon*************************** PHRASE_poseidon_help_title "Food from Poseidon" PHRASE_poseidon_help_initial_announcement "I've noticed that you're running low on food! Please allow me to give you some seafood to help you feed your people. You are, after all, one of my favorite mortals!" PHRASE_poseidon_help_reason "because Poseidon helped you," PHRASE_poseidon_help_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_help_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_help_initial_announcement "I've noticed that you're running low on food!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_help_reason "because Poseidon helped your city," PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_help_no_reason "" ;******************Help from Hades*************************** PHRASE_hades_help_title "Silver from Hades" PHRASE_hades_help_initial_announcement "Greetings, friend. Your treasury looks like it could us a little boost! I will order my minions to mint some drachmas for you!" PHRASE_hades_help_reason "because Hades helped you," PHRASE_hades_help_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_help_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_help_initial_announcement "Greetings, friend. Your treasury looks like it could us a little boost!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_help_reason "because Hades helped your city," PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_help_no_reason "" ;******************Help from Demeter*************************** PHRASE_demeter_help_title "Food from Demeter" PHRASE_demeter_help_initial_announcement "I will provide for you when you cannot provide for yourself. The food I will harvest will fill your citizens's bellies." PHRASE_demeter_help_reason "because Demeter helped you," PHRASE_demeter_help_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_help_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_help_initial_announcement "I will provide for you when you cannot provide for yourself." PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_help_reason "because Demeter helped your city," PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_help_no_reason "" ;******************Help from Athena*************************** PHRASE_athena_help_title "Olives and oil from Athena" PHRASE_athena_help_initial_announcement "I extol my sacred olive tree to bear fruit! May this city never want for olive oil! Enjoy its fine flavor with my compliments!" PHRASE_athena_help_reason "because Athena helped you," PHRASE_athena_help_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_help_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_help_initial_announcement "I extol my sacred olive tree to bear fruit!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_help_reason "because Athena helped your city," PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_help_no_reason "" ;******************Help from Apollo*************************** PHRASE_apollo_help_title "Healing hand from Apollo" PHRASE_apollo_help_initial_announcement "Your people's illnesses rend my heart. I shall go forth and heal them! I will make their bodies whole again." PHRASE_apollo_help_reason "because Apollo helped you," PHRASE_apollo_help_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_help_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_help_initial_announcement "Your people's illnesses rend my heart. I shall go forth and heal them!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_help_reason "because Apollo helped your city," PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_help_no_reason "" ;******************Help from Artemis*************************** PHRASE_artemis_help_title "Food from Artemis" PHRASE_artemis_help_initial_announcement "Though your Granaries may not be full now, you'll soon have enough food! After I return from the hunt, your citizens will have plenty to eat!" PHRASE_artemis_help_reason "because Artemis helped you," PHRASE_artemis_help_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_help_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_help_initial_announcement "Though your Granaries may not be full now, you'll soon have enough food!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_help_reason "because Artemis helped your city," PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_help_no_reason "" ;******************Help from Ares*************************** PHRASE_ares_help_title "Ares fights alongside you" PHRASE_ares_help_initial_announcement "I, too, will respond to your call to arms and go to battle with your men! With me along, you are sure to win the upcoming fight!" PHRASE_ares_help_reason "because Ares helped your city," PHRASE_ares_help_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_help_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_help_initial_announcement "I, too, will respond to your call to arms and go to battle with your men!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_help_reason "because Ares helped your city," PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_help_no_reason "" ;******************Help from Hephaestus*************************** PHRASE_hephaestus_help_title "Hephaestus loans you Talos" PHRASE_hephaestus_help_initial_announcement "I will summon forth Talos to help you through your troubles. My man of bronze will help you turn back the marauders!" PHRASE_hephaestus_help_reason "because Hephaestus helped you," PHRASE_hephaestus_help_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_help_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_help_initial_announcement "I will summon forth Talos to help you through your troubles." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_help_reason "because Hephaestus helped your city," PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_help_no_reason "" ;******************Help from Aphrodite*************************** PHRASE_aphrodite_help_title "Aphrodite blesses households" PHRASE_aphrodite_help_initial_announcement "Heavens! There aren't nearly enough people in this city to adore me! I'll have to do something about that! I know! I'll fill your houses with people!" PHRASE_aphrodite_help_reason "because Aphrodite helped you," PHRASE_aphrodite_help_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_help_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_help_initial_announcement "Heavens! There aren't nearly enough people in this city to adore me!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_help_reason "because Aphrodite helped you," PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_help_no_reason "" ;******************Help from Hermes*************************** PHRASE_hermes_help_title "Hermes shares your burden" PHRASE_hermes_help_initial_announcement "Please let me fulfill an outstanding request! I wouldn't dream of letting you touch the goods stored in your Granaries and Storehouses!" PHRASE_hermes_help_reason "because Hermes helped you," PHRASE_hermes_help_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_help_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_help_initial_announcement "Please let me fulfill an outstanding request!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_help_reason "because Hermes helped you," PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_help_no_reason "" ;******************Help from Dionysus*************************** PHRASE_dionysus_help_title "Wine from Dionysus" PHRASE_dionysus_help_initial_announcement "Man alive! You can't have a city without wine! My vintners will make some for you. Drink up!" PHRASE_dionysus_help_reason "because Dionysus helped you," PHRASE_dionysus_help_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_help_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_help_initial_announcement "Man alive! You can't have a city without wine!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_help_reason "because Dionysus helped you," PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_help_no_reason "" ;******************MONSTER IN CITY EVENTS ***************** ;*******hydra******************* PHRASE_hydra_in_city_title "Hydra in city" PHRASE_hydra_in_city_initial_announcement "Hydra is in the city, and all of its many heads are looking for trouble!" PHRASE_hydra_in_city_initial_reason "so that he may battle the hydra," PHRASE_CONDENSED_hydra_in_city_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hydra_in_city_initial_reason "to battle the hydra," PHRASE_CONDENSED_hydra_in_city_initial_announcement "Hydra is in the city!" PHRASE_hydra_slain_title "Hydra slain" PHRASE_hydra_slain_initial_announcement "Hydra has been slain, and your people are rejoicing!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hydra_slain_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hydra_slain_initial_announcement "The hydra has been slain!" ;*******kraken******************* PHRASE_kraken_in_city_title "Kraken in city" PHRASE_kraken_in_city_initial_announcement "A fierce Kraken is making trouble in our city's waters! If we don't do something, he could feast on our trade partners!" PHRASE_kraken_in_city_initial_reason "so that he may battle the Kraken," PHRASE_CONDENSED_kraken_in_city_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_kraken_in_city_initial_announcement "The Kraken is in the city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_kraken_in_city_initial_reason "to battle the Kraken," PHRASE_kraken_slain_title "Kraken slain" PHRASE_kraken_slain_initial_announcement "The Kraken, that misshapen creature of the deep, has been killed! The city's waters are once again safe!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_kraken_slain_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_kraken_slain_initial_announcement "The Kraken has been slain!" ;*******cerberus******************* PHRASE_cerberus_in_city_title "Cerberus in city" PHRASE_cerberus_in_city_initial_announcement "Cerberus has left his home in the Underworld and is even now in our city! The three-headed hound is bound to cause some trouble!" PHRASE_cerberus_in_city_initial_reason "so that he may battle Cerberus," PHRASE_CONDENSED_cerberus_in_city_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_cerberus_in_city_initial_announcement "Cerberus is in the city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_cerberus_in_city_initial_reason "to battle Cerberus," PHRASE_cerberus_slain_title "Cerberus slain" PHRASE_cerberus_slain_initial_announcement "Cerberus has been slain! The city's residents no longer need to worry about his deadly bites." PHRASE_CONDENSED_cerberus_slain_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_cerberus_slain_initial_announcement "Cerberus is dead!" ;*******cyclops******************* PHRASE_cyclops_in_city_title "Cyclops in city" PHRASE_cyclops_in_city_initial_announcement "Cyclops is keeping a close eye on our city and attacking everything that crosses his path! How will we overcome this monster?" PHRASE_cyclops_in_city_initial_reason "so that he may battle Cyclops," PHRASE_CONDENSED_cyclops_in_city_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_cyclops_in_city_initial_announcement "Cyclops has come to the city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_cyclops_in_city_initial_reason "to battle Cyclops," PHRASE_cyclops_slain_title "Cyclops slain" PHRASE_cyclops_slain_initial_announcement "Cyclops has collapsed! Victory is sweet!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_cyclops_slain_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_cyclops_slain_initial_announcement "The Cyclops has been slain!" ;*******minotaur******************* PHRASE_minotaur_in_city_title "Minotaur in city" PHRASE_minotaur_in_city_initial_announcement "The Minotaur, that unnatural offspring of Pasiphae, has charged into our city, slaying anyone who comes near him!" PHRASE_minotaur_in_city_initial_reason "so that he may battle the Minotaur," PHRASE_CONDENSED_minotaur_in_city_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_minotaur_in_city_initial_announcement "The Minotaur has charged into our city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_minotaur_in_city_initial_reason "to battle the Minotaur," PHRASE_minotaur_slain_title "Minotaur slain" PHRASE_minotaur_slain_initial_announcement "The Minotaur has been vanquished! Hooray!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_minotaur_slain_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_minotaur_slain_initial_announcement "The Minotaur has been slain!" ;*******medusa******************* PHRASE_medusa_in_city_title "Medusa in city" PHRASE_medusa_in_city_initial_announcement "Medusa, the hideous gorgon, is in our city! All who lay eyes on her are instantly turned to stone!" PHRASE_medusa_in_city_initial_reason "so that he may battle Medusa," PHRASE_CONDENSED_medusa_in_city_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_medusa_in_city_initial_announcement "Medusa is in the city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_medusa_in_city_initial_reason "to battle Medusa," PHRASE_medusa_slain_title "Medusa slain" PHRASE_medusa_slain_initial_announcement "Medusa has been killed! Our people can roam the city's streets again without worrying about being turned to stone!" PHRASE_medusa_slain_reason "because you decapitated the gorgon Medusa," PHRASE_CONDENSED_medusa_slain_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_medusa_slain_initial_announcement "Medusa has been slain!" ;*******calydonianboar******************* PHRASE_calydonianboar_in_city_title "Calydonian Boar in city" PHRASE_calydonianboar_in_city_initial_announcement "The Calydonian Boar in the city, snorting, snarling and looking to gore innocents with his fearsome tusks!" PHRASE_calydonianboar_in_city_initial_reason "so that he may battle the Calydonian Boar," PHRASE_CONDENSED_calydonianboar_in_city_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_calydonianboar_in_city_initial_announcement "The Calydonian Boar is in the city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_calydonianboar_in_city_initial_reason "to battle the Calydonian Boar," PHRASE_calydonianboar_slain_title "Calydonian boar slain" PHRASE_calydonianboar_slain_initial_announcement "The Calydonian Boar has been slain!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_calydonianboar_slain_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_calydonianboar_slain_initial_announcement "The Calydonian Boar has been slain!" ;*******dragon******************* PHRASE_dragon_in_city_title "Dragon in city" PHRASE_dragon_in_city_initial_announcement "The fire-breathing dragon has slouched into our city! Just hope that you don't fall victim to this ferocious monster!" PHRASE_dragon_in_city_initial_reason "so that he may battle the dragon," PHRASE_CONDENSED_dragon_in_city_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dragon_in_city_initial_announcement "The dragon is in the city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dragon_in_city_initial_reason "to battle the dragon," PHRASE_dragon_slain_title "Dragon slain" PHRASE_dragon_slain_initial_announcement "Rejoice, for the dragon has been slain!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dragon_slain_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dragon_slain_initial_announcement "The dragon has been slain!" ;*******talos******************* PHRASE_talos_in_city_title "Talos in city" PHRASE_talos_in_city_initial_announcement "What's that loud clanging? It's Talos, the fierce man of bronze, and he has destruction on his mind!" PHRASE_talos_in_city_initial_reason "so that he may battle Talos," PHRASE_CONDENSED_talos_in_city_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_talos_in_city_initial_announcement "Talos is in the city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_talos_in_city_initial_reason "to battle Talos," PHRASE_talos_slain_title "Talos slain" PHRASE_talos_slain_initial_announcement "Talos has crumpled into a heap of scrap metal! The threat is over!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_talos_slain_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_talos_slain_initial_announcement "Talos has been slain!" ;*******hector******************* PHRASE_hector_in_city_title "Hector in city" PHRASE_hector_in_city_initial_announcement "Hector, the famous Trojan warrior, is in the city, ready to raise trouble!" PHRASE_hector_in_city_initial_reason "so that he may battle Hector," PHRASE_CONDENSED_hector_in_city_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hector_in_city_initial_announcement "Hector is in the city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hector_in_city_initial_reason "to battle Hector," PHRASE_hector_slain_title "Hector slain" PHRASE_hector_slain_initial_announcement "Hector has been killed! No longer will this fearsome soldier make war on our city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hector_slain_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hector_slain_initial_announcement "Hector has been slain!" ;*******scylla******************* PHRASE_scylla_in_city_title "Scylla in city" PHRASE_scylla_in_city_initial_announcement "Scylla is in our city! We'll soon feel the stings of this horrible monster's bites!" PHRASE_scylla_in_city_initial_reason "so that he may battle Scylla," PHRASE_CONDENSED_scylla_in_city_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_scylla_in_city_initial_announcement "Scylla is in the city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_scylla_in_city_initial_reason "to battle Scylla," PHRASE_scylla_slain_title "Scylla slain" PHRASE_scylla_slain_initial_announcement "The many-headed Scylla has met her match! She has been killed!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_scylla_slain_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_scylla_slain_initial_announcement "Scylla has been slain!" ;*******maenads******************* PHRASE_maenads_in_city_title "Maenad in city" PHRASE_maenads_in_city_initial_announcement "The Maenad has arrived, and she certainly isn't here to make friends! Watch out, or she may tear your citizens apart with her bare hands!" PHRASE_maenads_in_city_initial_reason "so that he may battle the Maenad," PHRASE_CONDENSED_maenads_in_city_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_maenads_in_city_initial_announcement "The Maenad is in the city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_maenads_in_city_initial_reason "to battle the Maenad," PHRASE_maenads_slain_title "Maenad slain" PHRASE_maenads_slain_initial_announcement "The Maenad has been slain! The madwoman has been dispatched to the Underworld!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_maenads_slain_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_maenads_slain_initial_announcement "The Maenad has been slain!" ;********************NATURAL DISASTER IN NON-PLAYER CITY ;*****Zeus disaster********************************** PHRASE_zeus_disaster_title "Zeus punishes [city_name]" PHRASE_zeus_disaster_oracle_prediction "I, the seer from the Oracle, have bad news, [player_name]. Within a year, Zeus is determined to punish [leader_name] of [city_name] for some insolent acts. He will send a barrage of lightning bolts on [city_name], burning much of it to the ground. [leader_name] will have to focus full attention to rebuilding [city_name] and will not trade with you." PHRASE_zeus_disaster_initial_announcement "Greetings, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], regret to inform you that my city has incurred the wrath of Zeus. Zeus sent lightning bolt after lightning bolt crashing down on my city and burned much of it to the ground. While I rebuild [city_name], I won't be able to trade with you." PHRASE_zeus_disaster_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_disaster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_disaster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that trade with [city_name] will close." PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_disaster_initial_announcement "Trade with [city_name] has stopped." PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_disaster_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Zeus disaster ends********************************** PHRASE_zeus_disaster_ends_title "[city_name] recovers" PHRASE_zeus_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "I, the priestess from the Oracle, have good new for you, [player_name]. [leader_name] of [city_name] is almost done rebuilding the city that Zeus destroyed. Within a year, [city_name] will be able to trade with you again." PHRASE_zeus_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "Greetings, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am pleased to report that we are fully recovered from Zeus attack on our city. We can now trade with you again!" PHRASE_zeus_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_disaster_ends_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "Seers predict trade with [city_name] will resume." PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "[city_name] can trade again." PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Poseidon disaster********************************** PHRASE_poseidon_disaster_title "Poseidon punishes [city_name]" PHRASE_poseidon_disaster_oracle_prediction "I, the all-knowing priestess from the Oracle, foresee tough times ahead for [city_name]. The city's leader, [leader_name], will provoke Poseidon's anger, and the god will send a great tidal wave to destroy much of the city. As a result, trade with [city_name] will cease." PHRASE_poseidon_disaster_initial_announcement "I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have done a terrible thing, [player_name]! I have angered Poseidon, ruler of the sea, and now he has sent a great tidal wave to my city! The rushing waters tore down most of my city's buildings, and it will take some time for us to recover. As I try to put the pieces of [city_name] back together, I will not be able to trade with you." PHRASE_poseidon_disaster_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_disaster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_disaster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that trade with [city_name] will close." PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_disaster_initial_announcement "Trade with [city_name] has stopped." PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_disaster_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Poseidon disaster ends********************************** PHRASE_poseidon_disaster_ends_title "[city_name] recovers" PHRASE_poseidon_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "Greetings, [player_name]. I, the wise seer from the Oracle, have good news for you and for [city_name]. Within a year's time, [leader_name], the city's ruler, will have restored order after Poseidon punished his city, and [city_name] will be able to trade with you again." PHRASE_poseidon_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "It is a joyous day, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have repaired the damage that the angry Poseidon caused and can now reopen trade with you!" PHRASE_poseidon_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_disaster_ends_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "Trade will reopen with [city_name] soon." PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "[city_name] can trade again." PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Hades disaster********************************** PHRASE_hades_disaster_title "Hades punishes [city_name]" PHRASE_hades_disaster_oracle_prediction "Be glad you don't live in [city_name], [player_name]. I, the priestess of the Oracle, predict that [leader_name] of [city_name] will perturb Hades. Hades will send up lava from underground, and much of the city will be burned. Trade with [city_name] will cease while [leader_name] repairs the damage." PHRASE_hades_disaster_initial_announcement "Take my advice, [player_name]. Do not provoke Hades' anger! I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have had the great misfortune of angering the ruler of the underworld, and he has punished me by sending molten lava flowing through my city's streets. Much of my city has burned to ground, and I won't be able to trade with you while I repair the damage." PHRASE_hades_disaster_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_disaster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_disaster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that trade with [city_name] will close." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_disaster_initial_announcement "Trade with [city_name] has stopped." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_disaster_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Hades disaster ends********************************** PHRASE_hades_disaster_ends_title "[city_name] recovers" PHRASE_hades_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "Good news, [player_name]. I, the seer from the Oracle, predict that [leader_name] of [city_name] will have recovered from Hades' attack within a year. [city_name] will again trade with you." PHRASE_hades_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "Greetings, [player_name]. Though it wasn't easy, I, [leader_name] of [city_name], managed to repair the damage done by Hades. My city can now trade with you again!" PHRASE_hades_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_disaster_ends_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that [city_name] will trade soon." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "[city_name] can trade again." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Demeter disaster********************************** PHRASE_demeter_disaster_title "Demeter torments [city_name]" PHRASE_demeter_disaster_oracle_prediction "Greetings, [player_name]. I, the priestess from the oracle, prophecy that [leader_name] of [city_name] will enrage Demeter. The goddess will come into the city and wreak havoc, preventing the city from trading with you." PHRASE_demeter_disaster_initial_announcement "My city is in trouble, [player_name]! I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have done a horrible thing! I have managed to anger the goddess Demeter, and she is on a rampage in my city. Until she leaves, I won't be able to trade with you!" PHRASE_demeter_disaster_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_disaster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_disaster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that trade with [city_name] will close." PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_disaster_initial_announcement "Trade with [city_name] has stopped." PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_disaster_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Demeter disaster ends********************************** PHRASE_demeter_disaster_ends_title "Demeter forgives [city_name]" PHRASE_demeter_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "I, the priestess of the Oracle, prophecy that the goddess Demeter will finish tormenting the city of [city_name] within a year. Trade with the city will resume." PHRASE_demeter_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "Oh, happy day, [player_name]! The goddess Demeter has left my city, and things here are returning to normal. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], officially reopen trade with you!" PHRASE_demeter_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_disaster_ends_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that [city_name] will trade soon." PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "[city_name] can resume trade." PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Athena disaster********************************** PHRASE_athena_disaster_title "Athena torments [city_name]" PHRASE_athena_disaster_oracle_prediction "I, the priestess from the Oracle, have some horrible news for your trade partner, the city of [city_name]. Athena has declared war on the city and its leader, [leader_name]. Her ferocious attack has crippled the city, and they won't be able to trade with you." PHRASE_athena_disaster_initial_announcement "Be glad that you are not me, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am the unfortunate target of an incensed Athena. She is mercilessly attacking my city. As long as we are under siege, we won't be able to trade with you." PHRASE_athena_disaster_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_disaster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_disaster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that trade with [city_name] will stop." PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_disaster_initial_announcement "Trade with [city_name] has stopped." PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_disaster_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Athena disaster ends********************************** PHRASE_athena_disaster_ends_title "[city_name] on the mend" PHRASE_athena_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "I, the priestess of the Oracle, foresee that Athena will grow tired of attacking [city_name] and retreat. Trade with [city_name] will resume within a year." PHRASE_athena_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "Greetings, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], managed to withstand Athena's attack. The goddess has left the city, and we can now resume trade with you." PHRASE_athena_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_disaster_ends_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that [city_name] will resume trade soon." PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "[city_name] resumes trade." PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Apollo disaster********************************** PHRASE_apollo_disaster_title "Apollo punishes [city_name]" PHRASE_apollo_disaster_oracle_prediction "I, the prescient priestess from the Oracle, foresee that within a year the god Apollo will cause a great landslide in [city_name]. Trade with the city will cease until [leader_name], the city's ruler, can repair the damage." PHRASE_apollo_disaster_initial_announcement "I can't believe my luck, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have drawn the attention of Apollo, and he is not happy with me. He has caused a landslide that destroyed much of our city. While we try to rebuild our damaged city, I won't be able to trade with you." PHRASE_apollo_disaster_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_disaster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_disaster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that trade with [city_name] will stop." PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_disaster_initial_announcement "Trade with [city_name] has stopped." PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_disaster_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Apollo disaster ends********************************** PHRASE_apollo_disaster_ends_title "[city_name] recovers" PHRASE_apollo_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "I, the priestess of the Oracle, have seen the future, [player_name]. Within a year, [leader_name] of [city_name] will finish cleaning up the mess that Apollo left in the city. You will be able to resume trading with [city_name]." PHRASE_apollo_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "Well, [player_name], it took some time, but I have finished cleaning up my city after Apollo's landslide. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am relieved to announce that we can now trade with you again!" PHRASE_apollo_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_disaster_ends_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that [city_name] will resume trade soon." PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "[city_name] resumes trade." PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Artemis disaster********************************** PHRASE_artemis_disaster_title "Artemis angry with [city_name]" PHRASE_artemis_disaster_oracle_prediction "Greetings, [player_name]. I, the all-seeing priestess from the Oracle, prophecy that [leader_name] of [city_name] will accidentally see Artemis bathing. The goddess, outraged at the impropriety, will summon all her huntresses and attack [city_name]. The city will not be able to trade with you." PHRASE_artemis_disaster_initial_announcement "I am cursed with bad luck, [player_name]. I happened upon Artemis while she was bathing, and now she has launched a full-scale attack on my city to punish me. Regrettably, I, [leader_name] of [city_name], cannot trade with you until the goddess' rage is spent." PHRASE_artemis_disaster_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_disaster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_disaster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that trade with [city_name] will close." PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_disaster_initial_announcement "Trade with [city_name] has stopped." PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_disaster_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Artemis disaster ends********************************** PHRASE_artemis_disaster_ends_title "[city_name] recovers" PHRASE_artemis_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "I, the seer from the Oracle, predict that Artemis' rage will abate, and she will cease attacking [city_name] within a year. They will then be able to resume trading with you." PHRASE_artemis_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "Greetings, [player_name]. Artemis must believe that I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have learned my lesson because she has stopped attacking my city. Life here is slowly returning to normal, and I am now able to trade with you again." PHRASE_artemis_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_disaster_ends_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that [city_name] will resume trade soon." PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "[city_name] resumes trade." PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Ares disaster********************************** PHRASE_ares_disaster_title "Ares brutalizes [city_name]" PHRASE_ares_disaster_oracle_prediction "My news for you isn't good, [player_name]. I, the priestess from the Oracle, foresee that Ares will attack [city_name] for sheer sport within a year. [leader_name] will have to use all the city's resources to try to thwart the attack and won't be able to trade with you." PHRASE_ares_disaster_initial_announcement "Greetings, [player_name]. Ares is drilling his soldiers and has chosen to practice his new maneuvers on my city, [city_name]! I, [leader_name], am forced to use all my resource to attempt to turn back the god's attack. I won't be able to trade with you as long as Ares is using my city for target practice!" PHRASE_ares_disaster_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_disaster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_disaster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that trade with [city_name] will close." PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_disaster_initial_announcement "Trade with [city_name] has stopped." PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_disaster_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Ares disaster ends********************************** PHRASE_ares_disaster_ends_title "[city_name] recovers" PHRASE_ares_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "Times will soon get better for [city_name]. I, the seer from the Oracle, predict that Ares will cease his attack within a year, and [city_name] will be able to trade with you again." PHRASE_ares_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "I'm not sure how we survived, [player_name]. Ares has finally stopped attacking my city, and people are going about their daily business again without fear of being struck down. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am happy to announce that we can now trade with you again." PHRASE_ares_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_disaster_ends_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that [city_name] will resume trade soon." PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "[city_name] resumes trade." PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Hephaestus disaster********************************** PHRASE_hephaestus_disaster_title "Hephaestus pounds [city_name]" PHRASE_hephaestus_disaster_oracle_prediction "I, the priestess from the Oracle, have a prophecy for you, [player_name]. Trade with [city_name] will be disrupted by the lame god, Hephaestus. Hephaestus will treat the city as if it is his forge, smashing buildings with his great hammer and setting things on fire. As long as Hephaestus is in the city, it won't be able to trade." PHRASE_hephaestus_disaster_initial_announcement "Be glad that you aren't me, [player_name]. Hephaestus is in my city, treating it as if it is forge. He is demolishing buildings with his great hammer and lighting fires all over the city. Until the great god leaves, I, [leader_name] of [city_name], will not be able to trade with you." PHRASE_hephaestus_disaster_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_disaster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_disaster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that trade with [city_name] will stop." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_disaster_initial_announcement "Trade with [city_name] has stopped." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_disaster_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Hephaestus disaster ends********************************** PHRASE_hephaestus_disaster_ends_title "[city_name] recovers" PHRASE_hephaestus_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "I, the priestess from the Oracle, foresee that within a year's time, Hephaestus will return to his own forge and leave [city_name] alone. [city_name] will then be able to trade with you again." PHRASE_hephaestus_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "Greetings, [player_name]. My city took quite a pounding, but Hephaestus finally left. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], can now trade with you again." PHRASE_hephaestus_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_disaster_ends_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that [city_name] will resume trade soon." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "[city_name] resumes trade." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Aphrodite disaster********************************** PHRASE_aphrodite_disaster_title "Aphrodite punishes [city_name]" PHRASE_aphrodite_disaster_oracle_prediction "Greetings, [player_name]. I, the priestess from the oracle have some terrible news for the city of [city_name]. Aphrodite, goddess of the tender passions, will show her darker side to [city_name]. She'll mercilessly attack the city, and [leader_name] will be forced to shut down trade in order to deal with the angry deity." PHRASE_aphrodite_disaster_initial_announcement "Pity me, [player_name]! I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have managed to anger Aphrodite, goddess of the tender passions. She thinks I have scorned her, and now she is attacking my city! Until I find a way to calm Aphrodite down, I won't be able to trade with you." PHRASE_aphrodite_disaster_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_disaster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_disaster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that trade with [city_name] will close." PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_disaster_initial_announcement "Trade with [city_name] has stopped." PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_disaster_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Aphrodite disaster ends********************************** PHRASE_aphrodite_disaster_ends_title "Aphrodite forgives [city_name]" PHRASE_aphrodite_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "I, the priestess of the oracle, foresee that Aphrodite will decide to stop attacking [city_name] within a year." PHRASE_aphrodite_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "[greeting] [player_name], the Aphrodite heard of a beautiful golden apple in a far off land and has left to go find it. Thankfully, my city is returning to normal, and i, [leader_name] of [city_name], can trade with you again." PHRASE_aphrodite_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_disaster_ends_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that [city_name] will resume trade." PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "[city_name] resumes trade." PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Hermes disaster********************************** PHRASE_hermes_disaster_title "Hermes assaults [city_name]" PHRASE_hermes_disaster_oracle_prediction "I, the great seer from the oracle, predict disaster for the city of [city_name], [player_name]. [leader_name] of [city_name] will manage to enrage Hermes within a year's time. In revenge, Hermes will steal all the city's trade caravans and ships. [city_name] won't be able to trade." PHRASE_hermes_disaster_initial_announcement "I've really done it this time, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have done something to upset Hermes. The god has stolen all my trade ships and caravans. Until Hermes gives me my caravans and ships back, I won't be able to trade with you." PHRASE_hermes_disaster_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_disaster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_disaster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that trade with [city_name] will close." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_disaster_initial_announcement "Trade with [city_name] has stopped." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_disaster_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Hermes disaster ends********************************** PHRASE_hermes_disaster_ends_title "Hermes leaves [city_name]" PHRASE_hermes_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "I, the priestess of the oracle, foresee that within a year, Hermes will grow tired of playing with the trade ships and caravans of [city_name] and find something else to do. [city_name] will be able to trade again." PHRASE_hermes_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "Good news, [player_name]! Hermes has given back my trade caravans and ships. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am pleased to announce that I can now resume trade with you!" PHRASE_hermes_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_disaster_ends_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that [city_name] will resume trade." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "[city_name] resumes trade." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Dionysus disaster********************************** PHRASE_dionysus_disaster_title "Dionysus punishes [city_name]" PHRASE_dionysus_disaster_oracle_prediction "Most honored [player_name], I, the priestess from the oracle, foresee that Dionysus will stumble into [city_name] looking for trouble within a year's time. His drunken antics will disrupt life so much, [leader_name] of [city_name] will be forced to stop trading with you." PHRASE_dionysus_disaster_initial_announcement "I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have really got my hands full here, [player_name]! Dionysus has roared into my city. He reeks of wine and is stumbling about my city, crushing buildings and anything else that gets in his path. He is causing such a ruckus that I won't be able to trade with you until he leaves or sobers up." PHRASE_dionysus_disaster_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_disaster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_disaster_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that trade with [city_name] will close." PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_disaster_initial_announcement "Trade with [city_name] has stopped." PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_disaster_no_reason "N/A" ;*****Dionysus disaster ends********************************** PHRASE_dionysus_disaster_ends_title "[city_name] recovers" PHRASE_dionysus_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "Greetings, player_name]. I, the priestess of the oracle, foresee that Dionysus will stop rampaging through [city_name] within a year, and trade with [city_name] will resume." PHRASE_dionysus_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "The Nymphs be praised, [player_name]! The nymphs are holding a party for the ages, and Dionysus has left my city to attend it. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], can resume trading with you!" PHRASE_dionysus_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_disaster_ends_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_disaster_ends_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that [city_name] will resume trade." PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_disaster_ends_initial_announcement "[city_name] resumes trade." PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_disaster_ends_no_reason "N/A" ;******************************************TROOP REQUESTS****************************** ;*****Ally terrorized by [monster] ********************** PHRASE_ally_terrorized_title "[monster] menaces [city_name]" PHRASE_ally_terrorized_oracle_prediction "Most noble [player_name], I, the priestess from the Oracle, predict a terrible fate for the city of [city_name]. Within a year, the hideous [monster] will come upon the city and wreak havoc. If you send forces now, the monster might run away, and [leader_name] of [city_name] will be extremely grateful." PHRASE_ally_terrorized_initial_announcement "There's great trouble afoot, [player_name]! A messenger from the court of [leader_name] was just able to sneak out of the [city_name] with word that the monster, [monster], has set upon the city! [leader_name] asks you to send forces within [travel_time] to help defeat the beast." PHRASE_ally_terrorized_first_reminder "Please, [player_name], I am counting on you. The horrible monster, [monster], is still having its way with my city of [city_name]. As your peer, I, [leader_name], ask you to send along some forces to help defend the city. If you don't send forces soon, it may be too late!" PHRASE_ally_terrorized_last_reminder "[player_name], I am beginning to regret turning to you in my time of trouble. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am still hoping for the arrival of some forces dispatched from your city to defeat the gruesome [monster]. If you don't send them now, there's no telling what the consequences might be!" PHRASE_ally_terrorized_early_reason "because you sent [hero_needed] early," PHRASE_ally_terrorized_comply_reason "because the forces you sent helped to defeat [monster]," PHRASE_ally_terrorized_too_late_reason "because you dallied and did not send forces in time to defeat [monster]," PHRASE_ally_terrorized_refuse_reason "because you refused to send forces to kill [monster]," PHRASE_ally_terrorized_lost_battle_reason "because [monster] was not defeated," PHRASE_ally_terrorized_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_terrorized_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_terrorized_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that [monster] will terrorize [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_terrorized_initial_announcement "[city_name] needs your help to kill [monster] within [travel_time] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_terrorized_first_reminder "Send forces soon to help defend [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_terrorized_last_reminder "Send forces to [city_name] now or it will be too late." PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_terrorized_early_reason "because your forces arrived at [city_name] early," PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_terrorized_comply_reason "because your forces defeated the enemy at [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_terrorized_too_late_reason "because your forces arrived too late to help [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_terrorized_refuse_reason "because you did not send forces to help [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_terrorized_lost_battle_reason "because [monster] was not defeated" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_terrorized_no_reason "" ;*****Vassal terrorized by [monster]********************** PHRASE_vassal_terrorized_title "[monster] menaces [city_name]" PHRASE_vassal_terrorized_oracle_prediction "I, the priestess from the oracle, foresee that the horrid [monster] will attack your vassal, [city_name], within a year! [leader_name], the city's leader, will be frightened out of his senses and will need your help to remove the scourge from the city. If you send forces now, [player_name], you and [leader_name] will have more time to prepare for the monster!" PHRASE_vassal_terrorized_initial_announcement "Most brave [player_name], I am shaking with fear! The gruesome monster, [monster], is attacking my city of [city_name]. I, [leader_name], humbly bow to your superior skill and beg you to send forces within [travel_time] months to defeat the monster!" PHRASE_vassal_terrorized_first_reminder "Most generous [player_name], please do not turn your back on me now! I, [leader_name] of [city_name], desperately need your help to defeat [monster]. Please, please send me forces soon so that my city will not succumb to this horrible threat." PHRASE_vassal_terrorized_last_reminder "I don't know how much longer we can hold out here at [city_name], [leader_name]. [monster] is attacking at will and is leaving my city in shambles. I, [leader_name], make one last plea for you to send forces!" PHRASE_vassal_terrorized_early_reason "because your forces arrived early," PHRASE_vassal_terrorized_comply_reason "because your forces squashed [monster]," PHRASE_vassal_terrorized_too_late_reason "because you waited too long to send forces to defend against [monster] " PHRASE_vassal_terrorized_refuse_reason "because you refused to send forces to help battle [monster]," PHRASE_vassal_terrorized_lost_battle_reason "because the forces you sent to battle [monster] were inadequate," PHRASE_vassal_terrorized_no_reason "because [city_name] was terrorized by [monster]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_terrorized_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_terrorized_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that [monster] will attack [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_terrorized_initial_announcement "[city_name] begs for forces within [travel_time] months. [monster] is attacking." PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_terrorized_first_reminder "Send forces to [city_name] soon." PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_terrorized_last_reminder "Send forces to [city_name] now, or it will be too late." PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_terrorized_early_reason "since your forces arrived at [city_name] early" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_terrorized_comply_reason "since your forces defeated the enemy at [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_terrorized_too_late_reason "since you sent forces too late to help [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_terrorized_refuse_reason "since you refused to send forces to [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_terrorized_lost_battle_reason "since the forces you sent to [city_name] did not win" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_terrorized_no_reason "because [city_name] was terrorized" ;*****Colony terrorized by [monster] ********************** PHRASE_colony_terrorized_title "[monster] menaces [city_name]" PHRASE_colony_terrorized_oracle_prediction "Horrors, [player_name]! I, the seer from the Oracle, predict that the gruesome monster, [monster], will feast upon [city_name] within a year. [leader_name], the city's leader, has little hope of fending off the monster on his own. Take steps to send forces to the city if you want it to survive the monster's attack mostly unscathed." PHRASE_colony_terrorized_initial_announcement "Most notable [player_name], I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am quaking in my sandals. The hated monster, [monster], is attacking my city, and I need you to send forces within [travel_time] months to vanquish the beast." PHRASE_colony_terrorized_first_reminder "Oh great [player_name], I am on the verge of tears! The monster, [monster], is even more frightening than legend reports. Please send forces to me here at [city_name] soon, or else [monster] might empty my city of its population!" PHRASE_colony_terrorized_last_reminder "Most heroic [player_name], I have decided to pack my bags and escape the attack of [monster]. My city, [city_name], doesn't stand a chance without help from you, and you have yet to send it. Send help now, or I, [leader_name], will have to find a new place to rule." PHRASE_colony_terrorized_early_reason "because your forces arrived early," PHRASE_colony_terrorized_comply_reason "because your forces arrived in time to defeat [monster]," PHRASE_colony_terrorized_too_late_reason "because you waited too long to send forces, [monster] was able to do some serious damage. As a result," PHRASE_colony_terrorized_refuse_reason "because you failed to send forces to help defend against [monster]," PHRASE_colony_terrorized_lost_battle_reason "because the forces you sent were too weak to strike down [monster]," PHRASE_colony_terrorized_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_terrorized_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_terrorized_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that [monster] will attack [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_terrorized_initial_announcement "[city_name] begs for forces within [travel_time] months. [monster] is attacking." PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_terrorized_first_reminder "Send forces to [city_name] soon." PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_terrorized_last_reminder "Send forces now, or it will be too late." PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_terrorized_early_reason "since your forces arrived at [city_name] early" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_terrorized_comply_reason "since your forces defeated the enemy at [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_terrorized_too_late_reason "since you sent forces too late to help [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_terrorized_refuse_reason "since you failed to send forces to [city_name]," PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_terrorized_lost_battle_reason "since the forces you sent to [city_name] did not win" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_terrorized_no_reason "" ;*****Parent city terrorized by [monster] ********************** PHRASE_parentcity_terrorized_title "[monster] menaces [city_name]" PHRASE_parentcity_terrorized_oracle_prediction "I, the priestess from the Oracle have spoken, and the news is not good, [player_name]. Within a year, the loathsome monster, [monster], intends to do harm to your parent city, [city_name], and its leader, [leader_name], will turn to you for help. Send military forces now, and you might be able to turn back the monster." PHRASE_parentcity_terrorized_initial_announcement "Most noble [player_name], your parent city of [city_name] needs your help. I, [leader_name], regret to inform you that [monster] has decided to attack our city. Please send reinforcements within [travel_time] months to help defend the city." PHRASE_parentcity_terrorized_first_reminder "Do not forget about us, [player_name]! The unsightly [monster] has begun the attack on us here at [city_name], and I, your loyal deputy [leader_name], still need your help to defeat it. Please send forces soon." PHRASE_parentcity_terrorized_last_reminder "Why, [leader_name], haven't you sent the reinforcements that I so desperately need to defend your parent city, [city_name]? If you do not send them now, you might not have a parent city left!" PHRASE_parentcity_terrorized_early_reason "because you sent help early to defeat [monster]," PHRASE_parentcity_terrorized_comply_reason "because you helped to successfully defend our parent city from [monster]," PHRASE_parentcity_terrorized_too_late_reason "because you did not send me the help I needed to defeat [monster] in time," PHRASE_parentcity_terrorized_refuse_reason "because you refused to help us defeat [monster]," PHRASE_parentcity_terrorized_lost_battle_reason "because our parent city, [city_name] was terrorized by [monster]," PHRASE_parentcity_terrorized_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_terrorized_title "NA" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_terrorized_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that [monster] will attack [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_terrorized_initial_announcement "[city_name] needs help within [travel_time] months to fend off [monster]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_terrorized_first_reminder "Send help to [city_name] soon." PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_terrorized_last_reminder "Send help to [city_name] now or it will be too late." PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_terrorized_early_reason "since help arrived at [city_name] early," PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_terrorized_comply_reason "since you helped win the battle at [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_terrorized_too_late_reason "since you sent help to [city_name] too late" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_terrorized_refuse_reason "since you did not send help to [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_terrorized_lost_battle_reason "since the help you sent was weak" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parentcity_terrorized_no_reason "" ;********Monster Scared off***************** PHRASE_monster_scared_off_title "[monster] scared off" PHRASE_monster_scared_off_initial_announcement "Most noble [player_name], intimidated by the defenses, [monster] quickly scurried away from [city_name] without attacking it at all. The people of [city_name] are grateful to you, and [leader_name], the leader of [city_name], calls you a hero!" PHRASE_monster_scared_off_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_monster_scared_off_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_monster_scared_off_initial_announcement "[monster] scared away from [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_monster_scared_off_no_reason "N/A" ;********Ally destroyed by [monster]**************************** PHRASE_ally_destroyed_by_monster_title "[city_name] destroyed" PHRASE_ally_destroyed_by_monster_initial_announcement "Oh great [player_name], a tragedy unimagined by even the great Sophocles has occurred today. The deadly monster, [monster], has destroyed [city_name]. Its leader, [leader_name], has gone off in search of a new city to lead." PHRASE_ally_destroyed_by_monster_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_destroyed_by_monster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_destroyed_by_monster_initial_announcement "[monster] has destroyed [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_destroyed_by_monster_no_reason "N/A" ;********Vassal destroyed by [monster]**************************** PHRASE_vassal_destroyed_by_monster_title "[city_name] destroyed" PHRASE_vassal_destroyed_by_monster_initial_announcement "Exalted [player_name], shed a tear today, for our vassal, [city_name], has been destroyed by [monster]. [leader_name], leader of [city_name], is nowhere to be found." PHRASE_vassal_destroyed_by_monster_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_destroyed_by_monster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_destroyed_by_monster_initial_announcement "[monster] has destroyed [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_destroyed_by_monster_no_reason "N/A" ;********Colony devastated by [monster]**************************** PHRASE_colony_devastated_by_monster_title "[city_name] devastated" PHRASE_colony_devastated_by_monster_initial_announcement "Greetings, [player_name]. We here at [city_name] are reeling. The attack by [monster] has left the city in a shambles, and it will take some time for the residents to rebuild. As I, [leader_name], try to put the pieces of the city back together, I will not be able to trade with you, pay tribute or fulfill requests." PHRASE_colony_devastated_by_monster_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_devastated_by_monster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_devastated_by_monster_initial_announcement "[monster] has devastated [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_devastated_by_monster_no_reason "N/A" ;********Parent city destroyed by [monster]**************************** PHRASE_parent_city_destroyed_by_monster_title "[city_name] destroyed by [monster]" PHRASE_parent_city_destroyed_by_monster_initial_announcement "Sad [player_name], it's all over but the crying. Our parent city of [city_name] has been destroyed!" PHRASE_parent_city_destroyed_by_monster_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parent_city_destroyed_by_monster_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parent_city_destroyed_by_monster_initial_announcement "Our parent city has been destroyed!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parent_city_destroyed_by_monster_no_reason "N/A" ;********INDEPENDENT MONSTER INVADES**************************************** ;****************hydra invades****************************** PHRASE_independent_hydra_invades_title "Hydra attacks!" PHRASE_independent_hydra_invades_oracle_prediction "Greetings, [player_name]. I, the seer from the Oracle, foresee that the many-headed Hydra will begin to slither towards your city within a year!" PHRASE_independent_hydra_invades_initial_announcement "Oh great [player_name], [reason_phrase] Hydra is coming to your city! He'll arrive in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_independent_hydra_invades_2year_reminder "Most notable [player_name], Hydra is sliding closer and closer. In only two years, he'll be here!" PHRASE_independent_hydra_invades_1year_reminder "Valiant [player_name], there's only one year left to prepare for Hydra! Your citizens will soon feel his stinging bites!" PHRASE_independent_hydra_invades_6month_warning "Exalted [player_name], Hydra is almost here! In only six months, the hideous monster from Lerna will be calling your city home!" PHRASE_independent_hydra_invades_1month_Warning "Oh great [player_name], the stench coming from the outskirts of the city can mean only one thing: the Hydra is almost here." PHRASE_independent_hydra_invades_city_attacked_alert "Valiant [player_name], Hydra has arrived! His hissing is deafening, and the magic bolts he spits are bound to do damage!" PHRASE_independent_hydra_invades_reason "so that he can battle the Hydra," PHRASE_independent_hydra_invades_no_reason "to see how well you lead under pressure," PHRASE_independent_hydra_invades_disembarked_alert "Most noble [player_name], the Hydra is on our shores now. I hope you're ready for him!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hydra_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hydra_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that a Hydra will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hydra_invades_initial_announcement "A Hydra will invade your city in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hydra_invades_2year_reminder "A Hydra will invade your city in two years." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hydra_invades_1year_reminder "A Hydra will invade your city in one year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hydra_invades_6month_warning "A Hydra will invade your city in six months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hydra_invades_1month_Warning "A Hydra will invade your city in one month." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hydra_invades_city_attacked_alert "A Hydra is on our soil now!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hydra_invades_reason "so that he can battle the Hydra," PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hydra_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hydra_invades_disembarked_alert "A Hydra has landed and is attacking the city!" ;****************kraken invades****************************** PHRASE_independent_kraken_invades_title "Kraken attacks!" PHRASE_independent_kraken_invades_oracle_prediction "Greetings, [player_name]. I, the priestess from the Oracle, predict that the horrible denizen of the deep, the Kraken, will begin making his way to your city within a year!" PHRASE_independent_kraken_invades_initial_announcement "Most valiant [player_name], [reason_phrase] the Kraken is on his way to your city! He'll erupt from the deep in [time_until_attack] months."s PHRASE_independent_kraken_invades_2year_reminder "Most noble [player_name], the Kraken is approaching, and our seafarers can already feel his wake! He will arrive in two years' time." PHRASE_independent_kraken_invades_1year_reminder "Oh great [player_name], there's only one year left until the Kraken arrives on our shores!" PHRASE_independent_kraken_invades_6month_warning "Exalted [player_name], in just six months, the Kraken will attack our city. Who knows what the consequences could be if we don't prepare?" PHRASE_independent_kraken_invades_1month_Warning "Most noble [player_name], a sense of panic is already beginning to spread. The Kraken will be here in only one month!" PHRASE_independent_kraken_invades_city_attacked_alert "Oh great [player_name], the foul Kraken is here! The sea won't be safe as long as he is around!" PHRASE_independent_kraken_invades_reason "so that he may battle the Kraken," PHRASE_independent_kraken_invades_no_reason "to wreak havoc," PHRASE_independent_kraken_invades_disembarked_alert "[greeting] [player_name], a Kraken has landed on our shores and has begun his attack." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_kraken_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_kraken_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that a Kraken will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_kraken_invades_initial_announcement "A Kraken will strike your city in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_kraken_invades_2year_reminder "The Kraken will strike your city in two years." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_kraken_invades_1year_reminder "The Kraken will strike your city in one year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_kraken_invades_6month_warning "The Kraken will strike your city in six months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_kraken_invades_1month_Warning "The Kraken will strike your city in one month." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_kraken_invades_city_attacked_alert "The Kraken is here!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_kraken_invades_reason "so that he can battle the Kraken," PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_kraken_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_kraken_invades_disembarked_alert "A Kraken has landed and is attacking the city!" ;****************cerberus invades****************************** PHRASE_independent_cerberus_invades_title "Cerberus attacks!" PHRASE_independent_cerberus_invades_oracle_prediction "Greetings, [player_name]. I, the seer from the Oracle, predict that Cerberus will begin an attack your city within a year." PHRASE_independent_cerberus_invades_initial_announcement "Most noble [player_name], [reason_phrase] Cerberus is trotting toward your city to raise some trouble. He will arrive in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_independent_cerberus_invades_2year_reminder "Valiant [player_name], Cerberus approaches ever closer to our city, only stopping to sniff an occasional interesting object along the way. He'll arrive in two years' time." PHRASE_independent_cerberus_invades_1year_reminder "Oh great [player_name], Cerberus is still on the move and will reach our city in one year." PHRASE_independent_cerberus_invades_6month_warning "Exalted [player_name], in just six months, Cerberus will arrive to attack your city. Make sure you are prepared for his arrival." PHRASE_independent_cerberus_invades_1month_Warning "Most noble [player_name], the time to prepare has passed. In one month, Cerberus will arrive here, ready to bite and breathe fire balls!" PHRASE_independent_cerberus_invades_city_attacked_alert "Oh great [player_name], the city is filled with the sounds of growling and barking! Cerberus is here!" PHRASE_independent_cerberus_invades_reason "so that he can battle Cerberus," PHRASE_independent_cerberus_invades_no_reason "to satisfy a craving for human," PHRASE_independent_cerberus_invades_disembarked_alert "[greeting] [player_name], Cerberus has landed on our shores and has begun his attack." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cerberus_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cerberus_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Cerberus will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cerberus_invades_initial_announcement "Cerberus will invade your city in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cerberus_invades_2year_reminder "Cerberus will invade your city in two years." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cerberus_invades_1year_reminder "Cerberus will invade your city in one year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cerberus_invades_6month_warning "Cerberus will invade your city in six months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cerberus_invades_1month_Warning "Cerberus will invade your city in one month." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cerberus_invades_city_attacked_alert "Cerberus is on our soil now!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cerberus_invades_reason "so that he can fight Cerberus," PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cerberus_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cerberus_invades_disembarked_alert "Cerberus has landed and is attacking the city!" ;****************cyclops invades****************************** PHRASE_independent_cyclops_invades_title "Cyclops attacks!" PHRASE_independent_cyclops_invades_oracle_prediction "Greetings, [player_name]. I, the seer from the Oracle, have had a most unpleasant vision. The malformed Cyclops will begin lumbering toward your city within a year!" PHRASE_independent_cyclops_invades_initial_announcement "Most honorable [player_name], [reason_phrase] the Cyclops is on his way to the city! In only [time_until_attack] months, he'll begin his rampage!" PHRASE_independent_cyclops_invades_2year_reminder "Oh great [player_name], the Cyclops draws nearer by the minute! He will arrive in two years' time!" PHRASE_independent_cyclops_invades_1year_reminder "Valiant [player_name], cries of despair can be heard throughout Greece! The Cyclops is making his way through cities and town with the goal of wrecking our own city! He'll be here in one year!" PHRASE_independent_cyclops_invades_6month_warning "Noble [player_name], in six short months, the prattle of our citizens will be replaced with shrieks of horror. The Cyclops is coming." PHRASE_independent_cyclops_invades_1month_Warning "Exalted [player_name], in one month, the city might be a very different place to live. The Cyclops will be here to pillage us!" PHRASE_independent_cyclops_invades_city_attacked_alert "Oh great [player_name], the Cyclops, that one-eyed beast, has set foot on our soil! What will become of our fair city?" PHRASE_independent_cyclops_invades_reason "so that he can battle the Cyclops," PHRASE_independent_cyclops_invades_no_reason "for reasons known only to him," PHRASE_independent_cyclops_invades_disembarked_alert "[greeting] [player_name], a Cyclops has landed on our shores and has begun its attack!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cyclops_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cyclops_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that a Cyclops will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cyclops_invades_initial_announcement "A Cyclops will invade your city in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cyclops_invades_2year_reminder "A Cyclops will invade your city in two years." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cyclops_invades_1year_reminder "A Cyclops will invade your city in one year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cyclops_invades_6month_warning "A Cyclops will invade your city in six months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cyclops_invades_1month_Warning "A Cyclops will invade your city in one month." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cyclops_invades_city_attacked_alert "A Cyclops is on our soil now!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cyclops_invades_reason "so that he can fight the Cyclops," PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cyclops_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_cyclops_invades_disembarked_alert "A Cyclops has landed and is attacking the city!" ;****************minotaur invades****************************** PHRASE_independent_minotaur_invades_title "Minotaur attacks!" PHRASE_independent_minotaur_invades_oracle_prediction "Hello, [player_name]. I, the priestess from the Oracle, foresee a dark time for your city. The Minotaur, that frightening mix of man and bull, will begin his approach to the city within a year!" PHRASE_independent_minotaur_invades_initial_announcement "Most valiant [player_name], [reason_phrase] the Minotaur is making his way to your city and will arrive in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_independent_minotaur_invades_2year_reminder "Oh great [player_name], begin your preparations! The Minotaur has plans to make a destructive run through our streets! The terror will begin in two years!" PHRASE_independent_minotaur_invades_1year_reminder "Noble [player_name], the Minotaur is making his charge through the countryside on the way to our city! He'll be here in one year!" PHRASE_independent_minotaur_invades_6month_warning "Exalted [player_name], only six months remain until the Minotaur becomes an unwelcome guest in our city!" PHRASE_independent_minotaur_invades_1month_Warning "Oh great [player_name], the time to prepare has passed. In one month, the Minotaur, with his huge sword and his magic bolts, will set foot in the city! If you're not ready for him, the consequences to your citizens could be dire!" PHRASE_independent_minotaur_invades_city_attacked_alert "Valiant [player_name], the Minotaur is upon us! Woe be to us!" PHRASE_independent_minotaur_invades_reason "so that he can battle the Minotaur," PHRASE_independent_minotaur_invades_no_reason "for reasons known only to him," PHRASE_independent_minotaur_invades_disembarked_alert "[greeting] [player_name], the Minotaur has landed on our shores and has begun its attack!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_minotaur_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_minotaur_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that The Minotaur will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_minotaur_invades_initial_announcement "The Minotaur will invade your city in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_minotaur_invades_2year_reminder "The Minotaur will invade your city in two years." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_minotaur_invades_1year_reminder "The Minotaur will invade your city in one year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_minotaur_invades_6month_warning "The Minotaur will invade your city in six months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_minotaur_invades_1month_Warning "The Minotaur will invade your city in one month." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_minotaur_invades_city_attacked_alert "The Minotaur is on our soil now!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_minotaur_invades_reason "so that he can fight the Minotaur," PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_minotaur_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_minotaur_invades_disembarked_alert "The Minotaur has landed and is attacking the city!" ;****************medusa invades****************************** PHRASE_independent_medusa_invades_title "Medusa attacks!" PHRASE_independent_medusa_invades_oracle_prediction "Dear [player_name], you have been cursed by great misfortune! I, the priestess from the Oracle, predict that Medusa will begin her approach to your city within a year!" PHRASE_independent_medusa_invades_initial_announcement "Noble [player_name], [reason_phrase] the ugly Medusa is approaching and will reach your city in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_independent_medusa_invades_2year_reminder "Valiant [player_name], leaving a trail of sculpture in her wake, Medusa is drawing near our city! Expect her arrival in two years." PHRASE_independent_medusa_invades_1year_reminder "Oh great [player_name], the already rocky Greek landscape is made even more desolate as Medusa passes! Her trail is leading her straight to our city, and she'll be here in one year!" PHRASE_independent_medusa_invades_6month_warning "Most honorable [player_name], in six months Medusa will set foot in the city! People are already making their plans to stay indoors for fear that they might be turned to stone!." PHRASE_independent_medusa_invades_1month_Warning "Exalted [player_name], only one month left before Medusa arrives! Already, those that don't need to be out and about have spirited themselves into hiding. If you are not prepared for the gorgon, you might want to find a safe place to hide yourself!" PHRASE_independent_medusa_invades_city_attacked_alert "Brave [player_name], Medusa is here, and she is about to turn her unfortunate victims into stone!" PHRASE_independent_medusa_invades_reason "so that he can fight Medusa," PHRASE_independent_medusa_invades_no_reason "to satisfy her fancy," PHRASE_independent_medusa_invades_disembarked_alert "[greeting] [player_name], Medusa has landed on our shores and has begun her attack." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_medusa_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_medusa_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Medusa will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_medusa_invades_initial_announcement "Medusa will invade your city in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_medusa_invades_2year_reminder "Medusa will invade your city in two years." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_medusa_invades_1year_reminder "Medusa will invade your city in one year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_medusa_invades_6month_warning "Medusa will invade your city in six months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_medusa_invades_1month_Warning "Medusa will invade your city in one month." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_medusa_invades_city_attacked_alert "Medusa is on our soil now!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_medusa_invades_reason "so that he can fight Medusa," PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_medusa_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_medusa_invades_disembarked_alert "Medusa has landed and is attacking the city!" ;****************calydonianboar invades****************************** PHRASE_independent_calydonianboar_invades_title "Calydonian boar attacks!" PHRASE_independent_calydonianboar_invades_oracle_prediction "Greetings, [player_name]. I, the great seer from the Oracle, predict that the Calydonian Boar will stomp toward your city within a year." PHRASE_independent_calydonianboar_invades_initial_announcement "Oh great [player_name], [reason_phrase] the Calydonian Boar is approaching and will reach your city in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_independent_calydonianboar_invades_2year_reminder "Brave [player_name], the Calydonian Boar's charge toward the city continues. He will arrive in two years!" PHRASE_independent_calydonianboar_invades_1year_reminder "Valiant [player_name], the Calydonian Boar is still on the move and will reach our city in one year." PHRASE_independent_calydonianboar_invades_6month_warning "Honorable [player_name], in just six months, the Calydonian Boar will arrive to attack your city. Make sure you are prepared for his arrival." PHRASE_independent_calydonianboar_invades_1month_Warning "Oh great [player_name], I hope you are ready for the Calydonian Boar! He'll arrive in the city in one month!" PHRASE_independent_calydonianboar_invades_city_attacked_alert "Noble [player_name], the Calydonian Boar is here. His tusks are gory from impaling unfortunate victims along the way, and he is ready to inflict more damage!" PHRASE_independent_calydonianboar_invades_reason "so that he can battle the Calydonian Boar," PHRASE_independent_calydonianboar_invades_no_reason "always in search of new victims," PHRASE_independent_calydonianboar_invades_disembarked_alert "[greeting] [player_name], the Calydonian Boar is here!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_calydonianboar_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_calydonianboar_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that the Calydonian Boar will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_calydonianboar_invades_initial_announcement "The Calydonian Boar will invade your city in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_calydonianboar_invades_2year_reminder "The Calydonian Boar will invade your city in two years." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_calydonianboar_invades_1year_reminder "The Calydonian Boar will invade your city in one year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_calydonianboar_invades_6month_warning "The Calydonian Boar will invade your city in six months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_calydonianboar_invades_1month_Warning "The Calydonian Boar will invade your city in one month." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_calydonianboar_invades_city_attacked_alert "The Calydonian Boar is on our soil now!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_calydonianboar_invades_reason "so that he can fight the Calydonian Boar," PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_calydonianboar_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_calydonianboar_invades_disembarked_alert "The Calydonian Boar has landed and is attacking the city!" ;****************dragon invades****************************** PHRASE_independent_dragon_invades_title "The Dragon attacks the city!" PHRASE_independent_dragon_invades_oracle_prediction "Oh great [player_name], I, the seer from the Oracle, am feverish from the sight I have just beheld. Within a year, the Dragon, full of fire, will start towards your city!" PHRASE_independent_dragon_invades_initial_announcement "Noble [player_name], [reason_phrase] the Dragon, his scales quivering with fury, will reach your city in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_independent_dragon_invades_2year_reminder "Exalted [player_name], hot winds are beginning to stir in Greece. These winds are not from any natural source, but from the horrid Dragon! The Dragon is on his way here, and will arrive within two years!" PHRASE_independent_dragon_invades_1year_reminder "Honorable [player_name], in one year, our city will be in the throes of fear. The Dragon will be here with only destruction on his mind." PHRASE_independent_dragon_invades_6month_warning "Oh great [player_name], the city is bracing itself for the terror that is about to ensue. Six months from now, the Dragon will scorch our land with his fiery breath." PHRASE_independent_dragon_invades_1month_Warning "Brave [player_name], the city's residents can already feel the Dragon's hot, fetid breath. The heat will soon become unbearable, for in one month, the Dragon will be here!" PHRASE_independent_dragon_invades_city_attacked_alert "Exalted [player_name], a dragon is upon us, and he is determined to destroy the city!" PHRASE_independent_dragon_invades_reason "so that he can battle the Dragon," PHRASE_independent_dragon_invades_no_reason "prepare for unspeakable horror -" PHRASE_independent_dragon_invades_disembarked_alert "[greeting] [player_name], a dragon has landed on our shores and has begun its attack." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_dragon_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_dragon_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that a dragon will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_dragon_invades_initial_announcement "A dragon will invade your city in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_dragon_invades_2year_reminder "A dragon will invade your city in two years." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_dragon_invades_1year_reminder "A dragon will invade your city in one year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_dragon_invades_6month_warning "A dragon will invade your city in six months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_dragon_invades_1month_Warning "A dragon will invade your city in one month." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_dragon_invades_city_attacked_alert "A dragon is on our soil now!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_dragon_invades_reason "so that he can fight the Dragon," PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_dragon_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_dragon_invades_disembarked_alert "A dragon has landed and is attacking the city!" ;****************talos invades****************************** PHRASE_independent_talos_invades_title "Talos attacks the city!" PHRASE_independent_talos_invades_oracle_prediction "I have terrible news for you, [player_name]. I, the priestess from the Oracle, predict that Talos will begin ambling towards your city within a year." PHRASE_independent_talos_invades_initial_announcement "Oh great [player_name], [reason_phrase] Talos has roused himself and is even now heading for our city! He will make his appearance in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_independent_talos_invades_2year_reminder "Valiant [player_name], the sounds of creaking and clanging are the unmistakable signs of Talos! The noise is faint now, but it is growing louder by the day! Expect Talos to arrive in two years!" PHRASE_independent_talos_invades_1year_reminder "Noble [player_name], Talos has been spotted some distance from here, but word is that he is still intending to do our city harm! It will only take one year for Talos to complete his journey here!" PHRASE_independent_talos_invades_6month_warning "Brave [player_name], the quiet of night is now often pierced by the sound of great clashing and clanging. Talos' long journey to our city is almost complete, and we can expect to feel the force of his punishing sword in just six months!" PHRASE_independent_talos_invades_1month_Warning "Honorable [player_name], the sound of metal against metal is almost deafening! Talos is very close to our city now, and will penetrate our borders in only one month!" PHRASE_independent_talos_invades_city_attacked_alert "Oh great [player_name], people are cowering in fear! The formidable Talos has arrived, intent on destruction!" PHRASE_independent_talos_invades_reason "so that he can fight Talos," PHRASE_independent_talos_invades_no_reason "Who knows what goes through a bronze man's head? Just know that" PHRASE_independent_talos_invades_disembarked_alert "[greeting] [player_name], Talos has landed on our shores and has begun its attack." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_talos_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_talos_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Talos will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_talos_invades_initial_announcement "Talos will invade your city in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_talos_invades_2year_reminder "Talos will invade your city in two years." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_talos_invades_1year_reminder "Talos will invade your city in one year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_talos_invades_6month_warning "Talos will invade your city in six months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_talos_invades_1month_Warning "Talos will invade your city in one month." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_talos_invades_city_attacked_alert "Talos is on our soil now!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_talos_invades_reason "so that he can fight Talos," PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_talos_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_talos_invades_disembarked_alert "Talos has landed and is attacking the city!" ;****************hector invades****************************** PHRASE_independent_hector_invades_title "Hector attacks the city!" PHRASE_independent_hector_invades_oracle_prediction "Greetings, [player_name]. I, the priestess from the oracle, foresee that Hector, the famous Trojan warrior, has set his sights on our city with carnage on his mind. He'll arrive within one year!" PHRASE_independent_hector_invades_initial_announcement "Valiant [player_name], [reason_phrase] Hector is approaching your city! His sword is sharpened, ready to carve a path of devastation through our city! We have [time_until_attack] months to ready ourselves." PHRASE_independent_hector_invades_2year_reminder "Oh great [player_name], Hector grows more thirsty for battle by the day! He'll quench his thirst in our city in only two years' time!" PHRASE_independent_hector_invades_1year_reminder "Noble [player_name], Hector is marching towards our city with a hard glint in his eye! His malevolent intentions will manifest themselves in our city in only one year!" PHRASE_independent_hector_invades_6month_warning "Brave [player_name], Hector's long march is nearly over. We have six months before the cruel warrior arrives to inflict damage on our city!" PHRASE_independent_hector_invades_1month_Warning "Worthy [player_name], intermingled with the sounds of our own citizens' conversations is the sound of Hector's battle cry. The taste of battle is in his mouth, and he eagerly anticipates slaking his thirst for blood. He'll arrive in only one month!" PHRASE_independent_hector_invades_city_attacked_alert "Honorable [player_name], the great warrior Hector is here! Our city will soon be acquainted with the cold steel of his sword!" PHRASE_independent_hector_invades_reason "so that he can fight Hector," PHRASE_independent_hector_invades_no_reason "because he lusts for battle," PHRASE_independent_hector_invades_disembarked_alert "[greeting] [player_name], Hector has landed on our shores and has begun its attack." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hector_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hector_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Hector will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hector_invades_initial_announcement "Hector will invade your city in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hector_invades_2year_reminder "Hector will invade your city in two years." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hector_invades_1year_reminder "Hector will invade your city in one year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hector_invades_6month_warning "Hector will invade your city in six months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hector_invades_1month_Warning "Hector will invade your city in one month." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hector_invades_city_attacked_alert "Hector is on our soil now!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hector_invades_reason "so that he can fight Hector," PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hector_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_hector_invades_disembarked_alert "Hector has landed and is attacking the city!" ;****************scylla invades****************************** PHRASE_independent_scylla_invades_title "Scylla attacks!" PHRASE_independent_scylla_invades_oracle_prediction "Greetings, [player_name]. I, the priestess from the Oracle, make this awful pronouncement: Scylla, the many-headed beast, is on her way to your city! She'll begin her voyage within a year!" PHRASE_independent_scylla_invades_initial_announcement "Oh great [player_name], [reason_phrase] Scylla, the devourer of men, has decided to pay a visit to your city! She will make her call in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_independent_scylla_invades_2year_reminder "Noble [player_name], the many-headed Scylla slithers closer to our city. She will cross our city's boundaries in two years!" PHRASE_independent_scylla_invades_1year_reminder "Exalted [player_name], all of Scylla's mouths are smiling in anticipation of the fun she will have causing trouble in your city! Expect her to arrive in one year." PHRASE_independent_scylla_invades_6month_warning "Honorable [player_name], there are only six months left until Scylla's arrival!" PHRASE_independent_scylla_invades_1month_Warning "Valiant [player_name], brace yourself for the stinging bites of Scylla! She is well on her way here and will arrive in a month!" PHRASE_independent_scylla_invades_city_attacked_alert "Oh great [player_name], the nasty beast, Scylla, is here, looking for things to attack!" PHRASE_independent_scylla_invades_reason "so that he can fight Scylla," PHRASE_independent_scylla_invades_no_reason "watch out!" PHRASE_independent_scylla_invades_disembarked_alert "[greeting] [player_name], Scylla has landed on our shores and has begun her reign of terror!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_scylla_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_scylla_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that Scylla will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_scylla_invades_initial_announcement "Scylla will invade your city in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_scylla_invades_2year_reminder "Scylla will invade your city in two years." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_scylla_invades_1year_reminder "Scylla will invade your city in one year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_scylla_invades_6month_warning "Scylla will invade your city in six months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_scylla_invades_1month_Warning "Scylla will invade your city in one month." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_scylla_invades_city_attacked_alert "Scylla is on our soil now!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_scylla_invades_reason "so that he can fight Scylla," PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_scylla_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_scylla_invades_disembarked_alert "Scylla has landed and is attacking the city!" ;****************maenads invades****************************** PHRASE_independent_maenads_invades_title "Maenad attacks!" PHRASE_independent_maenads_invades_oracle_prediction "Greetings, [player_name] Your city will soon bear witness to madness! I, the seer from the oracle, have looked into the troubled mind of the Maenad and have learned that she intends to launch an attack on your city within a year!" PHRASE_independent_maenads_invades_initial_announcement "Honorable [player_name], [reason_phrase] the Maenad has devised a fiendish plot! She has decided to attack your city and will arrive within [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_independent_maenads_invades_2year_reminder "Exalted [player_name], the Maenad has begun her trek to our city. She gleefully awaits the day when she sets foot in our city to bring disorder. She will arrive in two years' time." PHRASE_independent_maenads_invades_1year_reminder "Honorable [player_name], in only a year, the Maenad will unleash her madness on our city!" PHRASE_independent_maenads_invades_6month_warning "Oh great [player_name], the crazy Maenad is skipping and prancing down Greece's roads, coming closer to her final destination. In six months, she will be in our city!" PHRASE_independent_maenads_invades_1month_Warning "Valiant [player_name], there's only one month left until the Maenad arrives!" PHRASE_independent_maenads_invades_city_attacked_alert "Brave [player_name], frenzied laughter can be heard throughout the city! The Maenad is here!" PHRASE_independent_maenads_invades_reason "so that he may battle the Maenad," PHRASE_independent_maenads_invades_no_reason "prepare for the worst:" PHRASE_independent_maenads_invades_disembarked_alert "[greeting] [player_name], the Maenad has landed on our shores and has begun its attack." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_maenads_invades_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_maenads_invades_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that the Maenad will attack within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_maenads_invades_initial_announcement "The Maenad will invade your city in [time_until_attack] months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_maenads_invades_2year_reminder "The Maenad will invade your city in two years." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_maenads_invades_1year_reminder "The Maenad will invade your city in one year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_maenads_invades_6month_warning "The Maenad will invade your city in six months." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_maenads_invades_1month_Warning "The Maenad will invade your city in one month." PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_maenads_invades_city_attacked_alert "The Maenad is on our soil now!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_maenads_invades_reason "so that he may battle the Maenad," PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_maenads_invades_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_independent_maenads_invades_disembarked_alert "The Maenad has landed and are attacking the city!" ;*******************HERO'S HALL AVAILABLE****************************************** ;Achilles, Hercules, Jason, Odysseus, Perseus, Theseus ;**********Achilles' Hall Available****************************** PHRASE_achilles_hall_available_title "Achilles' Hall" PHRASE_achilles_hall_available_initial_announcement "[greeting] [player_name], [reason_phrase] you may now construct Achilles' Hall and draw the hero to the city." PHRASE_achilles_hall_available_no_reason "because you need his aid" PHRASE_CONDENSED_achilles_hall_available_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_achilles_hall_available_initial_announcement "You may now construct Achilles' Hall." PHRASE_CONDENSED_achilles_hall_available_no_reason "N/A" ;**********Hercules' Hall Available****************************** PHRASE_hercules_hall_available_title "Hercules' Hall" PHRASE_hercules_hall_available_initial_announcement "[greeting] [player_name], [reason_phrase] you can now bring Hercules to the city by building Hercules' Hall." PHRASE_hercules_hall_available_no_reason "because you might need his services" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hercules_hall_available_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hercules_hall_available_initial_announcement "You may now construct Hercules' Hall." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hercules_hall_available_no_reason "N/A" ;**********Jason's Hall Available****************************** PHRASE_jason_hall_available_title "Jason's Hall" PHRASE_jason_hall_available_initial_announcement "[greeting] [player_name], [reason_phrase] you may now construct Jason's Hall to bring the famous hero to your city." PHRASE_jason_hall_available_no_reason "because you need his help" PHRASE_CONDENSED_jason_hall_available_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_jason_hall_available_initial_announcement "You may now construct Jason's Hall." PHRASE_CONDENSED_jason_hall_available_no_reason "N/A" ;**********Odysseus' Hall Available****************************** PHRASE_odysseus_hall_available_title "Odysseus' Hall" PHRASE_odysseus_hall_available_initial_announcement "[greeting] [player_name], [reason_phrase] you may now construct Odysseus' Hall to bring the traveller to your city." PHRASE_odysseus_hall_available_no_reason "good news:" PHRASE_CONDENSED_odysseus_hall_available_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_odysseus_hall_available_initial_announcement "You may now construct Odysseus' Hall." PHRASE_CONDENSED_odysseus_hall_available_no_reason "N/A" ;**********Perseus' Hall Available****************************** PHRASE_perseus_hall_available_title "Perseus' Hall" PHRASE_perseus_hall_available_initial_announcement "[greeting] [player_name], [reason_phrase] you may now build a Hall for the famed Perseus." PHRASE_perseus_hall_available_no_reason "because his help might be needed" PHRASE_CONDENSED_perseus_hall_available_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_perseus_hall_available_initial_announcement "You may now construct Perseus' Hall." PHRASE_CONDENSED_perseus_hall_available_no_reason "N/A" ;**********Theseus' Hall Available****************************** PHRASE_theseus_hall_available_title "Theseus' Hall" PHRASE_theseus_hall_available_initial_announcement "[greeting] [player_name], [reason_phrase] you can attract the great hero Theseus to your city by building Theseus' Hall." PHRASE_theseus_hall_available_no_reason "because you might find a use for him" PHRASE_CONDENSED_theseus_hall_available_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_theseus_hall_available_initial_announcement "You may now construct Theseus' Hall." PHRASE_CONDENSED_theseus_hall_available_no_reason "N/A" ;*******************HERO ARRIVES****************************************** ;Achilles, Hercules, Jason, Odysseus, Perseus, Theseus ;**********Achilles Has Arrived****************************** PHRASE_achilles_arrives_title "Achilles arrives" PHRASE_achilles_arrives_initial_announcement "Your attempt to summon the fearsome Achilles has met with success! I have deemed you worthy and will do what you ask." PHRASE_achilles_arrives_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_achilles_arrives_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_achilles_arrives_initial_announcement "Your attempt to summon the fearsome Achilles has met with success!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_achilles_arrives_no_reason "N/A" ;**********Hercules Has Arrived****************************** PHRASE_hercules_arrives_title "Hercules arrives" PHRASE_hercules_arrives_initial_announcement "I am Hercules and I am ready for a challenge. What have you got? I hope it's something worthy of the strongest man alive!" PHRASE_hercules_arrives_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hercules_arrives_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hercules_arrives_initial_announcement "I'm Hercules and am ready for a challenge. What have you got?" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hercules_arrives_no_reason "N/A" ;**********Jason Has Arrived****************************** PHRASE_jason_arrives_title "Jason arrives" PHRASE_jason_arrives_initial_announcement "I am Jason of Iolchus, here to help you in any way I can. If I can lead the Argonauts through our many travails, I can certainly help you with whatever little problem you have!" PHRASE_jason_arrives_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_jason_arrives_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_jason_arrives_initial_announcement "I am Jason of Iolchus, here to help you in any way I can." PHRASE_CONDENSED_jason_arrives_no_reason "N/A" ;**********Odysseus Has Arrived****************************** PHRASE_odysseus_arrives_title "Odysseus arrives" PHRASE_odysseus_arrives_initial_announcement "I am the world-renowned Odysseus, king of Ithaca. I'll battle any of your nemeses! If you have no nemeses for me to fight, then I will simply enjoy your hospitality!" PHRASE_odysseus_arrives_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_odysseus_arrives_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_odysseus_arrives_initial_announcement "The world-renowned Odysseus, king of Ithaca, is here!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_odysseus_arrives_no_reason "N/A" ;**********Perseus Has Arrived****************************** PHRASE_perseus_arrives_title "Perseus arrives" PHRASE_perseus_arrives_initial_announcement "I'm Perseus and I cannot be stopped! Bring on any challenge, and I will face it down!" PHRASE_perseus_arrives_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_perseus_arrives_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_perseus_arrives_initial_announcement "I'm Perseus and I cannot be stopped!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_perseus_arrives_no_reason "N/A" ;**********Theseus Has Arrived****************************** PHRASE_theseus_arrives_title "Theseus arrives" PHRASE_theseus_arrives_initial_announcement "There's nothing left to fear now. I'm here! I'll help you solve your problems!" PHRASE_theseus_arrives_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_theseus_arrives_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_theseus_arrives_initial_announcement "There's nothing left to fear now. I'm here!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_theseus_arrives_no_reason "N/A" ;************************QUESTS************************************* ;********Zeus' Quest**************************** PHRASE_zeus_quest_title "Erymanthian Boar" PHRASE_zeus_quest_initial_announcement "My dear mortal, I have a quest for you. I, Zeus, desire the capture of a great boar that is terrorizing Ermymanthia, Mount Cyllene and the surrounding area. Send my son Hercules to take care of this problem." PHRASE_zeus_quest_reason "so that the Erymanthian Boar can be captured," PHRASE_zeus_quest_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_quest_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_quest_initial_announcement "My dear mortal, I have a quest for you." PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_quest_reason "to capture the Erymanthian Boar," PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_quest_no_reason "N/A" ;********Poseidon's Quest**************************** PHRASE_poseidon_quest_title "The Palladium" PHRASE_poseidon_quest_initial_announcement "Greetings, mortal! I, the lord of the sea, have a quest for you! When I, Poseidon, built the walls of Troy, I placed the Palladium inside the city. As long as Troy has this sacred object, the city will never fall. Find [hero_needed] and ask him to steal it. You'll find that Troy will weaken." PHRASE_poseidon_quest_reason "so that he can steal the Palladium," PHRASE_poseidon_quest_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_quest_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_quest_initial_announcement "Greetings, mortal! I, the lord of the sea, have a quest for you!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_quest_reason "to steal the Palladium," PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_quest_no_reason "N/A" ;********Hades' Quest**************************** PHRASE_hades_quest_title "Hades' Helmet of Invisibility" PHRASE_hades_quest_initial_announcement "I've come from the Underworld to send you on a crucial quest. If [hero_needed] is going to save your city from a coming scourge, he's going to need my Helmet of Invisibility. I, Hades, will gladly relinquish it if [hero_needed] comes himself to retrieve it." PHRASE_hades_quest_reason "so that he can retrieve the Helmet of Invisibility," PHRASE_hades_quest_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_quest_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_quest_initial_announcement "I've come from the Underworld to send you on a crucial quest." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_quest_reason "to retrieve Hades' Helmet," PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_quest_no_reason "N/A" ;********Demeter's Quest**************************** PHRASE_demeter_quest_title "The Red Cattle" PHRASE_demeter_quest_initial_announcement "Greetings, noble mortal. Fulfill my quest, and you will be rewarded! I, Demeter, have spotted the most interesting cattle. They belong to the three-bodied Geryon, and I want to get them before Artemis claims them for her Menagerie. Send a mighty hero, like [hero_needed] to retrieve them for me." PHRASE_demeter_quest_reason "so that he can herd the Cattle of Geryon," PHRASE_demeter_quest_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_quest_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_quest_initial_announcement "Greetings, noble mortal. Fulfill my quest, and you will be rewarded!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_quest_reason "to herd the Red Cattle," PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_quest_no_reason "N/A" ;********Athena's Quest**************************** PHRASE_athena_quest_title "The Mirror Shield" PHRASE_athena_quest_initial_announcement "Serve me well and fulfill this quest! Your rewards will be many! In my wisdom, I, Athena, have decided to offer [hero_needed] my Mirror Shield, which perfectly reflects any image. Send [hero_needed] to get it. He'll know exactly what to do with it when the time comes." PHRASE_athena_quest_reason "so that he can retrieve the Mirror Shield," PHRASE_athena_quest_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_quest_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_quest_initial_announcement "Serve me well and fulfill this quest! Your rewards will be many!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_quest_reason "to retrieve Athena's Shield," PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_quest_no_reason "N/A" ;********Apollo's Quest**************************** PHRASE_apollo_quest_title "Free Theseus" PHRASE_apollo_quest_initial_announcement "My quest is sacred, and I trust only you to carry it out! I, Apollo, desire the return of Theseus, whom Hades is holding prisoner in the Underworld for trying to kidnap Persephone. You'll find that freeing Theseus is a boon to you, too, because he has information that you need. Only [hero_needed] can free him." PHRASE_apollo_quest_reason "so that he may free Theseus from the Underworld," PHRASE_apollo_quest_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_quest_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_quest_initial_announcement "My quest is sacred, and I trust only you to carry it out!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_quest_reason "to rescue Theseus," PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_quest_no_reason "N/A" ;********Artemis' Quest**************************** PHRASE_artemis_quest_title "The Amazon Girdle" PHRASE_artemis_quest_initial_announcement "My most favored mortal, fetch me the thing I seek! The Amazon Queen, Hippolyte, has a Girdle that endows its wearer with great powers. I, Artemis, want this Girdle for myself. Find [hero_needed], and ask him to convince the Amazons to forfeit the Girdle to me." PHRASE_artemis_quest_reason "so that he can retrieve the Girdle of Hippolyte for Artemis," PHRASE_artemis_quest_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_quest_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_quest_initial_announcement "My most favored mortal, fetch me the thing I seek!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_quest_reason "to retrieve the Girdle," PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_quest_no_reason "N/A" ;********Ares' Quest**************************** PHRASE_ares_quest_title "Diomedes' Mares" PHRASE_ares_quest_initial_announcement "Accept my quest, and you'll earn my admiration! Tell [hero_needed] to bring me, Ares, the incomparable Mares of Diomedes. Their diet of human flesh makes them the strongest, fleetest and most fearsome of all warhorses." PHRASE_ares_quest_reason "so that he can corral the Mares of Diomedes," PHRASE_ares_quest_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_quest_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_quest_initial_announcement "Accept my quest, and you'll earn my admiration!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_quest_reason "to retrieve the Mares," PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_quest_no_reason "N/A" ;********Hephaestus' Quest**************************** PHRASE_hephaestus_quest_title "The Bow and Arrows" PHRASE_hephaestus_quest_initial_announcement "Greetings, mortal. Only you have the mettle to complete my quest. To convince [hero_needed] to fight alongside your forces, you must equip him with the best weapons. The Bow and Arrows of Hercules that I, Hephaestus, made are just the weapons that will remind him how much he misses fighting. Send the hero to find them." PHRASE_hephaestus_quest_reason "so that he can retrieve the Bow and Arrow of Hercules," PHRASE_hephaestus_quest_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_quest_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_quest_initial_announcement "Greetings, mortal. Only you have the mettle to complete my quest." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_quest_reason "to retrieve the Bow and Arrows," PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_quest_no_reason "N/A" ;********Aphrodite's Quest**************************** PHRASE_aphrodite_quest_title "Augean Stables" PHRASE_aphrodite_quest_initial_announcement "Hello, my little wheel of cheese! I need a favor from you! I, Aphrodite, smell a terrible stench coming from the direction of Augeas' kingdom. I think its his stables. Please send Hercules to clean out the stables so that my nose will no longer be offended!" PHRASE_aphrodite_quest_reason "so that he can clean the Augean Stables for Aphrodite," PHRASE_aphrodite_quest_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_quest_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_quest_initial_announcement "Hello, my little wheel of cheese! I need a favor from you!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_quest_reason "to clean the Augean Stables," PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_quest_no_reason "N/A" ;********Hermes' Quest**************************** PHRASE_hermes_quest_title "Hermes' Winged Sandals" PHRASE_hermes_quest_initial_announcement "Greetings, mortal. I have an important quest for you! Fulfill it, and you will reap the benefits. [hero_needed] will find himself in a scrape that he'll only be able to escape through flying. I, Hermes, have a pair of winged sandals that will endow him with this skill. Send [hero_needed] to retrieve these magical shoes!" PHRASE_hermes_quest_reason "so that he can retrieve the Winged Sandals," PHRASE_hermes_quest_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_quest_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_quest_initial_announcement "Greetings, mortal. I have an important quest for you!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_quest_reason "to retrieve the Winged Sandals," PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_quest_no_reason "N/A" ;********Dionysus' Quest**************************** PHRASE_dionysus_quest_title "The Horn of Amalthea" PHRASE_dionysus_quest_initial_announcement "Hello, friend. Fulfill this quest, and you'll be the toast of Olympus! The Horn of Amalthea fills with whatever its owner wishes, and I, Dionysus, want it! Only [hero_needed] can retrieve the Horn for me!" PHRASE_dionysus_quest_reason "so that he can retrieve the Horn of Amalthea," PHRASE_dionysus_quest_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_quest_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_quest_initial_announcement "Hello, friend. Fulfill this quest, and you'll be the toast of Olympus!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_quest_reason "to retrieve the Horn," PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_quest_no_reason "N/A" ;********Zeus quest fulfilled********** PHRASE_zeus_quest_fulfilled_title "Hercules captures the Erymanthian Boar!" PHRASE_zeus_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "Well done, most valiant mortal! You have fulfilled my quest! After a great chase, Hercules managed to capture the Erymanthian Boar, and the countryside is again safe." PHRASE_zeus_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_zeus_quest_fulfilled_reason "because [hero_needed] retrieved the Golden Fleece at your bidding," PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_quest_fulfilled_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "Well done, most valiant mortal! You have fulfilled my quest!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_quest_fulfilled_reason "since Hercules captured the boar," PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" ;********Poseidon quest fulfilled********** PHRASE_poseidon_quest_fulfilled_title "[hero_needed] steals Poseidon's Palladium" PHRASE_poseidon_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "The nereids and the creatures of the sea are rejoicing! You have succeeded! [hero_needed] has stolen the Palladium from Troy, and the city's defenses will soon weaken. As a reward for completing this quest, you may now construct a Commemorative Monument in my honor." PHRASE_poseidon_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_poseidon_quest_fulfilled_reason "because [hero_needed] stole the Palladium at your request," PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_quest_fulfilled_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "The nereids and the sea creatures are rejoicing! You have succeeded!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_quest_fulfilled_reason "since you stole the Palladium," PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" ;********Hades quest fulfilled********** PHRASE_hades_quest_fulfilled_title "[hero_needed] retrieves Hades' Helmet!" PHRASE_hades_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "Superb! All the souls in the Underworld congratulate you! [hero_needed] has retrieved the Helmet of Invisibility, and he'll soon learn just how useful invisibility can be! You may now build a Commemorative Monument in my honor!" PHRASE_hades_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_hades_quest_fulfilled_reason "since you arranged for [hero_needed] to retrieve Hades' Helmet of Invisibility," PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_quest_fulfilled_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "Superb! All the souls in the Underworld congratulate you!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_quest_fulfilled_reason "since you retrieved the Hades' Helmet," PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" ;********Demeter quest fulfilled********** PHRASE_demeter_quest_fulfilled_title "[hero_needed] herds Cattle of Geryon!" PHRASE_demeter_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "I am so thoroughly pleased! You have fulfilled my quest! [hero_needed] has obtained the Cattle of Geryon for me! Artemis is going to be so envious of me! You may now construct a Commemorative Monument in honor of me, the great goddess Demeter!" PHRASE_demeter_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_demeter_quest_fulfilled_reason "because [hero_needed] retrieved the Cattle of Geryon at your request," PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_quest_fulfilled_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "I am so thoroughly pleased! You have fulfilled my quest!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_quest_fulfilled_reason "since you retrieved the Cattle of Geryon," PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" ;********Athena quest fulfilled********** PHRASE_athena_quest_fulfilled_title "[hero_needed] retrieves the Mirror Shield!" PHRASE_athena_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "How wonderfully wise you are! You completed my quest! The Mirror Shield will help you and [hero_needed] through difficult times ahead. To celebrate, you may now construct a Commemorative Monument dedicated to me, the wise goddess Athena." PHRASE_athena_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_athena_quest_fulfilled_reason "because [hero_needed] obtained Athena's Mirror Shield at your request," PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_quest_fulfilled_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "How wonderfully wise you are! You completed my quest!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_quest_fulfilled_reason "since you obtained the Mirror Shield," PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" ;********Apollo quest fulfilled********** PHRASE_apollo_quest_fulfilled_title "[hero_needed] rescues Theseus!" PHRASE_apollo_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "Your devotion warms me like the sun's rays! You have completed my quest! The hero you sent, [hero_needed], has rescued Theseus from Hades' grip. Soon, Theseus will reveal what you need to know to become the greatest leader Greece has ever known. You may now construct a Commemorative Monument in honor of me, Apollo." PHRASE_apollo_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_apollo_quest_fulfilled_reason "because you sent [hero_needed] to rescue Theseus from the Underworld," PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_quest_fulfilled_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "Your devotion warms me like the sun's rays! You have completed my quest!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_quest_fulfilled_reason "since you rescued Theseus," PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" ;********Artemis quest fulfilled********** PHRASE_artemis_quest_fulfilled_title "[hero_needed] retrieves the Girdle!" PHRASE_artemis_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "Thank you ever so much! You have retrieved the quarry I sought! [hero_needed] has obtained the Girdle of Hippolyte, and it looks just smashing on me! Its original owners might not be too happy about the theft, but I don't care a fig about that! You may now construct a Commemorative Monument in honor of me, the chaste goddess Artemis." PHRASE_artemis_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_artemis_quest_fulfilled_reason "because [hero_needed] took the Girdle of Hippolyte at your request," PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_quest_fulfilled_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "Thank you ever so much! You have retrieved the quarry I sought!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_quest_fulfilled_reason "since you retrieved the Girdle," PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" ;********Ares quest fulfilled********** PHRASE_ares_quest_fulfilled_title "[hero_needed] retrieves the Mares!" PHRASE_ares_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "I am proud to call you a fellow soldier! I now have the Mares of Diomedes in my corral, thanks to [hero_needed]. Honor me, Ares, by constructing a Commemorative Monument." PHRASE_ares_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_ares_quest_fulfilled_reason "because [hero_needed] retrieved the Mares of Diomedes," PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_quest_fulfilled_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "I am proud to call you a fellow soldier! You have completed my quest!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_quest_fulfilled_reason "since you retrieved the Mares," PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" ;********Hephaestus quest fulfilled********** PHRASE_hephaestus_quest_fulfilled_title "[hero_needed] retrieves Bow and Arrows!" PHRASE_hephaestus_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "You have succeeded and forged a name for yourself among the gods! With the help of [hero_needed], you have obtained the Bow and Arrows of Hercules. [hero_needed] will now join the war against Troy, and your success is virtually assured! To honor me, Hephaestus, you may now construct a Commemorative Monument." PHRASE_hephaestus_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_hephaestus_quest_fulfilled_reason "because [hero_needed] has retrived the Bow and Arrows of Hercules at your request," PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_quest_fulfilled_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "You have succeeded and forged a name for yourself among the gods!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_quest_fulfilled_reason "since you retrieved the Bow and Arrows," PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" ;********Aphrodite quest fulfilled********** PHRASE_aphrodite_quest_fulfilled_title "Hercules cleans the Augean Stables!" PHRASE_aphrodite_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "Congratulations, my cute little urchin! You have completed my quest! Hercules has washed the Augean Stables clean, and the air is now springtime fresh! I can now breathe freely again without some odor offending me." PHRASE_aphrodite_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_aphrodite_quest_fulfilled_reason "because [hero_needed] cleaned the Augean Stables at your request," PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_quest_fulfilled_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "Congratulations, my cute little urchin! You have completed my quest!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_quest_fulfilled_reason "since Hercules cleaned the stables," PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" ;********Hermes quest fulfilled********** PHRASE_hermes_quest_fulfilled_title "Hermes' quest fulfilled!" PHRASE_hermes_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "Well done! You have fulfilled my quest, and I am most proud! At your command, [hero_needed] obtained my Winged Sandals, and now he can fly out of dangerous situations. To mark the occasion, and to honor me, Hermes, you may now construct a Commemorative Monument." PHRASE_hermes_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_hermes_quest_fulfilled_reason "because [hero_needed] retrieved Hermes' Winged Sandals at your request," PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_quest_fulfilled_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "Well done! You have fulfilled my quest, and I am most proud!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_quest_fulfilled_reason "since you retrieved Hermes' Sandals," PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" ;********Dionysus quest fulfilled********** PHRASE_dionysus_quest_fulfilled_title "Dionysus' quest fulfilled!" PHRASE_dionysus_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "I raise my cup to you, mortal. You have completed my quest! The Horn of Amalthea is in my posession, thanks to [hero_needed], and my parties are wilder than ever! To honor me, the great god Dionysus, you may now construct a Commemorative Monument." PHRASE_dionysus_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_dionysus_quest_fulfilled_reason "because [hero_needed] retrieved the Horn of Amalthea at your request," PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_quest_fulfilled_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_quest_fulfilled_initial_announcement "I raise my cup to you, mortal. You have completed my quest!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_quest_fulfilled_reason "since you retrieved the Horn," PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_quest_fulfilled_no_reason "N/A" ;********Ally destroyed by [rival_city_name]**************************** PHRASE_ally_destroyed_by_rival_title "[city_name] destroyed!" PHRASE_ally_destroyed_by_rival_initial_announcement "Terrible news, [player_name]! [city_name], an esteemed ally, has been destroyed by [rival_city_name]! It truly is a sad day." PHRASE_ally_destroyed_by_rival_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_destroyed_by_rival_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_destroyed_by_rival_initial_announcement "[rival_city_name] has destroyed [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_ally_destroyed_by_rival_no_reason "N/A" ;********Vassal destroyed by [rival_city_name]**************************** PHRASE_vassal_destroyed_by_rival_title "[city_name] destroyed!" PHRASE_vassal_destroyed_by_rival_initial_announcement "Horrible news, [player_name]. Our vassal [city_name] has been destroyed by [rival_city_name]! [leader_name] of [city_name] will quite understandably will no longer be paying us tribute, and we certainly can't trade with a city that doesn't exist." PHRASE_vassal_destroyed_by_rival_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_destroyed_by_rival_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_destroyed_by_rival_initial_announcement "[rival_city_name] has destroyed [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_vassal_destroyed_by_rival_no_reason "N/A" ;********Colony devastated by [rival_city_name]**************************** PHRASE_colony_devastated_by_rival_title "[city_name] devastated" PHRASE_colony_devastated_by_rival_initial_announcement "I have rotten news, [player_name]. My city, [city_name], has been nearly destroyed by [rival_city_name]. It will take some time for me, [leader_name], to repair the damage. During this difficult time, I won't be able to pay you tribute nor trade with you." PHRASE_colony_devastated_by_rival_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_devastated_by_rival_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_devastated_by_rival_initial_announcement "[rival_city_name] has devastated [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_colony_devastated_by_rival_no_reason "N/A" ;********Parent city destroyed by [rival_city_name]**************************** PHRASE_parent_city_destroyed_by_rival_title "[city_name] destroyed!" PHRASE_parent_city_destroyed_by_rival_initial_announcement "Noble [player_name], our home city of [city_name] has been destroyed! Since we cannot carry on without the help our parent city provides, it is time to part ways." PHRASE_parent_city_destroyed_by_rival_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parent_city_destroyed_by_rival_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parent_city_destroyed_by_rival_initial_announcement "Our home city of [city_name] has been destroyed!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_parent_city_destroyed_by_rival_no_reason "N/A" ;*****************GIFT RECEIVED EVENT MESSAGES************************************** ;************PHRASE VARIABLES ;[gift_size] (small, medium, large) "modest" "generous" "lavish" ;********Gift received - money********** PHRASE_gift_received_money_title "[city_name] thanks you for money" PHRASE_gift_received_money_initial_announcement "[greeting] [player_name]. Your recent monetary gift is much appreciated by the city of [city_name]." PHRASE_gift_received_money_reason "N/A" PHRASE_gift_received_money_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_received_money_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_received_money_initial_announcement "[city_name] thanks you for the money." PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_received_money_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_received_money_no_reason "N/A" ;********Gift received - NEEDS item********** PHRASE_gift_received_needs_title "[city_name] grateful for [itemshort]" PHRASE_gift_received_needs_initial_announcement "[greeting] [player_name], [city_name] really appreciates your [gift_size] gift of [item], which they sorely need." PHRASE_gift_received_needs_reason "N/A" PHRASE_gift_received_needs_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_received_needs_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_received_needs_initial_announcement "[city_name] greatly appreciates your gift of [itemshort]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_received_needs_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_received_needs_no_reason "N/A" ;********Gift received - DOESN'T NEED item********** PHRASE_gift_received_doesnt_need_title "Thanks from [city_name] for gift" PHRASE_gift_received_doesnt_need_initial_announcement "Hello, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], have received your gift of [item]. We don't really need the item here in [city_name], but thanks all the same." PHRASE_gift_received_doesnt_need_reason "N/A" PHRASE_gift_received_doesnt_need_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_received_doesnt_need_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_received_doesnt_need_initial_announcement "[city_name] thanks you for your gift of [item]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_received_doesnt_need_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_received_doesnt_need_no_reason "N/A" ;********Gift received - PRODUCES item********** PHRASE_gift_received_produces_title "[city_name] acknowledges your gift" PHRASE_gift_received_produces_initial_announcement "Hello, [player_name]. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], thank you for your gift of [itemshort]. You realize, of course, that we produce this item ourselves. I suppose it doesn't hurt to have more." PHRASE_gift_received_produces_reason "N/A" PHRASE_gift_received_produces_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_received_produces_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_received_produces_initial_announcement "[city_name] acknowledges your gift, though they don't need it." PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_received_produces_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_gift_received_produces_no_reason "N/A" ;*****************Formerly MESS_FIRE, //111 PHRASE_fire_title "Fire in the city!" PHRASE_fire_initial_announcement "Oh great [player_name], a fire has broken out in the city! Hopefully, your superintendents can put out the blaze before it spreads." PHRASE_fire_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_fire_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_fire_initial_announcement "There is a fire in the city." PHRASE_CONDENSED_fire_no_reason "N/A" ;*******************Formerly MESS_COLLAPSE, //112 PHRASE_collapsed_building_title "Collapsed building!" PHRASE_collapsed_building_initial_announcement "Noble [player_name], a building has collapsed into a heap of rubble. You may want to build more Maintenance Offices in the area to prevent a future catastrophe." PHRASE_collapsed_building_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_collapsed_building_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_collapsed_building_initial_announcement "A building in the city has collapsed." PHRASE_CONDENSED_collapsed_building_no_reason "N/A" ;*******************Formerly MESS_UNNAVIGABLE, //114 PHRASE_unnavigable_title "Ship aground" PHRASE_unnavigable_initial_announcement "Exalted [player_name], a trade ship with all its cargo has run aground. The waters around here can be very tricky to navigate. " PHRASE_unnavigable_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_unnavigable_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_unnavigable_initial_announcement "A ship has run aground." PHRASE_CONDENSED_unnavigable_no_reason "N/A" ;*******************Formerly MESS_STILL_IN_DEBT, //121 PHRASE_still_in_debt_title "Debt anniversary" PHRASE_still_in_debt_initial_announcement "Noble [player_name], another year has passed, and you are still in debt. Your workers are clamoring for their wages, and if you don't get out of debt soon, you could find yourself very unpopular indeed!" PHRASE_still_in_debt_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_still_in_debt_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_still_in_debt_initial_announcement "A year has passed, and you are still in debt." PHRASE_CONDENSED_still_in_debt_no_reason "N/A" ;MESS_INVASION_ENEMY, //122 this is for one of the pumpkin attacks cheats, and shouldn't be needed. ; mrg 5-19-2000 MESS_UNEMPLOYMENT wasnt being used so these phrases arent being used either ;*******************Formerly MESS_UNEMPLOYMENT, //135 ;PHRASE_unemployment_title "City unemployment" ;PHRASE_unemployment_initial_announcement "Oh great [player_name], a lot of people are out of work in the city. You should take steps to correct this problem before there's trouble." ;PHRASE_unemployment_no_reason "N/A" ; ;PHRASE_CONDENSED_unemployment_title "n/a" ;PHRASE_CONDENSED_unemployment_initial_announcement "Unemployment hounds the city." ;PHRASE_CONDENSED_unemployment_no_reason "N/A" ;*******************Formerly MESS_EMPLOYEES_NEEDED, //136 PHRASE_employees_needed_title "Employees needed" PHRASE_employees_needed_initial_announcement "Honorable [player_name], your city needs more workers. If the job vacancies in the city go unfilled, services could suffer." PHRASE_employees_needed_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_employees_needed_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_employees_needed_initial_announcement "The city needs more workers." PHRASE_CONDENSED_employees_needed_no_reason "N/A" ;**************THE FOLLOWING TUTORIAL "SPECIAL EVENTS" ARE NOT CURRENTLY NEEDED. WE'LL SET UP NEW EVENTS TO SUIT THE NEEDS OF THE ZEUS TUTORIAL. ;MESS_FOOD_OR_FAMINE = 239, //239 - special event ;MESS_ENTERTAINMENT, //240 - special event ;MESS_TUTORIAL_01, //241 - special event ;MESS_TUTORIAL_02, //242 - special event ;MESS_TUTORIAL_03, //243 - special event ;MESS_TUTORIAL_04, //244 - special event ;MESS_TUTORIAL_05, //245 - special event ;MESS_TUTORIAL_06, //246 - special event ;MESS_TUTORIAL_07, //247 - special event ;MESS_TUTORIAL_08, //248 - special event ;MESS_TUTORIAL_00, //249 - special event ;MESS_BASIC_HEALTH, //250 - special event ;MESS_FIRST_REQUEST, //251 - special event ;MESS_FIRST_FIRE, //252 - special event ;MESS_FIRST_COLLAPSE, //253 - special event ;MESS_HOUSE_LEVEL, //254 - special event ;MESS_FIRST_GRANARY, //255 - special event ;MESS_MUNICIPAL, //256 - special event ;MESS_MONUMENTS_MORE, //257 - special event ;MESS_GODS_OF_EGYPT, //258 - special event ;MESS_INDUSTRY, //259 - special event ;MESS_FIRST_SCHOOL, //260 - special event ;***********OTHER EVENTS NO LONGER NEEDED: ;MESS_SANDSTORMS, //264 this is no longer an event, so should be removed ;MESS_STORMS_AT_SEA, //265 this is no longer an event, so should be removed ;MESS_POOR_HEALTH, //269 this is no longer an event, so should be removed ;MESS_MINE_COLLAPSES, //270 this is no longer an event, so should be removed ;MESS_PIT_FLOODS, //271 this is no longer an event, so should be removed ;MESS_TRADE_INCREASED, //273 This is covered by another event, already in Zeus eventmsg.txt. The template is still needed in Zeus_MM, however. ;MESS_TRADE_DECREASED, //274 This is covered by another event, already in Zeus eventmsg.txt. The template is still needed in Zeus_MM, however. ;MESS_PRICE_RISES, //277 This is covered by another event, already in Zeus eventmsg.txt. The template is still needed in Zeus_MM, however. ;MESS_PRICE_FALLS, //278 This is covered by another event, already in Zeus eventmsg.txt. The template is still needed in Zeus_MM, however. ;*******************Formerly MESS_ROME_ROAD_BLOCKED, //279 PHRASE_road_rome_blocked_title "Road to Greece blocked" PHRASE_road_rome_blocked_initial_announcement "Oh great [player_name], a building is cutting your city off from the rest of Greece. Superintendents will destroy the offending structure." PHRASE_road_rome_blocked_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_road_rome_blocked_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_road_rome_blocked_initial_announcement "Superintendents must clear an obstruction to the road to Greece." PHRASE_CONDENSED_road_rome_blocked_no_reason "N/A" ;**************THE FOLLOWING TUTORIAL "SPECIAL EVENTS" ARE NOT CURRENTLY NEEDED. ;MESS_KINGDOM_MAP, //282 - special event ;MESS_MONUMENTS, //283 - special event ;MESS_TUTORIAL_09, //284 - special event ;MESS_TUTORIAL_10, //285 - special event ;*******************Formerly MESS_LEGION_RETURNS_BAD, //287 PHRASE_legion_returns_bad_title "Defeated warriors return" PHRASE_legion_returns_bad_initial_announcement "Oh great [player_name], [reason_phrase] some of your soldiers have returned in defeat, downtrodden and ashamed at their failure on the battlefield at [city_name]." PHRASE_legion_returns_bad_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_legion_returns_bad_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_legion_returns_bad_initial_announcement "Some of your soldiers have returned from [city_name] in defeat." PHRASE_CONDENSED_legion_returns_bad_no_reason "N/A" ;*******************Formerly MESS_LEGION_RETURNS_GOOD, //288 PHRASE_legion_returns_good_title "Victorious warriors return!" PHRASE_legion_returns_good_initial_announcement "Exalted [player_name], some of your soldiers have returned, victorious, from defending the city of [city_name]. They are holding their heads up high, proud of their success. [leader_name], leader of [city_name], is relieved." PHRASE_legion_returns_good_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_legion_returns_good_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_legion_returns_good_initial_announcement "Your soldiers have returned, victorious, from [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_legion_returns_good_no_reason "N/A" ;*******************Formerly MESS_GOT_ENOUGH_DEBENS, //309 PHRASE_got_enough_debens_title "Tribute ready" PHRASE_got_enough_debens_initial_announcement "Most noble [player_name] your coffers are now full enough to pay the tribute you owe to your overlord, [leader_name] of [city_name]." PHRASE_got_enough_debens_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_enough_debens_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_enough_debens_initial_announcement "Tribute for [city_name] is ready for payment." PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_enough_debens_no_reason "N/A" ;*******************Formerly MESS_GOT_GOODS_STOCKS, (NO LONGER USED) //314 PHRASE_got_goods_stocks_title "Tribute ready for [city_name]" PHRASE_got_goods_stocks_initial_announcement "Noble [player_name], you now have enough goods stored to pay the tribute you owe to your master, [leader_name] of [city_name]." PHRASE_got_goods_stocks_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_goods_stocks_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_goods_stocks_initial_announcement "Tribute for [city_name] is ready." PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_goods_stocks_no_reason "N/A" ;*******************Formerly MESS_ROAD_TO_ROME2, //315 PHRASE_road_to_rome2_title "Road to Greece cleared" PHRASE_road_to_rome2_initial_announcement "Oh great [player_name], superintendents have destroyed buildings blocking the road to the rest of Greece. Immigrants, emigrants and traders can now come and go again." PHRASE_road_to_rome2_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_road_to_rome2_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_road_to_rome2_initial_announcement "Superintendents have cleared an obstruction to the road to Greece." PHRASE_CONDENSED_road_to_rome2_no_reason "N/A" ;MESS_HEALTH_SYSTEM, //318 - special event, not needed. ;*******************Formerly MESS_DISEASE, //326 PHRASE_disease_title "Disease strikes" PHRASE_disease_initial_announcement "[greeting] [player_name], disease has struck the city! Take whatever measures necessary, like building more Infirmaries, to avoid this horror in the future" PHRASE_disease_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_disease_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_disease_initial_announcement "Disease has struck the city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_disease_no_reason "N/A" ;*******************Formerly MESS_PLAGUE, //327 PHRASE_plague_title "Plague strikes" PHRASE_plague_initial_announcement "Oh great [player_name], plague has broken out in the city! Make sure your citizens have enough food to eat and have access to healers. Otherwise, you may face this horrible fate again." PHRASE_plague_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_plague_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_plague_initial_announcement "Plague has struck the city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_plague_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_oracle_nothing_title "The Oracle is silent" PHRASE_oracle_nothing_initial_announcement "The mysterious and enigmatic Oracle has nothing to predict at this time..." PHRASE_oracle_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_oracle_nothing_title "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_oracle_nothing_initial_announcement "The oracle has nothing to predict." PHRASE_CONDENSED_oracle_no_reason "" PHRASE_herems_help_fulfill_next_title "Hermes offers help" PHRASE_hermes_help_fulfill_next "Hermes will fulfill an outstanding request on your city, at no cost to you!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_help_fulfill_next "Hermes will fulfill a request." ;*************** Lose game phrases ********************* PHRASE_lose_title "Failure!" PHRASE_lose_economical "Goodbye, [player_name]. You have been ousted by angry citizens and forcibly removed because you couldn't pull your city out of debt. " PHRASE_lose_military "So long, [player_name]. an enemy army has thoroughly trounced you for the second time. They have ousted you." PHRASE_lose_parent_destroyed "Your city is forfeit, [player_name]. You cannot possibly support a colony without a parent city." PHRASE_lose_parent_falls "Your city has been taken from you, [player_name], because our parent city, [city_name], fell to our rival, [rival_city_name]. Your city will now be under the control of your rival, and you must find another job." PHRASE_lose_out_of_time "Too bad, [player_name] You have lost your city because you have run out of time. Next time, remember Hermes and try to imitate his speed." PHRASE_CONDENSED_lose_title "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_lose_economical "You lost because you cannot get out of debt." PHRASE_CONDENSED_lose_military "You lost because an enemy defeated you." PHRASE_CONDENSED_lose_parent_destroyed "You lost because your parent city was destroyed." PHRASE_CONDENSED_lose_parent_falls "You lost because your parent city was taken over." PHRASE_CONDENSED_lose_out_of_time "You lost because you ran out of time." ;************* enemy defeats you and you have to pay tribute ********* PHRASE_enemy_victorious_title "Defeat!" PHRASE_enemy_victorious_initial_announcement "Most noble [player_name], woe belongs to us this day! Our city has been conquered by our foul rival, [leader_name] of [city_name], and we are forced to pay this brigand tribute! The shackles of servitude are already beginning to chafe!" PHRASE_enemy_victorious_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_enemy_victorious_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_enemy_victorious_initial_announcement "You lost and must now pay tribute." PHRASE_CONDENSED_enemy_victorious_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Raiding party wiped out*********** PHRASE_raiding_party_wiped_out_title "Raiders wiped out at [city_name]!" PHRASE_raiding_party_wiped_out_initial_announcement "Oh great [player_name], your plans have gone awry! The raiding party that you sent to plunder [city_name] has been wiped out!" PHRASE_raiding_party_wiped_out_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_raiding_party_wiped_out_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_raiding_party_wiped_out_initial_announcement "Our raiding party has been destroyed!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_raiding_party_wiped_out_no_reason "N/A" ;**************Raiding party returns*********** PHRASE_raiding_party_returns_title "[itemshort] plundered from [city_name]!" PHRASE_raiding_party_returns_granted "Most noble [player_name], our raiding party has triumphantly returned, their packs overloaded with [amount] [item] that they plundered from [city_name]." PHRASE_raiding_party_returns_cash_granted "Exalted [player_name], our raiding party has returned with [amount] drachmas as plunder from [city_name]. They'll deposit the money directly into your treasury!" PHRASE_raiding_party_returns_partial_space "Oh great [player_name], our raiding party has come back from [city_name] with [amount] [item], but you do not have enough storage space for it. You could take half of it now. Or, you can clear up some space and the raiders can bring the plunder back next month." PHRASE_raiding_party_returns_insufficient_space "Honorable [player_name], our raiding party has victoriously returned with [amount] [item] plundered from [city_name]. Regrettably, you do not have enough space to store these gains. The raiders will hold on to the items for now, and return next month to try to deposit the [itemshort] then. Make sure you have the space for it." PHRASE_raiding_party_returns_last_chance "Noble [player_name], you still don't have enough space to store all of the [itemshort] plundered from [city_name]. If you do not accept a partial deposit now, you won't have another chance." PHRASE_raiding_party_returns_forfeited "Oh great [player_name], you still don't have enough space to store the [itemshort] plundered from [city_name]. The raiders have decided to keep the plunder for themselves." PHRASE_raiding_party_returns_accepted "Oh noble [player_name], your storage facilities have been filled with as much of the [amount] [item] plundered from [city_name] as they can store." PHRASE_raiding_party_returns_cash_accepted "Your treasury glistens with the [amount_granted] drachmas stolen from [city_name]." PHRASE_raiding_party_returns_postponed "The raiding party will return in one month with the [itemshort]." PHRASE_raiding_party_returns_refused "You have refused the plunder from [city_name], and the raiders have appropriated it for themselves!" PHRASE_raiding_party_returns_accepted_reason "because you plundered [amount] [item] from [city_name]," PHRASE_raiding_party_returns_forfeited_reason "because you did not accept the plunder of [amount] [item] from [city_name]," PHRASE_raiding_party_returns_refused_reason "because you refused to accept the plunder of [amount] [item] from [city_name]," PHRASE_raiding_party_returns_no_reason "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_raiding_party_returns_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_raiding_party_returns_granted "The raiding party has returned from [city_name] with plunder." PHRASE_CONDENSED_raiding_party_returns_cash_granted "The raiding party has returned with [amount] drachmas from [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_raiding_party_returns_partial_space "Accept partial plunder from [city_name], or make room." PHRASE_CONDENSED_raiding_party_returns_insufficient_space "Make room to accept plunder from [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_raiding_party_returns_last_chance "Accept plunder from [city_name] now or forfeit it." PHRASE_CONDENSED_raiding_party_returns_forfeited "Still not enough space for plunder from [city_name]. It is forfeit." PHRASE_CONDENSED_raiding_party_returns_accepted "As much as possible of plunder from [city_name] has been accepted." PHRASE_CONDENSED_raiding_party_returns_cash_accepted "Treasury filled with [amount_granted] drachmas plundered from [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_raiding_party_returns_postponed "Plunder from [city_name] will be offered again next month." PHRASE_CONDENSED_raiding_party_returns_refused "Plunder from [city_name] refused." PHRASE_CONDENSED_raiding_party_returns_accepted_reason "because you plundered [itemshort] from [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_raiding_party_returns_forfeited_reason "because you did not accept the plunder of [amount] [item] from [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_raiding_party_returns_refused_reason "because you refused the plunder of [amount] [item] from [city_name]" PHRASE_CONDENSED_raiding_party_returns_no_reason "" ;********************NON FAVOR-AFFECTING EVENTS*********************** PHRASE_aphrodite_disaster_history "Suffered wrath of Aphrodite" PHRASE_apollo_disaster_history "Suffered wrath of Apollo" PHRASE_ares_disaster_history "Suffered wrath of Ares" PHRASE_artemis_disaster_history "Suffered wrath of Artemis" PHRASE_athena_disaster_history "Suffered wrath of Athena" PHRASE_demeter_disaster_history "Suffered wrath of Demeter" PHRASE_dionysus_disaster_history "Suffered wrath of Dionysus" PHRASE_hades_disaster_history "Suffered wrath of Hades" PHRASE_hephaestus_disaster_history "Suffered wrath of Hephaestus" PHRASE_hermes_disaster_history "Suffered wrath of Hermes" PHRASE_poseidon_disaster_history "Suffered wrath of Poseidon" PHRASE_zeus_disaster_history "Suffered wrath of Zeus" PHRASE_economic_change_history_D "Suffered economic decline" PHRASE_economic_change_history_I "Enjoyed economic prosperity" PHRASE_military_change_history_I "Added to military forces" PHRASE_military_change_history_D "Reduced military forces" PHRASE_trade_opens_up_history "Began trading" PHRASE_trade_resumed_history "Resumed trading" PHRASE_trade_shuts_down_history "Stopped trading" PHRASE_trade_suspended_history "Suspended trade" PHRASE_rebellion_tribute_suspended_history "Rebelled and suspended payment of tribute" PHRASE_rebellion_over_tribute_resumed_history "Ended a period of rebellion and became loyal once again" PHRASE_rebellion_quelled_tribute_resumed_history "You quelled the rebellion at [city_affected]" PHRASE_tribute_resumed_history "Resumed paying tribute" PHRASE_tribute_suspended_history "Suspended paying tribute" PHRASE_demand_change_history_D "Decreased demand for [itemshort]" PHRASE_supply_change_history_D "Decreased quantity of [itemshort] for export" PHRASE_demand_change_history_I "Increased demand for [itemshort]" PHRASE_supply_change_history_I "Increased amount of [itemshort] for export" PHRASE_ally_conquered_by_rival_history "[city_affected] was conquered by a rival" PHRASE_ally_destroyed_by_rival_history "[city_affected] was destroyed by a rival" PHRASE_becomes_ally_history "[city_affected] became your ally" PHRASE_becomes_rival_history "[city_affected] became your rival" PHRASE_becomes_vassal_history "[city_affected] became your vassal" PHRASE_city_conquered_by_player_history "[city_affected] was conquered by your army" ;*******next two events can share phrases PHRASE_colony_conquered_by_rival_history "[city_affected] was conquered by a rival" PHRASE_vassal_conquered_by_rival_history "[city_affected] was conquered by a rival" PHRASE_colony_devastated_by_rival_history "[city_affected] was devastated by a rival" PHRASE_colony_restored_history "Restored after being devastated" PHRASE_swears_fealty_history "[city_affected] swore fealty to you" PHRASE_vassal_destroyed_by_rival_history "[city_affected] was destroyed by a rival" PHRASE_ally_destroyed_by_monster_history "[city_affected] was destroyed by a monster" PHRASE_colony_devastated_by_monster_history "[city_affected] was devastated by a monster" ;**********************FAVOR AFFECTING EVENTS FOLLOW********************************* PHRASE_gift_received_money_history "You made a gift of cash to [city_affected]" PHRASE_gift_received_needs_history "You gave much needed [itemshort] to [city_affected]" PHRASE_gift_received_doesnt_need_history "You gave [itemshort] to [city_affected], which it didn't need" PHRASE_gift_received_produces_history "You gave [itemshort] to [city_affected], which it has plenty of" PHRASE_rescue_cash_history "[city_affected] had to help you out of financial problems" ;REQUESTS ;(the following four events may not need the tone index) PHRASE_ally_terrorized_early_history "Your forces arrived early to defend [city_affected]" PHRASE_ally_terrorized_comply_history "You gave forces to defend [city_affected] from attack" PHRASE_ally_terrorized_too_late_history "You helped [city_affected] vs. a monster, but late" PHRASE_ally_terrorized_refuse_history "You failed to give forces to defend [city_affected]" PHRASE_colony_terrorized_early_history "You defended [city_affected] from a monster" PHRASE_colony_terrorized_comply_history "You defended [city_affected] from a monster" PHRASE_colony_terrorized_too_late_history "You helped [city_affected] vs. a monster, but late" PHRASE_colony_terrorized_refuse_history "You failed to help [city_affected] against a monster" PHRASE_parentcity_terrorized_early_history "You defended [city_affected] from a monster" PHRASE_parentcity_terrorized_comply_history "You defended [city_affected] from a monster" PHRASE_parentcity_terrorized_too_late_history "You helped [city_affected] vs. a monster, but late" PHRASE_parentcity_terrorized_refuse_history "You failed to help [city_affected] against a monster" PHRASE_vassal_terrorized_early_history "You defended [city_affected] from a monster" PHRASE_vassal_terrorized_comply_history "You defended [city_affected] from a monster" PHRASE_vassal_terrorized_too_late_history "You helped [city_affected] vs. a monster, but late" PHRASE_vassal_terrorized_refuse_history "You didn't help [city_affected] against a monster" PHRASE_building_project_early_history_D "You met a demand for [itemshort] from [city_affected] early" PHRASE_building_project_comply_history_D "You met a demand for [itemshort] from [city_affected] on time" PHRASE_building_project_too_late_history_D "You met a demand for [itemshort] from [city_affected] too late" PHRASE_building_project_refuse_history_D "You refused to meet a demand for [itemshort] from [city_affected]" PHRASE_building_project_early_history_P "You answered a plea for [itemshort] from [city_affected] early" PHRASE_building_project_comply_history_P "You answered a plea for [itemshort] from [city_affected] on time" PHRASE_building_project_too_late_history_P "You answered a plea for [itemshort] from [city_affected] too late" PHRASE_building_project_refuse_history_P "You refused to answer a plea for [itemshort] from [city_affected]" PHRASE_building_project_early_history_R "You fulfilled a requisition for [itemshort] from [city_affected] early" PHRASE_building_project_comply_history_R "You fulfilled a requisition for [itemshort] from [city_affected]" PHRASE_building_project_too_late_history_R "You fulfilled a requisition for [itemshort] from [city_affected], though late" PHRASE_building_project_refuse_history_R "You didn't fulfill a requisition from [city_affected]" PHRASE_building_project_early_history_S "You fulfilled a request for [itemshort] from [city_affected] early" PHRASE_building_project_comply_history_S "You fulfilled a request for [itemshort] from [city_affected]" PHRASE_building_project_too_late_history_S "You fulfilled a request for [itemshort] from [city_affected], though late" PHRASE_building_project_refuse_history_S "You didn't fulfill a request from [city_affected] for [itemshort]" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_early_history_D "You met a demand for food from [city_affected] early" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_comply_history_D "You met a demand for food from [city_affected] on time" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_too_late_history_D "You met a demand for food from [city_affected] too late" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_refuse_history_D "You refused to meet a demand for food from [city_affected]" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_early_history_P "You answered a plea for food from [city_affected] early" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_comply_history_P "You answered a plea for food from [city_affected] on time" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_too_late_history_P "You answered a plea for food from [city_affected] too late" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_refuse_history_P "You refused to answer a plea for food from [city_affected]" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_early_history_R "You fulfilled a food requisition from [city_affected] early" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_compy_history_R "You fulfilled a food requisition from [city_affected] on time" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_too_late_history_R "You fulfilled a food requisition from [city_affected], but late" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief_refuse_history_R "You failed to fulfill a food requisition from [city_affected]" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief__early_history_S "You fulfilled a request for food from [city_affected] early" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief__comply_history_S "You fulfilled a request for food from [city_affected] on time" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief__too_late_history_S "You fulfilled a request for food from [city_affected] too late" PHRASE_famine_relief_relief__refuse_history_S "You refused to fulfill a request for food from [city_affected]" PHRASE_financial_woes_early_history_D "You met a demand for money from [city_affected] early" PHRASE_financial_woes_comply_history_D "You met a demand for money from [city_affected] on time" PHRASE_financial_woes_too_late_history_D "You met a demand for money from [city_affected] too late" PHRASE_financial_woes_refuse_history_D "You refused to meet a demand for money from [city_affected]" PHRASE_financial_woes_early_history_P "You answered a plea for money from [city_affected] early" PHRASE_financial_woes_comply_history_P "You answered a plea for money from [city_affected] on time" PHRASE_financial_woes_too_late_history_P "You answered a plea for money from [city_affected] too late" PHRASE_financial_woes_refuse_history_P "You refused to answer a plea for money from [city_affected]" PHRASE_financial_woes_early_history_R "You fulfilled a cash requisition from [city_affected] early" PHRASE_financial_woes_comply_history_R "You fulfilled a cash requisition from [city_affected] on time" PHRASE_financial_woes_too_late_history_R "You fulfilled a cash requisition from [city_affected], but late" PHRASE_financial_woes_refuse_history_R "You failed to fulfill a cash requisition from [city_affected]" PHRASE_financial_woes_early_history_S "You fulfilled a request for money from [city_affected] early" PHRASE_financial_woes_comply_history_S "You fulfilled a request for money from [city_affected] on time" PHRASE_financial_woes_too_late_history_S "You fulfilled a request for money from [city_affected] too late" PHRASE_financial_woes_refuse_history_S "You refused to fulfill a request for money from [city_affected]" PHRASE_general_request_early_history_D "You met a demand for [itemshort] from [city_affected] early" PHRASE_general_request_comply_history_D "You met a demand for [itemshort] from [city_affected] on time" PHRASE_general_request_too_late_history_D "You met a demand for [itemshort] from [city_affected] too late" PHRASE_general_request_refuse_history_D "You refused to give [itemshort] to [city_affected]" PHRASE_general_request_early_history_P "You answered a plea for [itemshort] from [city_affected] early" PHRASE_general_request_comply_history_P "You answered a plea for [itemshort] from [city_affected] on time" PHRASE_general_request_too_late_history_P "You answered a plea for [itemshort] from [city_affected] too late" PHRASE_general_request_refuse_history_P "You refused to give [itemshort] to [city_affected]" s PHRASE_general_request_early_history_R "You gave requisitioned [itemshort] to [city_affected] early" PHRASE_general_request_comply_history_R "You gave requisitioned [itemshort] to [city_affected] on time" PHRASE_general_request_too_late_history_R "You gave requisitioned [itemshort] to [city_affected], but late" PHRASE_general_request_refuse_history_R "You refused to give [itemshort] to [city_affected]" PHRASE_general_request_early_history_S "You gave requested [itemshort] to [city_affected] early" PHRASE_general_request_comply_history_S "You gave requested [itemshort] to [city_affected] on time" PHRASE_general_request_too_late_history_S "You gave requested [itemshort] to [city_affected], but late" PHRASE_general_request_refuse_history_S "You refused to give [itemshort] to [city_affected]" PHRASE_great_festival_early_history_D "You gave [itemshort] for a festival to [city_affected] early" PHRASE_great_festival_comply_history_D "You gave [itemshort] for a festival to [city_affected] on time" PHRASE_great_festival_too_late_history_D "You gave [itemshort] for a festival to [city_affected] too late" PHRASE_great_festival_refuse_history_D "You refused to give [itemshort] for a festival to [city_affected]" PHRASE_great_festival_early_history_P "You gave [itemshort] for a festival to [city_affected] early" PHRASE_great_festival_comply_history_P "You gave [itemshort] for a festival to [city_affected] on time" PHRASE_great_festival_too_late_history_P "You gave [itemshort] for a festival to [city_affected] too late" PHRASE_great_festival_refuse_history_P "You refused to give [itemshort] for a festival to [city_affected]" PHRASE_great_festival_early_history_R "You gave [itemshort] for a festival to [city_affected] early" PHRASE_great_festival_comply_history_R "You gave [itemshort] for a festival to [city_affected] on time" PHRASE_great_festival_too_late_history_R "You gave [item] for a festival to [city_affected] too late" PHRASE_great_festival_refuse_history_R "You refused to give [itemshort] for a festival to [city_affected]" PHRASE_great_festival_early_history_S "You gave [itemshort] for a festival to [city_affected] early" PHRASE_great_festival_comply_history_S "You gave [itemshort] for a festival to [city_affected] on time" PHRASE_great_festival_too_late_history_S "You gave [itemshort] for a festival to [city_affected] too late" PHRASE_great_festival_refuse_history_S "You refused to give [itemshort] for a festival to [city_affected]" PHRASE_tribute_due_early_history_D "You met a demand for tribute from [city_affected] early" PHRASE_tribute_due_comply_history_D "You met a demand for tribute from [city_affected] on time" PHRASE_tribute_due_too_late_history_D "You met a demand for tribute from [city_affected] too late" PHRASE_tribute_due_refuse_history_D "You refused to meet a demand for tribute from [city_affected]" ;NEXT FOUR EVENTS CAN SHARE PHRASES ("...under attack") PHRASE_ally_under_attack_early_history_S "Your forces arrived early to defend [city_affected]" PHRASE_ally_under_attack_comply_history_S "You gave forces to defend [city_affected] from attack" PHRASE_ally_under_attack_too_late_history_S "You gave forces to defend [city_affected], but they arrived late" PHRASE_ally_under_attack_refuse_history_S "You failed to give forces to defend [city_affected]" PHRASE_colony_under_attack_early_history_P "Your forces arrived early to defend [city_affected]" PHRASE_colony_under_attack_comply_history_P "You gave forces to defend [city_affected] from attack" PHRASE_colony_under_attack_too_late_history_P "You gave forces to defend [city_affected], but they arrived late" PHRASE_colony_under_attack_refuse_history_P "You failed to give forces to defend [city_affected]" PHRASE_parentcity_under_attack_early_history_R "Your forces arrived early to defend [city_affected]" PHRASE_parentcity_under_attack_comply_history_R "You gave forces to defend [city_affected] from attack" PHRASE_parentcity_under_attack_too_late_history_R "You gave forces to defend [city_affected], but they arrived late" PHRASE_parentcity_under_attack_refuse_history_R "You failed to give forces to defend [city_affected]" PHRASE_vassal_under_attack_early_history_P "Your forces arrived early to defend [city_affected]" PHRASE_vassal_under_attack_comply_history_P "You gave forces to defend [city_affected] from attack" PHRASE_vassal_under_attack_too_late_history_P "You gave forces to defend [city_affected], but they arrived late" PHRASE_vassal_under_attack_refuse_history_P "You failed to give forces to defend [city_affected]" ;NEXT TWO EVENTS CAN SHARE PHRASES ("...attacks rival") PHRASE_ally_attacks_rival_early_history_S "You gave forces to help [city_affected] attack a rival early" PHRASE_ally_attacks_rival_comply_history_S "You gave forces to help [city_affected] attack a rival" PHRASE_ally_attacks_rival_too_late_history_S "You gave forces too late to help [city_affected] attack a rival" PHRASE_ally_attacks_rival_refuse_history_S "You refused to help [city_affected] attack a rival" PHRASE_vassal_attacks_rival_early_history_P "You gave forces to help [city_affected] attack a rival early" PHRASE_vassal_attacks_rival_comply_history_P "You gave forces to help [city_affected] attack a rival" PHRASE_vassal_attacks_rival_too_late_history_P "You gave forces too late to help [city_affected] attack a rival" PHRASE_vassal_attacks_rival_refuse_history_P "You refused to help [city_affected] attack a rival" ;*************HISTORY PHRASES FOR PLAYER ACTIONS FOLLOW************************* ;attacks (including strike) PHRASE_player_attacked_history "You attacked [city_affected]" PHRASE_player_raided_history "You raided [city_affected]" PHRASE_player_struck_history "You ordered an attack on [city_affected]" ;requests PHRASE_player_requests_goods_history "You requested [itemshort] from [city_affected]" PHRASE_player_requests_troops_history "You requested military forces from [city_affected]" PHRASE_player_requests_strike_history "You relied on [city_affected] for a military strike" ;player gifts use "gift_received" events, which are needs-specific PHRASE_player_waives_tribute "You waived payment of tribute" ; Landslide phrases PHRASE_landslide_title "Landslide!" PHRASE_landslide_initial_announcement "Oh great [player_name], your citizens are dismayed and shocked! Boulders have come cascading down the mountainside into our city, knocking down everything in their paths! Some of our land is covered with rocks and completely unusable! How will we make it through this nightmare?" PHRASE_landslide_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_landslide_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_landslide_initial_announcement "A landslide has struck the city!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_landslide_no_reason "" ;********City becomes active**************************** PHRASE_city_active_title "[city_name] blossoms" PHRASE_city_active_initial_announcement "[greeting] [player_name], under the leadership of [leader_name], [city_name] has grown into a significant city, no longer isolated from the rest of the world." PHRASE_city_active_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_city_active_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_city_active_initial_announcement "[city_name] begins relations with the world." PHRASE_CONDENSED_city_active_no_reason "N/A" ;********City becomes inactive**************************** PHRASE_city_inactive_title "[city_name] withers" PHRASE_city_inactive_initial_announcement "[greeting] [player_name], the city of [city_name] has fallen into disarray and has gone into isolation, separating itself from the world. Any relations you might have had with the city have been severed." PHRASE_city_inactive_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_city_inactive_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_city_inactive_initial_announcement "[city_name] goes into isolation." PHRASE_CONDENSED_city_inactive_no_reason "N/A" ;********City appears**************************** PHRASE_city_appears_title "[city_name] discovered!" PHRASE_city_appears_initial_announcement "Greetings, [player_name], explorers have returned from their exploits and report that they have discovered a place called [city_name]." PHRASE_city_appears_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_city_appears_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_city_appears_initial_announcement "A place called [city_name] has been discovered." PHRASE_CONDENSED_city_appears_no_reason "N/A" ;********City disappears**************************** PHRASE_city_disappears_title "[city_name] withers away" PHRASE_city_disappears_initial_announcement "Greetings, [player_name]. [city_name] is no more. It is as if it has been wiped off the face of the earth." PHRASE_city_disappears_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_city_disappears_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_city_disappears_initial_announcement "[city_name] is no more." PHRASE_CONDENSED_city_disappears_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_city_active_history "Began to interact with the world" PHRASE_city_inactive_history "Ceased all contact with the world" PHRASE_city_appears_history "Discovered" PHRASE_city_disappears_history "Passed away" ;***************************God player city Invasion Trade interruption ends********************************************* ;*********************Zeus invasion ends PHRASE_zeus_invasion_trade_resumes_title "Trade resumes" PHRASE_zeus_invasion_trade_resumes_initial_announcement "Zeus' rage has abated somewhat, and the desire for profit has overcome fear of angering the most powerful god in the pantheon. Trade caravans and ships have returned to your city to once again ply their wares." PHRASE_zeus_invasion_trade_resumes_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_invasion_trade_resumes_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_invasion_trade_resumes_initial_announcement "Trade has resumed." PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_invasion_trade_resumes_no_reason "N/A" ;*********************Poseidon invasion ends PHRASE_poseidon_invasion_trade_resumes_title "Sea trade resumes" PHRASE_poseidon_invasion_trade_resumes_initial_announcement "Poseidon has grown bored with stirring up the seas near your city. The tumultuous waters have calmed once again, and trade ships can return to your city" PHRASE_poseidon_invasion_trade_resumes_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_invasion_trade_resumes_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_invasion_trade_resumes_initial_announcement "Sea trade has resumed." PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_invasion_trade_resumes_no_reason "N/A" ;*********************Hermes invasion ends PHRASE_hermes_invasion_trade_resumes_title "Land trade resumes" PHRASE_hermes_invasion_trade_resumes_initial_announcement "Hermes believes that you have learned your lesson for now. The trade caravans he diverted from your city can now return." PHRASE_hermes_invasion_trade_resumes_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_invasion_trade_resumes_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_invasion_trade_resumes_initial_announcement "Land trade has resumed." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_invasion_trade_resumes_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_hydra_slain_reason "because you have killed the hideous Hydra," PHRASE_kraken_slain_reason "because you have killed Kraken, consigning him to the deep," PHRASE_cerberus_slain_reason "because you destroyed the fearsome Cerberus," PHRASE_cyclops_slain_reason "because you dispatched Cyclops to the Underworld," PHRASE_minotaur_slain_reason "because you rebuffed the Minotaur's charge and killed him," PHRASE_medusa_slain_reason "because Medusa has been killed and can no longer turn people to stone," PHRASE_calydonian_boar_slain_reason "because you killed the hulking Calydonian Boar," PHRASE_dragon_slain_reason "because you vanquished the mighty Dragon," PHRASE_talos_slain_reason "because you have dismantled Talos," PHRASE_hector_slain_reason "because you defeated the fierce soldier Hector," PHRASE_scylla_slain_reason "because you destroyed the unnatural Scylla," PHRASE_maenads_slain_reason "because you killed the mad Maenad," PHRASE_CONDENSED_hydra_slain_reason "because you slew Hydra" PHRASE_CONDENSED_kraken_slain_reason "because you slew Kraken" PHRASE_CONDENSED_cerberus_slain_reason "because you slew Cerberus" PHRASE_CONDENSED_cyclops_slain_reason "because you slew Cyclops" PHRASE_CONDENSED_minotaur_slain_reason "because you slew Minotaur" PHRASE_CONDENSED_medusa_slain_reason "because you slew Medusa" PHRASE_CONDENSED_calydonian_boar_slain_reason "because you slew the Calydonian Boar" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dragon_slain_reason "because you slew the Dragon" PHRASE_CONDENSED_talos_slain_reason "because you slew Talos" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hector_slain_reason "because you slew Hector" PHRASE_CONDENSED_scylla_slain_reason "because you slew Scylla" PHRASE_CONDENSED_maenads_slain_reason "because you slew the Maenad" ;************************Sanctuary construction complete*************************** ;*******************Zeus sanctuary complete PHRASE_zeus_sanctuary_complete_title "Zeus' Stronghold complete" PHRASE_zeus_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "The Sanctuary to the great god Zeus now gloriously reaches toward his lofty home. Zeus is smiling upon you and will make sure that others in Greece smile upon you, too. In his beneficence, he has also conferred the gift of prophecy upon the priests at his sacred sanctuary, and they will be able to help you see the future of your city. Zeus has also made it known in Olympus that if any other god dare to threaten your city, he will personally see to it that no harm befall you." PHRASE_zeus_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_sanctuary_complete_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "Zeus' Stronghold is complete." PHRASE_CONDENSED_zeus_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" ;*******************Poseidon sanctuary complete PHRASE_poseidon_sanctuary_complete_title "Promontory of Poseidon complete" PHRASE_poseidon_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "All of the creatures of the sea are dancing today, for you have completed a Sanctuary to Poseidon! At his behest, Kraken has risen up from the deep to defend your city from harm. And, sea urchins and fish, the fruits of the sea, are more plentiful." PHRASE_poseidon_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_sanctuary_complete_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "The Promontory of Poseidon is complete." PHRASE_CONDENSED_poseidon_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" ;*******************Hades sanctuary complete PHRASE_hades_sanctuary_complete_title "Gates of Hades complete" PHRASE_hades_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "The ruler of the underworld is pleased today, for you have completed Hades' Sanctuary. As a reward, Hades has bequeathed to you silver from deep within the earth. He has also sent Cerberus to patrol your city's streets, rending the flesh of those who have foul intentions." PHRASE_hades_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_sanctuary_complete_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "Construction of Gates of Hades complete." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hades_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" ;*******************Demeter sanctuary complete PHRASE_demeter_sanctuary_complete_title "Garden of Demeter complete" PHRASE_demeter_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "The reward of honoring Demeter, goddess of fertility, with a Sanctuary is great indeed. She has touched the ground around her Sanctuary, turning it into life-sustaining land." PHRASE_demeter_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_sanctuary_complete_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "The Garden of Demeter is complete."' PHRASE_CONDENSED_demeter_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" ;*******************Athena sanctuary complete PHRASE_athena_sanctuary_complete_title "Arbor of Athena complete" PHRASE_athena_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "You have drawn the great Athena, goddess of warriors, crafts and wisdom, to your city by honoring her with a Sanctuary. Inspired by her very presence, your city's soldiers have grown stronger. A grove of olive trees has sprung up near her Sanctuary, and she herself has promised to help the city defend itself from both internal and external threats." PHRASE_athena_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_sanctuary_complete_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "The Arbor of Athena is complete." PHRASE_CONDENSED_athena_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" ;*******************Apollo sanctuary complete PHRASE_apollo_sanctuary_complete_title "Oracle of Apollo complete" PHRASE_apollo_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "Apollo is truly happy today because you have chosen to celebrate him with a Sanctuary. He has blessed the eyes of the priests in the Sanctuary, and they can now foresee the future. He has also endowed your athletes, competitors, actors and philosophers with increased talents and skills. Apollo also vows to protect your city from any hideous monsters sent to your city." PHRASE_apollo_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_sanctuary_complete_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "The Oracle of Apollo is complete." PHRASE_CONDENSED_apollo_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" ;*******************Artemis sanctuary complete PHRASE_artemis_sanctuary_complete_title "Artemis' Menagerie complete" PHRASE_artemis_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "The Sanctuary to Artemis is complete! The goddess of hunters has granted you use of her fabled Amazon army. She will also keep her eye on the dangerous wild beasts of the land and hunt them down if they should cause your city harm." PHRASE_artemis_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_sanctuary_complete_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "Artemis' Menagerie is now complete." PHRASE_CONDENSED_artemis_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" ;*******************Ares sanctuary complete PHRASE_ares_sanctuary_complete_title "Ares' Fortress complete" PHRASE_ares_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "The god of war is laughing with glee today. Tickled by the fact that you have completed a Sanctuary in his honor, he has sent a pair of companies of soldiers to defend your city in times of trouble. He has also granted you his Dragon who will smite down any enemies he happens to run across." PHRASE_ares_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_sanctuary_complete_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "Ares' Fortress is now complete." PHRASE_CONDENSED_ares_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" ;*******************Hephaestus sanctuary complete PHRASE_hephaestus_sanctuary_complete_title "Forge of Hephaestus complete" PHRASE_hephaestus_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "Hephaestus' Sanctuary now stands as a monument to fine craftsmanship. In gratitude for your worship, the Smith of Heaven has brought forth from the earth great deposits of copper for your use. And, as he does in his forge, he will control fire in your city, preventing your buildings from burning down." PHRASE_hephaestus_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_sanctuary_complete_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "The Forge of Hephaestus' is complete." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hephaestus_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" ;*******************Aphrodite sanctuary complete PHRASE_aphrodite_sanctuary_complete_title "Aphrodite's Haven complete" PHRASE_aphrodite_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "With the completion of her Sanctuary, Aphrodite, goddess of the tender passions, recognizes your love for her. Now, she shows you her love in return by making your city so attractive that its residents will never leave. She will also make sure your city is safe from some of the rougher, uncouth gods." PHRASE_aphrodite_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_sanctuary_complete_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "Aphrodite's Haven is now complete." PHRASE_CONDENSED_aphrodite_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" ;*******************Hermes sanctuary complete PHRASE_hermes_sanctuary_complete_title "Hermes' Refuge complete" PHRASE_hermes_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "The Sanctuary to the Messenger of Zeus, Hermes, is finished. The quickness that is Hermes' special gift will now be your city's. Deliverymen, trade caravans and trade ships will move at a quicker pace, and more traders will come to your city every year." PHRASE_hermes_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_sanctuary_complete_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "Hermes' Refuge is now complete." PHRASE_CONDENSED_hermes_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" ;*******************Dionysus sanctuary complete PHRASE_dionysus_sanctuary_complete_title "Grove of Dionysus complete" PHRASE_dionysus_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "Dionysus, god of the vine, raises his cup to you because you have completed a sanctuary in his honor. He has planted fruitful vines near his Sanctuary to help make sure that wine in your city never ceases to flow. The great god's presence has put everyone in the city in a good mood, and residents will never rise up and commit crimes." PHRASE_dionysus_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_sanctuary_complete_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_sanctuary_complete_initial_announcement "The Grove of Dionysus has been completed!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_dionysus_sanctuary_complete_no_reason "N/A" ;*****************Player's Tribute payment received by non-player city on time (not early) PHRASE_tribute_received_title "[city_name] acknowledges tribute" PHRASE_tribute_received_initial_announcement "Hello, underling. I, [leader_name] of [city_name], your overlord, have received your tribute." PHRASE_tribute_received_reason "N/A" PHRASE_tribute_received_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_received_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_received_initial_announcement "[city_name] acknowledges your tribute payment." PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_received_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_tribute_received_no_reason "N/A" ;********************TONE VARIATIONS WHEN COMPLIANCE WITH CASH REQUEST POSSIBLE PHRASE_got_enough_debens_S_title "Money for [city_name] ready" PHRASE_got_enough_debens_S_initial_announcement "Oh great [player_name] your coffers are now full enough to meet the request made by your ally, [leader_name] of [city_name]." PHRASE_got_enough_debens_S_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_enough_debens_S_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_enough_debens_S_initial_announcement "You have enough money to fulfill the request of [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_enough_debens_S_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_got_enough_debens_D_title "Money demanded by [city_name] ready" PHRASE_got_enough_debens_D_initial_announcement "Noble [player_name], you now have enough money saved to meet the demand made by your rival, [leader_name] of [city_name]." PHRASE_got_enough_debens_D_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_enough_debens_D_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_enough_debens_D_initial_announcement "You have enough money to meet the demand of [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_enough_debens_D_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_got_enough_debens_P_title "Money ready for [city_name]" PHRASE_got_enough_debens_P_initial_announcement "Exalted [player_name], you now have enough money saved to respond to the plea made by your subject, [leader_name] of [city_name]." PHRASE_got_enough_debens_P_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_enough_debens_P_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_enough_debens_P_initial_announcement "You have enough money to respond to the plea of [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_enough_debens_P_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_got_enough_debens_R_title "Money ready for [city_name]" PHRASE_got_enough_debens_R_initial_announcement "Noble [player_name], you now have enough money to comply with the request of [leader_name], governor of our parent city [city_name]." PHRASE_got_enough_debens_R_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_enough_debens_R_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_enough_debens_R_initial_announcement "You have enough money to fulfill the requisition of [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_enough_debens_R_no_reason "N/A" ;********************TONE VARIATIONS WHEN COMPLIANCE WITH GOODS REQUEST POSSIBLE ;*******************Formerly MESS_GOT_GOODS_STOCKS, //314 PHRASE_got_goods_stocks_S_title "[itemshort] ready for [city_name]" PHRASE_got_goods_stocks_S_initial_announcement "Noble [player_name], you can now fulfill an outstanding request for [itemshort] from [leader_name] of [city_name]." PHRASE_got_goods_stocks_S_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_goods_stocks_S_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_goods_stocks_S_initial_announcement "You have enough [itemshort] to send to [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_goods_stocks_S_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_got_goods_stocks_D_title "[itemshort] ready for [city_name]" PHRASE_got_goods_stocks_D_initial_announcement "Oh great [player_name], you now have enough [itemshort] stored to meet the demand made by [leader_name] of [city_name]." PHRASE_got_goods_stocks_D_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_goods_stocks_D_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_goods_stocks_D_initial_announcement "You have enough [itemshort] to send to [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_goods_stocks_D_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_got_goods_stocks_P_title "[itemshort] ready for [city_name]" PHRASE_got_goods_stocks_P_initial_announcement "Valiant [player_name], you now have enough [itemshort] stored to respond to the plea made by [leader_name] of [city_name]." PHRASE_got_goods_stocks_P_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_goods_stocks_P_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_goods_stocks_P_initial_announcement "You have enough [itemshort] to send to [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_goods_stocks_P_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_got_goods_stocks_R_title "[itemshort] ready for [city_name]" PHRASE_got_goods_stocks_R_initial_announcement "Oh great [player_name], you now have enough [itemshort] stored to fulfill the requisition made by [leader_name], your governor at [city_name]." PHRASE_got_goods_stocks_R_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_goods_stocks_R_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_goods_stocks_R_initial_announcement "You have enough [itemshort] to send to [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_got_goods_stocks_R_no_reason "N/A" ;********Invasion**************************************** PHRASE_invasion_lastchance_title "[city_name] out to destroy us!" PHRASE_invasion_lastchance_oracle_prediction "[greeting] [player_name], seers have looked into the black hearts of [a_foreign_army] from [city_name] and have seen nothing but malevolence there. They will launch an attack against your city within one year... and if they succeed, your city will be no longer." PHRASE_invasion_lastchance_initial_announcement "Horrors, [player_name], [reason_phrase] the [a_foreign_army] of [leader_name], leader of [city_name] is approaching and will try to invade the city in [time_until_attack] months. If you are defeated, you will never rise again." PHRASE_invasion_lastchance_2year_reminder "Beware, [player_name], [a_foreign_army] from [city_name] approaches ever closer to our city. They will arrive in two years' time, and if they defeat you, it will be your last battle on this earth." PHRASE_invasion_lastchance_1year_reminder "[greeting] [player_name], [a_foreign_army] from [city_name] is still on the move and will reach our city in one year. Unless you can defeat them, you will be stripped of your rule!" PHRASE_invasion_lastchance_6month_warning "[greeting] [player_name], in just six months, [a_foreign_army] from [city_name] will arrive to attack your city. Make sure you are prepared for their arrival, for if you lose, you shall rule the city no longer." PHRASE_invasion_lastchance_1month_Warning "[greeting] [player_name], the time to prepare has passed. In one month, [reason_phrase] [a_foreign_army] from [city_name] will arrive here, bent on conquest. You must defeat them, or [leader_name] will take over the city for good!" PHRASE_invasion_lastchance_city_attacked_alert "[greeting] [player_name], [a_foreign_army] from [city_name] is upon us, determined to conquer the city! You must win this battle, for if you don't, you will be defeated for good!" PHRASE_invasion_lastchance_reason "because your city was attacked by [a_foreign_army] from [city_name]" PHRASE_invasion_lastchance_no_reason "because he never really liked you much" PHRASE_invasion_lastchance_disembarked_alert "[greeting] [player_name], [a_foreign_army] from [city_name] has landed on our shores and has begun its attack. May your soldiers be filled with the spirit of Ares to fend off the attack." PHRASE_invasion_lastchance_1month_Warning_AC "[greeting] [player_name], the time to prepare has passed. In one month, [a_foreign_army] from [city_name] will arrive here to conquer you, [reason_phrase]. Your well-trained commanders are ready and will handle all the tactical decisions for you." PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_lastchance_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_lastchance_oracle_prediction "Seers predict that [a_foreign_army] will move towards your city within a year." PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_lastchance_initial_announcement "In [time_until_attack] months [a_foreign_army] will try to annihilate you." PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_lastchance_2year_reminder "[a_foreign_army] will attack in two years, to oust you for good!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_lastchance_1year_reminder "[a_foreign_army] will attack in one year, to oust you for good!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_lastchance_6month_warning "[a_foreign_army] will attack in six months, to oust you for good!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_lastchance_1month_Warning "[a_foreign_army] will attack in one month, to oust you for good!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_lastchance_city_attacked_alert "[a_foreign_army] is on our soil now, to oust you for good!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_lastchance_reason "because [a_foreign_army] attacked you" PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_lastchance_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_lastchance_disembarked_alert "[a_foreign_army] has landed, to oust you for good!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_invasion_lastchance_1month_Warning_AC "Generals await the arrival of [a_foreign_army] in one month." ; 1A *****************ARMY RETURNS FROM ALLY/VASSAL ATTACKS RIVAL TROOP REQUEST //287 PHRASE_legion_returns_city_attacks_rival_bad_title "Defeated warriors return" PHRASE_legion_returns_city_attacks_rival_bad_initial_announcement "Oh great [player_name], [reason_phrase] some of our forces have returned with their heads hung low from the battle at [rival_city_name]. Though they tried their best to help [leader_name] of [city_name] conquer the enemy, they failed." PHRASE_legion_returns_city_attacks_rival_bad_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_legion_returns_city_attacks_rival_bad_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_legion_returns_city_attacks_rival_bad_initial_announcement "[city_name] attack on [rival_city_name] fails. Defeated soldiers return." PHRASE_CONDENSED_legion_returns_city_attacks_rival_bad_no_reason "N/A" ;1B****************** PHRASE_legion_returns_city_attacks_rival_good_title "Victorious warriors return!" PHRASE_legion_returns_city_attacks_rival_good_initial_announcement "Exalted [player_name], your soldiers' happy shouting is heard throughout the city! They have returned from [rival_city_name] with the sweet taste of victory in their mouths. They talk fondly of the comeraderie they shared with the soldiers of [city_name]!" PHRASE_legion_returns_city_attacks_rival_good_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_legion_returns_city_attacks_rival_good_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_legion_returns_city_attacks_rival_good_initial_announcement "Victorious soldiers return." PHRASE_CONDENSED_legion_returns_city_attacks_rival_good_no_reason "N/A" ;2A*********ARMY RETURNS FROM PLAYER INITIATED ATTACK PHRASE_legion_returns_player_action_bad_title "Defeated warriors return" PHRASE_legion_returns_player_action_bad_initial_announcement "Oh great [player_name], our soldiers have returned from their failed assault on [city_name], hoping for a chance to redeem themeselves in the future." PHRASE_legion_returns_player_action_bad_no_reason "" PHRASE_CONDENSED_legion_returns_player_action_bad_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_legion_returns_player_action_bad_initial_announcement "Defeated soldiers return from assault on [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_legion_returns_player_action_bad_no_reason "N/A" ;2B**************** PHRASE_legion_returns_player_action_good_title "Victorious warriors return!" PHRASE_legion_returns_player_action_good_initial_announcement "Exalted [player_name], our brave soldiers have returned from their triumphant assault on [city_name]!" PHRASE_legion_returns_player_action_good_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_legion_returns_player_action_good_title "n/a" PHRASE_CONDENSED_legion_returns_player_action_good_initial_announcement "Your soldiers have returned, victorious, from the assault on [city_name]." PHRASE_CONDENSED_legion_returns_player_action_good_no_reason "N/A" ; USED WHEN PLAYER'S CITY IS SAVED VIA BRIBERY ;**************Player's city saved BY BRIBERY *********** PHRASE_players_city_saved_bribery_title "Invaders paid off!" PHRASE_players_city_saved_bribery_initial_announcement "Wonderful news, [player_name]! With your hard-earned drachmas in their hands, the soldiers of [city_name] are heading home, and our city is saved!" PHRASE_players_city_saved_bribery_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_players_city_saved_bribery_init_announcment_comm_monument "It's time to celebrate, [player_name]! The [nationality] forces from [city_name] were small indeed, at least compared to the size of your coffers! Our city is saved, and the money you gave the [nationality] forces was well spent! You can now build a Commemorative Monument so that we will always remember this great day!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_players_city_saved_bribery_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_players_city_saved_bribery_initial_announcement "The invaders have been paid off!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_players_city_saved_bribery_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_players_city_saved_bribery_init_announcment_comm_monument "Our city is saved! Build a Commemorative Monument." PHRASE_nemean_games_conclude_initial_announcement_won_history "your city's competitors won the nemean games" PHRASE_isthmian_games_conclude_initial_announcement_won_history "your city's competitors won the isthmian games" PHRASE_pythian_games_conclude_initial_announcement_won_history "your city's competitors won the pythian games" PHRASE_olympian_games_conclude_initial_announcement_won_history "your city's competitors won the olympian games" PHRASE_home_games_conclude_initial_announcement_history "your city hosted the [players_city_adjective] games" ;**************Strike unsuccessful*********** PHRASE_strike_successful_title "Strike on [rival_city_name] successful" PHRASE_strike_successful_initial_announcement "Most noble [player_name], I, [leader_name] of [city_name], am overjoyed to report that the strike you ordered on [rival_city_name] was successful! My soldiers are celebrating, and the people of [rival_city_name] are ashamed and bow down to you." PHRASE_strike_successful_no_reason "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_strike_successful_title "N/A" PHRASE_CONDENSED_strike_successful_initial_announcement "The strike on [rival_city_name] has succeeded!" PHRASE_CONDENSED_strike_successful_no_reason "N/A" ;**********ADDITIONAL HISTORY PHRASES FOR LOST BATTLE IN TROOP REQUESTS*********************** PHRASE_ally_under_attack_lost_battle_history_S "Your forces were too weak to help [city_affected]" PHRASE_colony_under_attack_lost_battle_history_P "Your forces were too weak to help [city_affected]" PHRASE_parentcity_under_attack_lost_battle_history_R "Your forces were too weak to defend [city_affected]" PHRASE_vassal_under_attack_lost_battle_history_P "Your forces were too weak to defend [city_affected]" PHRASE_ally_attacks_rival_lost_battle_history_S "Your forces were too weak to defend [city_affected]" PHRASE_vassal_attacks_rival_lost_battle_history_P "Your forces were too weak to defend [city_affected]" PHRASE_ally_terrorized_lost_battle_history "Your forces were too weak to defend [city_affected]" PHRASE_colony_terrorized_lost_battle_history "Your forces couldn't defend [city_affected]" PHRASE_parentcity_terrorized_lost_battle_history "Your forces couldn't defend [city_affected]" PHRASE_vassal_terrorized_lost_battle_history "Your forces couldn't defend [city_affected]" PHRASE_ally_conquers_rival_history "Conquered by your ally" PHRASE_vassal_conquers_rival_history "Conquered by your vassal" PHRASE_strike_successful_history "Conquered on your behalf"